621 research outputs found

    Entanglement dynamics of photon pairs emitted from quantum dot

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    We present a model to derive the state of the photon pairs generated by the biexciton cascade decay of a self-assembled quantum dot, which agrees well with the experimental result. Furthermore we calculate the concurrence and entanglement sudden death is found in this system with temperature increasing, which prevents quantum dot emits entangled photon pairs at a high temperature. The relationship between the fine structure splitting and the sudden death temperature is provided too

    Phase Compensation Enhancement of Photon Pair Entanglement Generated from Biexciton Decays in Quantum Dots

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    Exciton fine-structure splittings within quantum dots introduce phase differences between the two biexciton decay paths that greatly reduce the entanglement of photon pairs generated via biexciton recombination. We analyze this problem in the frequency domain and propose a practicable method to compensate the phase difference by inserting a spatial light modulator, which substantially improves the entanglement of the photon pairs without any loss.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Device modeling of superconductor transition edge sensors based on the two-fluid theory

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    In order to support the design and study of sophisticated large scale transition edge sensor (TES) circuits, we use basic SPICE elements to develop device models for TESs based on the superfluid-normal fluid theory. In contrast to previous studies, our device model is not limited to small signal simulation, and it relies only on device parameters that have clear physical meaning and can be easily measured. We integrate the device models in design kits based on powerful EDA tools such as CADENCE and OrCAD, and use them for versatile simulations of TES circuits. Comparing our simulation results with published experimental data, we find good agreement which suggests that device models based on the two-fluid theory can be used to predict the behavior of TES circuits reliably and hence they are valuable for assisting the design of sophisticated TES circuits.Comment: 10pages,11figures. Accepted to IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon

    Peripheral Leukocytapheresis Attenuates Acute Lung Injury Induced by Lipopolysaccharide In Vivo

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    The mortality of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ALI/ARDS) remains high and efforts for prevention and treatments have shown little improvement over the past decades. The present study investigated the efficacy and mechanism of leukocytapheresis (LCAP) to partially eliminate peripheral neutrophils and attenuate lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced lung injury in dogs. A total of 24 healthy male mongrel dogs were enrolled and randomly divided into LPS, LCAP and LCAP-sham groups. All animals were injected with LPS to induce endotoxemia. The serum levels of leucocytes, neutrophil elastase, arterial blood gas, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) subunit p65 in lung tissues were measured. The histopathology and parenchyma apoptosis of lung tissues were examined. We found that 7, 3, and 7 animals in the LPS, LCAP, and sham-LCAP groups, respectively, developed ALI 36 h after LPS infusion. The levels of NF-κB p65 in lung tissue, neutrophils and elastase in blood, decreased significantly following LCAP. LCAP also alleviated apoptosis, and NF-κB p65 in lung tissues. Collectively, our results show that partial removal of leucocytes from peripheral blood decreases elastase level in serum. This, in turn, attenuates lung injuries and may potentially decrease the incidence of ALI

    Entrance channel dependence and isospin dependence of preequilibrium nucleon emission in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions

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    Using isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamical model, the studies of the isospin effect on preequilibrium nucleon emission in heavy ion collisions under different entrance channel conditions show that the ratio of preequilibrium neutron number to proton number depends strongly on symmetry potential, beam energy, and the ratio of neutron to proton of the colliding system, but weakly on isospin dependent in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections, impact parameter, Pauli potential, and momentum dependent interaction in the energy region from 45MeV/u up to 150 MeV/u where the dynamics is dominated by nucleon-nucleon collisions. In addition, the ratio of preequilibrium neutron number to proton number for a neutron-rich colliding system is larger than the initial value of the ratio of the colliding system, but the ratio for a neutron-deficient system is less than the initial value

    An Opacity-Free Method of Testing the Cosmic Distance Duality Relation Using Strongly Lensed Gravitational Wave Signals

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    The cosmic distance duality relation (CDDR), expressed as DL(z) = (1 + z)2DA(z), plays an important role in modern cosmology. In this paper, we propose a new method of testing CDDR using strongly lensed gravitational wave (SLGW) signals. Under the geometric optics approximation, we calculate the gravitational lens effects of two lens models, the point mass and singular isothermal sphere. We use functions of {\eta}1(z) = 1 + {\eta}0z and {\eta}2(z) = 1 + {\eta}0z=(1 + z) to parameterize the deviation of CDDR. By reparameterizing the SLGW waveform with CDDR and the distance-redshift relation, we include the deviation parameters {\eta}0 of CDDR as waveform parameters. We evaluate the ability of this method by calculating the parameter estimation of simulated SLGW signals from massive binary black holes. We apply the Fisher information matrix and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to calculate parameter estimation. We find that with only one SLGW signal, the measurement precision of {\eta}0 can reach a considerable level of 0.5-1.3% for {\eta}1(z) and 1.1-2.6% for {\eta}2(z), depending on the lens model and parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure