579 research outputs found

    On the validity of the definition of angular momentum in general relativity

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    We exam the validity of the definition of the ADM angular momentum without the parity assumption. Explicit examples of asymptotically flat hypersurfaces in the Minkowski spacetime with zero ADM energy-momentum vector and finite non-zero angular momentum vector are presented. We also discuss the Beig-\'O Murchadha-Regge-Teitelboim center of mass and study analogous examples in the Schwarzschild spacetime.Comment: References are updated, and typos and computational errors are corrected. Accepted by Ann. Henri Poincar

    Measuring Higher-Order Rationality with Belief Control

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    Determining an individual's strategic reasoning capability based solely on choice data is a complex task. This complexity arises because sophisticated players might have non-equilibrium beliefs about others, leading to non-equilibrium actions. In our study, we pair human participants with computer players known to be fully rational. This use of robot players allows us to disentangle limited reasoning capacity from belief formation and social biases. Our results show that, when paired with robots, subjects consistently demonstrate higher levels of rationality and maintain stable rationality levels across different games compared to when paired with humans. This suggests that strategic reasoning might indeed be a consistent trait in individuals. Furthermore, the identified rationality limits could serve as a measure for evaluating an individual's strategic capacity when their beliefs about others are adequately controlled.Comment: The experimental design and the analysis plan are pre-registered on Open Science Framework (https://osf.io/gye4u/). The experimental instructions can be found at https://mjfong.github.io/SI_MHOR_final.pd

    Shared Representational Geometry Across Neural Networks

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    Different neural networks trained on the same dataset often learn similar input-output mappings with very different weights. Is there some correspondence between these neural network solutions? For linear networks, it has been shown that different instances of the same network architecture encode the same representational similarity matrix, and their neural activity patterns are connected by orthogonal transformations. However, it is unclear if this holds for non-linear networks. Using a shared response model, we show that different neural networks encode the same input examples as different orthogonal transformations of an underlying shared representation. We test this claim using both standard convolutional neural networks and residual networks on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100.Comment: Integration of Deep Learning Theories workshop, NeurIPS 201

    Enabling Factor Analysis on Thousand-Subject Neuroimaging Datasets

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    The scale of functional magnetic resonance image data is rapidly increasing as large multi-subject datasets are becoming widely available and high-resolution scanners are adopted. The inherent low-dimensionality of the information in this data has led neuroscientists to consider factor analysis methods to extract and analyze the underlying brain activity. In this work, we consider two recent multi-subject factor analysis methods: the Shared Response Model and Hierarchical Topographic Factor Analysis. We perform analytical, algorithmic, and code optimization to enable multi-node parallel implementations to scale. Single-node improvements result in 99x and 1812x speedups on these two methods, and enables the processing of larger datasets. Our distributed implementations show strong scaling of 3.3x and 5.5x respectively with 20 nodes on real datasets. We also demonstrate weak scaling on a synthetic dataset with 1024 subjects, on up to 1024 nodes and 32,768 cores

    TAG: Learning Circuit Spatial Embedding From Layouts

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    Analog and mixed-signal (AMS) circuit designs still rely on human design expertise. Machine learning has been assisting circuit design automation by replacing human experience with artificial intelligence. This paper presents TAG, a new paradigm of learning the circuit representation from layouts leveraging text, self-attention and graph. The embedding network model learns spatial information without manual labeling. We introduce text embedding and a self-attention mechanism to AMS circuit learning. Experimental results demonstrate the ability to predict layout distances between instances with industrial FinFET technology benchmarks. The effectiveness of the circuit representation is verified by showing the transferability to three other learning tasks with limited data in the case studies: layout matching prediction, wirelength estimation, and net parasitic capacitance prediction.Comment: Accepted by ICCAD 202