4 research outputs found

    Structure and Composition of Isolated Core-Shell(In,Ga)N/GaNRods Based on Nanofocus X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Nanofocus x-ray diffraction is used to investigate the structure and local strain field of an isolated Ă°In; GaĂžN=GaN core-shell microrod. Because the high spatial resolution of the x-ray beam is only 80 Ă— 90 nm2, we are able to investigate several distinct volumes on one individual side facet. Here, we find a drastic increase in thickness of the outer GaN shell along the rod height. Additionally, we performed highangle annular dark-field scanning-transmission-electron-microscopy measurements on several rods from the same sample showing that (In,Ga)N double-quantum-well and GaN barrier thicknesses also increase strongly along the height. Moreover, plastic relaxation is observed in the top part of the rod. Based on the experimentally obtained structural parameters, we simulate the strain-induced deformation using the finiteelement method, which serves as the input for subsequent kinematic scattering simulations. The simulations reveal a significant increase of elastic in-plane relaxation along the rod height. However, at a certain height, the occurrence of plastic relaxation yields a decrease of the elastic strain. Because of the experimentally obtained structural input for the finite-element simulations, we can exclude unknown structural influences on the strain distribution, and we are able to translate the elastic relaxation into an indium concentration which increases by a factor of 4 from the bottom to the height where plastic relaxation occurs

    In-situ study of Ga2O3 thermal expansion and epitaxy by synchrotron based x-ray diffraction and reflection high-energy electron diffraction

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    Diese Arbeit präsentiert eine umfassende in-situ Studie zur thermischen Ausdehnung von β-Ga2O3 im Temperaturbereich von Raumtemperatur (RT) bis 1200 K sowie zum Wachstum dünner Ga2O3 Schichten durch plasmaunterstützte Molekularstrahlepitaxie (MBE). Hierfür kamen synchrotron-basierte hochauflösende Röntgenbeugung (HRXRD) sowie die Beugung hochenergetischer Elektronen bei Reflexion (RHEED) zum Einsatz. Die dadurch erhaltenen Resultate gestatten detaillierte quantitative Aussagen zu den Ausdehnungskoeffizienten (CTE) von β-Ga2O3 und ein tieferes Verständnis des Wachstumsprozesses von Ga2O3 sowohl im Rahmen der Homo- als auch der Heteroepitaxie.This thesis presents a comprehensive in-situ study on the thermal expansion of beta-Ga2O3 from room temperature (RT) to 1200 K, and the thin film growth of Ga2O3 as carried out by oxygen plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using synchrotron-based high-resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). The obtained results provide a quantitative analysis on the coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of beta-Ga2O3, and a deeper understanding in the growth process of Ga2O3 in both homoepitaxy and heteroepitaxy

    Structure and Composition of Isolated Core-Shell (In, Ga) N/GaN Rods Based on Nanofocus X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

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    Nanofocus x-ray diffraction is used to investigate the structure and local strain field of an isolated (In,Ga)N/GaN core-shell microrod. Because the high spatial resolution of the x-ray beam is only 80×90  nm2^2, we are able to investigate several distinct volumes on one individual side facet. Here, we find a drastic increase in thickness of the outer GaN shell along the rod height. Additionally, we performed high-angle annular dark-field scanning-transmission-electron-microscopy measurements on several rods from the same sample showing that (In,Ga)N double-quantum-well and GaN barrier thicknesses also increase strongly along the height. Moreover, plastic relaxation is observed in the top part of the rod. Based on the experimentally obtained structural parameters, we simulate the strain-induced deformation using the finite-element method, which serves as the input for subsequent kinematic scattering simulations. The simulations reveal a significant increase of elastic in-plane relaxation along the rod height. However, at a certain height, the occurrence of plastic relaxation yields a decrease of the elastic strain. Because of the experimentally obtained structural input for the finite-element simulations, we can exclude unknown structural influences on the strain distribution, and we are able to translate the elastic relaxation into an indium concentration which increases by a factor of 4 from the bottom to the height where plastic relaxation occurs