136 research outputs found

    A QoS-Aware Routing Protocol for Real-time Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The paper presents a quality of service aware routing protocol which provides low latency for high priority packets. Packets are differentiated based on their priority by applying queuing theory. Low priority packets are transferred through less energy paths. The sensor nodes interact with the pivot nodes which in turn communicate with the sink node. This protocol can be applied in monitoring context aware physical environments for critical applications.Comment: 10 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1001.5339 by other author

    A Deadline Aware Real-time Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) find application in real-time events reporting and data gathering. When the sensor detects an event it is reported to the base stations, which then takes appropriate action. The course of action should have finite and bound delays defining a hard real-time constraint for time critical applications. This work proposes a network layer based, deadline aware real time routing protocol, which assumes a collision free known delay MAC (Medium Access Control) layer. The protocol works in three phases-the initialization phase, path establishment phase and the bandwidth division phase. This protocol ensures bounded delay in transmission of sensed data to the sink. It establishes a single path from each sensor node to the sink and allocates bandwidth for that path thereby reducing the time required for the sensed data to reach the sink

    A Packet Scheduling Strategy in Sensor Networks with SGMH Protocol

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    Data communication in sensor networks can have timing constraints like end to end deadlines. If the deadlines are not met either a catastrophe can happen in hard real time systems or performance deterioration can occur in soft real time systems. In real time sensor networks, the recovery of data through retransmission should be minimized due to the stringent requirements on the worst case time delays. This paper presents the application of Stop and Go Multihop protocol (SGMH) at node level in wireless sensor networks for scheduling and hence to meet the hard real time routing requirements. SGMH is a distributed multihop packet delivery algorithm. The fractions of the total available bandwidth on each channel is assigned to several traffic classes by which the time it takes to traverse each of the hops from the source to the destination is bounded. It is based on the notion of time frames (Tfr). In sensor networks packets can have different delay guarantees. Multiple frame sizes can be assigned for different traffic classes.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, IEEE , International Conference ICCCNT 2010, India, IEEE Explore- 2010, ISBN 978-1-4211-6591, pp 1-4, 30th September 201

    Eustachian tube function before and after surgery for mucosal chronic suppurative otitis media.

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    Introduction The Eustachian tube (ET), also called the pharyngotympanic tube, is a narrow passage made of bony and cartilaginous parts connecting the middle ear cleft to the nasopharynx. Normal ET function is necessary for ventilation of the middle ear (ME), maintaining the ME space and drainage of ME secretions. Any structural or functional abnormalities of ET can affect these functions and lead to negative ME pressure, fluid accumulation and, eventually, a perforation of the tympanic membrane. The pathogenesis of mucosal chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is thus believed to be linked to abnormal ET function. Materials and methods This study was performed in the ENT outpatient department at Christian Medical College Vellore, between May 2010 and July 2011. All patients aged 16 years and above with mucosal chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), who were scheduled to undergo surgery, were included in the study. A brief history of their problems and clinical findings, were entered into the proforma .Preoperatively otomicroscopic examination, pure tone audiogram, Valsalva maneuver and inflation-deflation test were done. Post operatively after 3 months, otomicroscopic examination, pure tone audiogram, Valsalva maneuver and tympanometry were done. Of a calculated sample size of 104 (180 patients with 40% loss to follow up), 106 patients were followed up. Results Preoperative Valsalva showed that the ET was patent in (54.9%). (62.6%)have blocked ET by the preoperative inflation-deflation test. 72.1% of the patients with a patent ET on Valsalva maneuver showed patent ET on the inflation deflation test also. The association between the 2 tests of ET function preoperatively was high and this was found to be statistically significant (p<0.01). When assessed by Valsalva maneuver and inflation-deflation test preoperatively and tympanometry postoperatively, if a patient had a blocked ET preoperatively there was a higher chance of it changing than if a patient had a patent tube (p<0.001). The success rate of tympanic membrane closure was 78.4%. Although the patients with non-patent ET had a higher rate of residual perforation, when assessed with Valsalva maneuver and inflation deflation test, there was no statistical correlation between preoperative eustachian tube status and postoperative graft status. Conclusion We arrived at 3 important conclusions in this study. Firstly, the ET appeared to be blocked in most patients with mucosal CSOM when assessed preoperatively with the inflation deflation test, whereas most appeared tube patent with the Valsalva maneuver. Secondly, there was a change in the ET function after surgery which was significant (p<0.001) when assessed with both Valsalva and inflation deflation preoperatively and tympanometry post operatively. The function of the ET tends to change from blocked towards patency, possibly due to the removal of the disease and return of normal physiological state after surgery. Finally, there was an increased tendency of a patient with blocked ET to develop a residual perforation, although this did not reach statistical significance

