45 research outputs found

    Reconstructing the trajectory of the August 1680 hurricane from contemporary records

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    This paper draws on a range of contemporary documentary evidence from the New and Old Worlds as well as from the oceanic regions to reconstruct the trajectory and intensity of an Atlantic hurricane from August 1680. In doing so, it offers the example of one of the earliest and most comprehensive hurricane reconstructions thus far attempted. The source material includes evidence from land-based observers and some of the earliest examples of instrumental barometric data from the Caribbean and from Europe; importantly, it also calls on the written accounts offered in ships' logbooks from various parts of the Atlantic. The latter provide the opportunity of tracking the system across the otherwise data-deficient areas of the North Atlantic as it recurved toward Europe. The findings are of intrinsic interest in documenting a notable historical event. They also offer a methodological model of how such a variety of documentary sources can be drawn together and used to identify, track, and reconstruct such events from the distant past and thereby improve the chronology of hurricanes and make more reliable our interpretation of their changing frequencies

    Sanitation in informal settlements in East Africa (3ksan)

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    Improving access to sanitation in slums in East Africa is a challenge. The 3ksan project has been working to identify the barriers and catalysts to sanitation in Kigali, Kampala and Kisumu. Household surveys in the informal settlements in these three cities have provided insight into the different levels of service provision and demand, access to financial services, and perceptions of enforcement of the regulations. This paper presents key results from the household survey, highlighting the different challenges in the three cities

    DOE/ANL/HTRI heat exchanger tube vibration data bank

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    Development of a new heat exchanger tube vibration data bank at Argonne National Laboratory is described. Comprehensive case histories on heat exchangers that have experienced tube-vibration problems and units that have been trouble-free are accumulated and this information is rendered available for evaluation, improvement, and development of vibration-prediction methods and design guidelines. Discussions include difficulties in generating a data bank, data form development, and solicitation efforts. Also included are 15 case histories upon which the data bank will be built. As new case histories are received, they will be assembled and published as addenda to this report

    Fatigue cracking of titanium tubes in an industrial heat exchanger

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