18 research outputs found

    NeU-NBV: Next Best View Planning Using Uncertainty Estimation in Image-Based Neural Rendering

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    Autonomous robotic tasks require actively perceiving the environment to achieve application-specific goals. In this paper, we address the problem of positioning an RGB camera to collect the most informative images to represent an unknown scene, given a limited measurement budget. We propose a novel mapless planning framework to iteratively plan the next best camera view based on collected image measurements. A key aspect of our approach is a new technique for uncertainty estimation in image-based neural rendering, which guides measurement acquisition at the most uncertain view among view candidates, thus maximising the information value during data collection. By incrementally adding new measurements into our image collection, our approach efficiently explores an unknown scene in a mapless manner. We show that our uncertainty estimation is generalisable and valuable for view planning in unknown scenes. Our planning experiments using synthetic and real-world data verify that our uncertainty-guided approach finds informative images leading to more accurate scene representations when compared against baselines.Comment: Accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IROS) 202

    SeqOT: A Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Place Recognition Using Sequential LiDAR Data

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    Place recognition is an important component for autonomous vehicles to achieve loop closing or global localization. In this paper, we tackle the problem of place recognition based on sequential 3D LiDAR scans obtained by an onboard LiDAR sensor. We propose a transformer-based network named SeqOT to exploit the temporal and spatial information provided by sequential range images generated from the LiDAR data. It uses multi-scale transformers to generate a global descriptor for each sequence of LiDAR range images in an end-to-end fashion. During online operation, our SeqOT finds similar places by matching such descriptors between the current query sequence and those stored in the map. We evaluate our approach on four datasets collected with different types of LiDAR sensors in different environments. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art LiDAR-based place recognition methods and generalizes well across different environments. Furthermore, our method operates online faster than the frame rate of the sensor. The implementation of our method is released as open source at: https://github.com/BIT-MJY/SeqOT.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronic

    CVTNet: A Cross-View Transformer Network for Place Recognition Using LiDAR Data

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    LiDAR-based place recognition (LPR) is one of the most crucial components of autonomous vehicles to identify previously visited places in GPS-denied environments. Most existing LPR methods use mundane representations of the input point cloud without considering different views, which may not fully exploit the information from LiDAR sensors. In this paper, we propose a cross-view transformer-based network, dubbed CVTNet, to fuse the range image views (RIVs) and bird's eye views (BEVs) generated from the LiDAR data. It extracts correlations within the views themselves using intra-transformers and between the two different views using inter-transformers. Based on that, our proposed CVTNet generates a yaw-angle-invariant global descriptor for each laser scan end-to-end online and retrieves previously seen places by descriptor matching between the current query scan and the pre-built database. We evaluate our approach on three datasets collected with different sensor setups and environmental conditions. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art LPR methods with strong robustness to viewpoint changes and long-time spans. Furthermore, our approach has a good real-time performance that can run faster than the typical LiDAR frame rate. The implementation of our method is released as open source at: https://github.com/BIT-MJY/CVTNet.Comment: accepted by IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 202

    Long-Term Localization using Semantic Cues in Floor Plan Maps

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    Lifelong localization in a given map is an essential capability for autonomous service robots. In this paper, we consider the task of long-term localization in a changing indoor environment given sparse CAD floor plans. The commonly used pre-built maps from the robot sensors may increase the cost and time of deployment. Furthermore, their detailed nature requires that they are updated when significant changes occur. We address the difficulty of localization when the correspondence between the map and the observations is low due to the sparsity of the CAD map and the changing environment. To overcome both challenges, we propose to exploit semantic cues that are commonly present in human-oriented spaces. These semantic cues can be detected using RGB cameras by utilizing object detection, and are matched against an easy-to-update, abstract semantic map. The semantic information is integrated into a Monte Carlo localization framework using a particle filter that operates on 2D LiDAR scans and camera data. We provide a long-term localization solution and a semantic map format, for environments that undergo changes to their interior structure and detailed geometric maps are not available. We evaluate our localization framework on multiple challenging indoor scenarios in an office environment, taken weeks apart. The experiments suggest that our approach is robust to structural changes and can run on an onboard computer. We released the open source implementation of our approach written in C++ together with a ROS wrapper.Comment: Under review for RA-

