51,992 research outputs found

    Theoretical investigation of the quantum noise in ghost imaging

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    Ghost imaging is a method to nonlocally image an object by transmitting pairs of entangled photons through the object and a reference optical system respectively. We present a theoretical analysis of the quantum noise in this imaging technique. The dependence of the noise on the properties of the apertures in the imaging system are discussed and demonstrated with a numerical example. For a given source, the resolution and the signal-to-noise ratio cannot be improved at the same time

    Exotic orbits due to spin-spin coupling around Kerr black holes

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    We report exotic orbital phenomena of spinning test particles orbiting around a Kerr black hole, i.e., some orbits of spinning particles are asymmetrical about the equatorial plane. When a nonspinning test particle orbits around a Kerr black hole in a strong field region, due to relativistic orbital precessions, the pattern of trajectories is symmetrical about the equatorial plane of the Kerr black hole. However, the patterns of the spinning particles' orbit are no longer symmetrical about the equatorial plane for some orbital configurations and large spins. We argue that these asymmetrical patterns come from the spin-spin interactions between spinning particles and Kerr black holes, because the directions of spin-spin forces can be arbitrary, and distribute asymmetrically about the equatorial plane.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Equivalence of weak and strong modes of measures on topological vector spaces

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    A strong mode of a probability measure on a normed space XX can be defined as a point uu such that the mass of the ball centred at uu uniformly dominates the mass of all other balls in the small-radius limit. Helin and Burger weakened this definition by considering only pairwise comparisons with balls whose centres differ by vectors in a dense, proper linear subspace EE of XX, and posed the question of when these two types of modes coincide. We show that, in a more general setting of metrisable vector spaces equipped with measures that are finite on bounded sets, the density of EE and a uniformity condition suffice for the equivalence of these two types of modes. We accomplish this by introducing a new, intermediate type of mode. We also show that these modes can be inequivalent if the uniformity condition fails. Our results shed light on the relationships between among various notions of maximum a posteriori estimator in non-parametric Bayesian inference.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    A Partially Linear Framework for Massive Heterogeneous Data

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    We consider a partially linear framework for modelling massive heterogeneous data. The major goal is to extract common features across all sub-populations while exploring heterogeneity of each sub-population. In particular, we propose an aggregation type estimator for the commonality parameter that possesses the (non-asymptotic) minimax optimal bound and asymptotic distribution as if there were no heterogeneity. This oracular result holds when the number of sub-populations does not grow too fast. A plug-in estimator for the heterogeneity parameter is further constructed, and shown to possess the asymptotic distribution as if the commonality information were available. We also test the heterogeneity among a large number of sub-populations. All the above results require to regularize each sub-estimation as though it had the entire sample size. Our general theory applies to the divide-and-conquer approach that is often used to deal with massive homogeneous data. A technical by-product of this paper is the statistical inferences for the general kernel ridge regression. Thorough numerical results are also provided to back up our theory.Comment: 40 pages main text + 40 pages suppl, To appear in Annals of Statistic

    Quasi-invariance of countable products of Cauchy measures under non-unitary dilations

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    Consider an infinite sequence (Un)n∈N of independent Cauchy random variables, defined by a sequence (δn)n∈N of location parameters and a sequence (γn)n∈N of scale parameters. Let (Wn)n∈N be another infinite sequence of independent Cauchy random variables defined by the same sequence of location parameters and the sequence (σnγn)n∈N of scale parameters, with σn≠0 for all n∈N. Using a result of Kakutani on equivalence of countably infinite product measures, we show that the laws of (Un)n∈N and (Wn)n∈N are equivalent if and only if the sequence (|σn|−1)n∈N is square-summable
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