21 research outputs found

    Magnetic Field Control of the Quantum Chaotic Dynamics of Hydrogen Analogues in an Anisotropic Crystal Field

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    We report magnetic field control of the quantum chaotic dynamics of hydrogen analogues in an anisotropic solid state environment. The chaoticity of the system dynamics was quantified by means of energy level statistics. We analyzed the magnetic field dependence of the statistical distribution of the impurity energy levels and found a smooth transition between the Poisson limit and the Wigner limit, i.e. transition between regular Poisson and fully chaotic Wigner dynamics. Effect of the crystal field anisotropy on the quantum chaotic dynamics, which manifests itself in characteristic transitions between regularity and chaos for different field orientations, was demonstrated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Single-crystalline hexagonal ZnO microtube optical resonators

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    High quality ZnO microtubes with hexagonal cross sections, fabricated via an oxidation-sublimation process, are studied as novel optical resonators. Whispering gallery modes, Fabry-Pérot modes, and an additional set of modes with different polarization

    Interaction Between Vector Solitons and Solitonic Gluons

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    The first experimental observation of interaction between vector solitons and the bound states formed due to solitonic gluons is reported. To generate multi-component vector solitons, mutual incoherence in interacting beams was introduced in lieu of employing different frequencies or polarizations. Mutually incoherent beams could be used to form a vector soliton in non-instantaneous nonlinear media

    Vortex Interaction with a Two-Dimensional Soliton Lattice

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    We study experimentally and theoretically the nonlinear interaction between a vortex beam and a soliton lattice. We observe the vortex-induced lattice deformation and lattice twisting due to transfer of angular momentum carried by the vortex beam

    Micro-photoluminescence Confocal Mapping of Single V-grooved GaAs Quantum Wire

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    We perform the micro-photoluminescence measurement at low temperatures and a scanning optical mapping with high spatial resolution of a single V-grooved GaAs quantum wire modified by the selective ion-implantation and rapid thermally annealing. While th

    Synthesis of indium oxide hexagonal microcavity and identification of its whispering gallery modes

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    The In2O3 nanowires with hexagonal cross section as optical whispering gallery resonators were fabricated by using a simple in situ thermal oxidation method. Whispering gallery modes (WGMs) with different polarizations in the visible spectral range were observed at room temperature. The experimental observations were well described by the plane wave model and Cauchy dispersion formula