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Flipper Control of Tracked Robots

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    The autonomous control of flippers plays an important role in enhancing the intelligent operation of tracked robots within complex environments. While existing methods mainly rely on hand-crafted control models, in this paper, we introduce a novel approach that leverages deep reinforcement learning (DRL) techniques for autonomous flipper control in complex terrains. Specifically, we propose a new DRL network named AT-D3QN, which ensures safe and smooth flipper control for tracked robots. It comprises two modules, a feature extraction and fusion module for extracting and integrating robot and environment state features, and a deep Q-Learning control generation module for incorporating expert knowledge to obtain a smooth and efficient control strategy. To train the network, a novel reward function is proposed, considering both learning efficiency and passing smoothness. A simulation environment is constructed using the Pymunk physics engine for training. We then directly apply the trained model to a more realistic Gazebo simulation for quantitative analysis. The consistently high performance of the proposed approach validates its superiority over manual teleoperation

    RDMNet: Reliable Dense Matching Based Point Cloud Registration for Autonomous Driving

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    Point cloud registration is an important task in robotics and autonomous driving to estimate the ego-motion of the vehicle. Recent advances following the coarse-to-fine manner show promising potential in point cloud registration. However, existing methods rely on good superpoint correspondences, which are hard to be obtained reliably and efficiently, thus resulting in less robust and accurate point cloud registration. In this paper, we propose a novel network, named RDMNet, to find dense point correspondences coarse-to-fine and improve final pose estimation based on such reliable correspondences. Our RDMNet uses a devised 3D-RoFormer mechanism to first extract distinctive superpoints and generates reliable superpoints matches between two point clouds. The proposed 3D-RoFormer fuses 3D position information into the transformer network, efficiently exploiting point clouds' contextual and geometric information to generate robust superpoint correspondences. RDMNet then propagates the sparse superpoints matches to dense point matches using the neighborhood information for accurate point cloud registration. We extensively evaluate our method on multiple datasets from different environments. The experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches in all tested datasets with a strong generalization ability.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Explicit Interaction for Fusion-Based Place Recognition

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    Fusion-based place recognition is an emerging technique jointly utilizing multi-modal perception data, to recognize previously visited places in GPS-denied scenarios for robots and autonomous vehicles. Recent fusion-based place recognition methods combine multi-modal features in implicit manners. While achieving remarkable results, they do not explicitly consider what the individual modality affords in the fusion system. Therefore, the benefit of multi-modal feature fusion may not be fully explored. In this paper, we propose a novel fusion-based network, dubbed EINet, to achieve explicit interaction of the two modalities. EINet uses LiDAR ranges to supervise more robust vision features for long time spans, and simultaneously uses camera RGB data to improve the discrimination of LiDAR point clouds. In addition, we develop a new benchmark for the place recognition task based on the nuScenes dataset. To establish this benchmark for future research with comprehensive comparisons, we introduce both supervised and self-supervised training schemes alongside evaluation protocols. We conduct extensive experiments on the proposed benchmark, and the experimental results show that our EINet exhibits better recognition performance as well as solid generalization ability compared to the state-of-the-art fusion-based place recognition approaches. Our open-source code and benchmark are released at: https://github.com/BIT-XJY/EINet

    TFNet: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Fast and Accurate LiDAR Semantic Segmentation

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    LiDAR semantic segmentation plays a crucial role in enabling autonomous driving and robots to understand their surroundings accurately and robustly. There are different types of methods, such as point-based, range-image-based, polar-based, and hybrid methods. Among these, range-image-based methods are widely used due to their efficiency. However, they face a significant challenge known as the ``many-to-one'' problem caused by the range image's limited horizontal and vertical angular resolution. As a result, around 20\% of the 3D points can be occluded. In this paper, we present TFNet, a range-image-based LiDAR semantic segmentation method that utilizes temporal information to address this issue. Specifically, we incorporate a temporal fusion layer to extract useful information from previous scans and integrate it with the current scan. We then design a max-voting-based post-processing technique to correct false predictions, particularly those caused by the ``many-to-one'' issue. We evaluated the approach on two benchmarks and demonstrate that the post-processing technique is generic and can be applied to various networks. We will release our code and models