112,989 research outputs found

    Violation of monogamy inequality for higher-dimensional objects

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    Bipartite quantum entanglement for qutrits and higher-dimensional objects is considered. We analyze the possibility of violation of monogamy inequality, introduced by Coffman, Kundu, and Wootters, for some systems composed of such objects. An explicit counterexample with a three-qutrit totally antisymmetric state is presented. Since three-tangle has been confirmed to be a natural measure of entanglement for qubit systems, our result shows that the three-tangle is no longer a legitimate measure of entanglement for states with three qutrits or higher dimensional objects.Comment: 2.5 pages,minor modifications are mad

    As-Built design specification for PARPLT

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    The design and implementation of the PARPLT program are described. The program produces scatter plots of the greenness profile derived parameters alpha, beta, and t sub o computed by the CLASFYG program (alpha being the approximate greenness rise time; beta, the greenness decay time; and t sub o, the spectral crop emergence date). Statistical information concerning the parameters is also computed

    Balanced Truncation of Networked Linear Passive Systems

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    This paper studies model order reduction of multi-agent systems consisting of identical linear passive subsystems, where the interconnection topology is characterized by an undirected weighted graph. Balanced truncation based on a pair of specifically selected generalized Gramians is implemented on the asymptotically stable part of the full-order network model, which leads to a reduced-order system preserving the passivity of each subsystem. Moreover, it is proven that there exists a coordinate transformation to convert the resulting reduced-order model to a state-space model of Laplacian dynamics. Thus, the proposed method simultaneously reduces the complexity of the network structure and individual agent dynamics, and it preserves the passivity of the subsystems and the synchronization of the network. Moreover, it allows for the a priori computation of a bound on the approximation error. Finally, the feasibility of the method is demonstrated by an example

    Hadronic B Decays to Charmed Baryons

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    We study exclusive B decays to final states containing a charmed baryon within the pole model framework. Since the strong coupling for ΛbBˉN\Lambda_b\bar B N is larger than that for ΣbBˉN\Sigma_b \bar BN, the two-body charmful decay BΣc0pˉB^-\to\Sigma_c^0\bar p has a rate larger than Bˉ0Λc+pˉ\bar B^0\to\Lambda_c^+\bar p as the former proceeds via the Λb\Lambda_b pole while the latter via the Σb\Sigma_b pole. By the same token, the three-body decay Bˉ0Σc++pˉπ\bar B^0\to\Sigma_c^{++}\bar p\pi^- receives less baryon-pole contribution than BΛc+pˉπB^-\to\Lambda_c^+\bar p\pi^-. However, because the important charmed-meson pole diagrams contribute constructively to the former and destructively to the latter, Σc++pˉπ\Sigma_c^{++}\bar p\pi^- has a rate slightly larger than Λc+pˉπ\Lambda_c^+\bar p\pi^-. It is found that one quarter of the BΛc+pˉπB^-\to \Lambda_c^+\bar p\pi^- rate comes from the resonant contributions. We discuss the decays Bˉ0Σc0pˉπ+\bar B^0\to\Sigma_c^0\bar p\pi^+ and BΣc0pˉπ0B^-\to\Sigma_c^0\bar p\pi^0 and stress that they are not color suppressed even though they can only proceed via an internal W emission.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Reduction of Second-Order Network Systems with Structure Preservation

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    This paper proposes a general framework for structure-preserving model reduction of a secondorder network system based on graph clustering. In this approach, vertex dynamics are captured by the transfer functions from inputs to individual states, and the dissimilarities of vertices are quantified by the H2-norms of the transfer function discrepancies. A greedy hierarchical clustering algorithm is proposed to place those vertices with similar dynamics into same clusters. Then, the reduced-order model is generated by the Petrov-Galerkin method, where the projection is formed by the characteristic matrix of the resulting network clustering. It is shown that the simplified system preserves an interconnection structure, i.e., it can be again interpreted as a second-order system evolving over a reduced graph. Furthermore, this paper generalizes the definition of network controllability Gramian to second-order network systems. Based on it, we develop an efficient method to compute H2-norms and derive the approximation error between the full-order and reduced-order models. Finally, the approach is illustrated by the example of a small-world network

    Long-Distance Contributions to D^0-D^0bar Mixing Parameters

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    Long-distance contributions to the D0D^0-Dˉ0\bar D^0 mixing parameters xx and yy are evaluated using latest data on hadronic D0D^0 decays. In particular, we take on two-body DPPD \to PP and VPVP decays to evaluate the contributions of two-body intermediate states because they account for 50\sim 50% of hadronic D0D^0 decays. Use of the diagrammatic approach has been made to estimate yet-observed decay modes. We find that yy is of order a few ×103\times 10^{-3} and xx of order 10310^{-3} from hadronic PPPP and VPVP modes. These are in good agreement with the latest direct measurement of D0D^0-Dˉ0\bar D^0 mixing parameters using the D0KSπ+πD^0 \to K_S \pi^+\pi^- and KSK+KK_S K^+ K^- decays by BaBar. We estimate the contribution to yy from the VVVV modes using the factorization model and comment on the single-particle resonance effects and contributions from other two-body modes involving even-parity states.Comment: 18 pages and 1 figure; footnotes and references added; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A model of gravitation with global U(1)-symmetry

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    It is shown that an embedding of the general relativity 44-space into a flat 1212-space gives a model of gravitation with the global U(1)U(1)-symmetry and the discrete D1D_{1}-one. The last one may be transformed into the SU(2)SU(2)-symmetry of the unified model, and the demand of independence of U(1)U(1)- and SU(2)SU(2)-transformations leads to the estimate sin2θmin=0,20\sin^{2}\theta_{min}=0,20 where θmin\theta_{min} is an analog of the Weinberg angle of the standard model.Comment: 7 page

    Dominant moving species in the formation of amorphous NiZr by solid-state reaction

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    The displacements of W and Hf markers have been monitored by backscattering of MeV He to study the growth of the amorphous NiZr phase by solid-state reaction. We find that the Ni is the dominant moving species in this reaction