9,595 research outputs found

    A Unified Trading Model Based on Robust Optimization for Day-Ahead and Real-Time Markets with Wind Power Integration

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    In a conventional electricity market, trading is conducted based on power forecasts in the day-ahead market, while the power imbalance is regulated in the real-time market, which is a separate trading scheme. With large-scale wind power connected into the power grid, power forecast errors increase in the day-ahead market which lowers the economic efficiency of the separate trading scheme. This paper proposes a robust unified trading model that includes the forecasts of real-time prices and imbalance power into the day-ahead trading scheme. The model is developed based on robust optimization in view of the undefined probability distribution of clearing prices of the real-time market. For the model to be used efficiently, an improved quantum-behaved particle swarm algorithm (IQPSO) is presented in the paper based on an in-depth analysis of the limitations of the static character of quantum-behaved particle swarm algorithm (QPSO). Finally, the impacts of associated parameters on the separate trading and unified trading model are analyzed to verify the superiority of the proposed model and algorithm

    Exotic phase diagram of a topological quantum system

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    We study the quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in the Kitaev spin model on a triangle-honeycomb lattice. In addition to the ordinary topological QPTs between Abelian and non-Abelian phases, we find new QPTs which can occur between two phases belonging to the same topological class, namely, either two non-Abelian phases with the same Chern number or two Abelian phases with the same Chern number. Such QPTs result from the singular behaviors of the nonlocal spin-spin correlation functions at the critical points.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure


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    In the title compound, C17H23N3, both piperidine rings adopt chair conformations. In the crystal packing, intermolecular C—H⋯N hydrogen bonds and C—H⋯π interactions are present


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    The title compound, C13H12ClNO4, is approximately planar, with a dihedral angle of 8.23 (4)° between the mean plane of the amino­methyl­ene unit and the planar part of the dioxane ring. The dioxane ring has a half-boat conformation, in which the C atom between the dioxane O atoms is −0.464 (8) Å out of the plane of the other five atoms. In the mol­ecule there is an intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond, involving the NH H atom and the adjacent dioxane carbonyl O atom. In the crystal, weak intermolecular C—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding contacts, result in the formation of sheets parallel to the ab plane

    Sparse Array Enabled Near-Field Communications: Beam Pattern Analysis and Hybrid Beamforming Design

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    Extremely large-scale array (XL-array) has emerged as a promising technology to enable near-field communications for achieving enhanced spectrum efficiency and spatial resolution, by drastically increasing the number of antennas. However, this also inevitably incurs higher hardware and energy cost, which may not be affordable in future wireless systems. To address this issue, we propose in this paper to exploit two types of sparse arrays (SAs) for enabling near-field communications. Specifically, we first consider the linear sparse array (LSA) and characterize its near-field beam pattern. It is shown that despite the achieved beam-focusing gain, the LSA introduces several undesired grating-lobes, which have comparable beam power with the main-lobe and are focused on specific regions. An efficient hybrid beamforming design is then proposed for the LSA to deal with the potential strong inter-user interference (IUI). Next, we consider another form of SA, called extended coprime array (ECA), which is composed of two LSA subarrays with different (coprime) inter-antenna spacing. By characterizing the ECA near-field beam pattern, we show that compared with the LSA with the same array sparsity, the ECA can greatly suppress the beam power of near-field grating-lobes thanks to the offset effect of the two subarrays, albeit with a larger number of grating-lobes. This thus motivates us to propose a customized two-phase hybrid beamforming design for the ECA. Finally, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the rate performance gain of the proposed two SAs over the conventional uniform linear array (ULA).Comment: In this paper, we propose to exploit sparse arrays for enabling near-field communications and characterize its unique beam pattern for facilitating its hybrid beamforming desig

    APETALA2 antagonizes the transcriptional activity of AGAMOUS in regulating floral stem cells in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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    APETALA2 (AP2) is best known for its function in the outer two floral whorls, where it specifies the identities of sepals and petals by restricting the expression of AGAMOUS (AG) to the inner two whorls in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we describe a role of AP2 in promoting the maintenance of floral stem cell fate, not by repressing AG transcription, but by antagonizing AG activity in the center of the flower. We performed a genetic screen with ag-10 plants, which exhibit a weak floral determinacy defect, and isolated a mutant with a strong floral determinacy defect. This mutant was found to harbor another mutation in AG and was named ag-11. We performed a genetic screen in the ag-11 background to isolate mutations that suppress the floral determinacy defect. Two suppressor mutants were found to harbor mutations in AP2. While AG is known to shut down the expression of the stem cell maintenance gene WUSCHEL (WUS) to terminate floral stem cell fate, AP2 promotes the expression of WUS. AP2 does not repress the transcription of AG in the inner two whorls, but instead counteracts AG activity