    Corticosteroids and the Sinonasal Microbime

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    Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), a disease of multifactorial aetiology characterised by the presence of infection and inflammation. The initial triggering factor/s and the perpetuating factor/s in the disease progression of CRS remains a matter of much debate. As a result of this, the treatment modalities in CRS is directed against infections using antibiotics and against inflammation using oral and topical steroids. Quiet often these therapies are given alone or in combinations for varying duration and frequency to bring clinical improvement in patients. The most unfortunate outcome is the chronicity of this disease despite multiple courses of medical therapies and in many cases, sinus surgeries. With the emergence of concepts of the microbiome and its implications in health and disease, and many chronic diseases linked to specific microbial alterations, the CRS microbiome have been extensively studied. This has led to the understanding that microbial richness and abundance are very individual specific and there are probably no clear demarcations between a healthy and a diseased sinus. However, a microbial dysbiosis could be associated with an inclination towards unhealthy state. Although antibiotics have been used to effectively to control a number of infections, their irrational use have led to the emergence of multidrug resistant organisms as well as microbial dysbiosis in humans with a potential to develop diseases. CRS is the number one reported condition for which antibiotics are prescribed at the peripheral general practice. Despite providing excellent clinical outcomes, corticosteroids are often combined with or are replaced by antibiotics in the treatment of CRS. This thesis, attempted to see if corticosteroids in addition to its anti-inflammatory property, had an effect on bacterial growth. We also investigated the usefulness and efficacy of antibiotics over corticosteroid therapy to determine if antibiotics are warranted as first line therapy in the medical management of CRS. Towards this, the aims of the study were: 7 1. To look at the potential antibacterial action of corticosteroid and the different excipients in a commercial preparation of topical nasal steroid in vitro. 2. To investigate the growth and metabolic response of a common CRS pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus in the presence of different concentration of corticosteroid. 3. Finally, to conduct a double-blinded, randomised placebo-controlled trial to better understand the usefulness and efficacy of corticosteroid and antibiotic therapies in CRS along with the probable microbiome changes they bring about and its influence on the clinical outcomes in these patients.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Adelaide Medical School, 201

    A Conceptual Model of Determinants of Students’ Intentions to Use Electronic Textbooks

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    The cost of college textbooks has been increasing steadily for the last two decades. New developments in e-textbook offerings and enhanced features that have made e-textbooks more user-friendly have provided students with an attractive alternative to traditional textbooks. The purpose of this paper was to understand the purchase intentions among college students for e-textbooks. Using Bagozzi’s Appraisal Emotional Reactions Coping Responses theory as a framework, this study conceptualizes a predictive model of students intention to use e-textbooks Study model indicates that Trust, Value, attitude towards the brand and environmental attitudes are key determinants of purchase intentions. E-textbook companies should offer products of significant value to induce purchase intentions. Enhanced student trust should lead to a more positive brand attitude

    Effect of seed invigoration with inorganic nanoparticles on seed yield in chilli (Capsicum annum)

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    An experiment was conducted to study the effect of seed invigoration with inorganic nanoparticles on plant growth and seed yield of chilli. Seed invigoration with nano particles of ZnO and TiO2 was found to be beneficial in improving yield and yield attributes. Seed treatment with nano ZnO @ 1300 mg kg-1 of seed and nano TiO2 @ 900 mg kg-1 exhibited increased plant height, fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit yield, number of seeds per fruit and seed yield

    Halogenation for improvement of seed yield and quality in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    Freshly harvested seeds of chilli variety Anugraha were treated with halogens namely Calcium oxy chloride (CaOCl2) and Iodine crystal (I2) indirectly through a carrier Calcium carbonate (CaCO3). The treatments included Control (Untreated), CaOCl2 + CaCO3 (2g each/kg seed), CaOCl2 + CaCO3 (4g each/kg seed), Iodine crystal + CaCO3 (50mg each/kg seed) and Iodine crystal + CaCO3 (100mg each/kg seed). &nbsp;Seed treatment with CaOCl2 + CaCO3 @2g each/kg seed registered significantly higher values for fruits per plant, fruit weight, seed yield per plant and hundred seed weight followed by CaOCl2 + CaCO3 @4g each/kg seed. The treatments, CaOCl2 + CaCO3 @2 g each/kg seed and Iodine crystal + CaCO3 @100mg each/kg seed performed superior in seed quality with higher seedling vigour and lower electrical conductivity of seed leachates over other treatments, while untreated control recorded least seedling vigour indices and highest electrical conductivity
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