22,562 research outputs found

    Majorana Fermions, Exact Mappings between Classical and Topological Orders

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    Motivated by the duality between site-centered spin and bond-centered spin in one-dimensional system, which connects two different constructions of fermions from the same set of Majorana fermions, we show that two-dimensional models with topological orders can be constructed from certain well-known models with classical orders characterized by symmetry-breaking. Topology-dependent ground state degeneracy, vanishing two-point correlation functions, and unpaired Majorana fermions on boundaries emerge naturally from such construction. The approach opens a new way to construct and characterize topological orders.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Why concave rather than convex inflaton potential?

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    The Planck data on cosmic microwave background indicates that the Starobinsky-type model with concave inflation potential is favored over the convex-type chaotic inflation. Is there any reason for that? Here we argue that if our universe began with a Euclidean wormhole, then the Starobinsky-type inflation is probabilistically favored. It is known that for a more generic choice of parameters than that originally assumed by Hartle and Hawking, the Hartle-Hawking wave function is dominated by Euclidean wormholes, which can be interpreted as the creation of two classical universes from nothing. We show that only one end of the wormhole can be classicalized for a convex potential, while both ends can be classicalized for a concave potential. The latter is therefore more probable.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    d-Wave Checkerboard Order in Cuprates

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    We show that the d-wave ordering in particle-hole channels, dubbed d-wave checkerboard order, possesses important physics that can sufficiently explain the scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) results in cuprates. A weak d-wave checkerboard order can effectively suppress the coherence peak in the single-particle spectrum while leaving the spectrum along the nodal direction almost unaffected. Simultaneously, it generates a Fermi arc with little dispersion around the nodal points at finite temperature that is consistent with the results of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments in the pseudogap phase. We also show that there is a general complementary connection between the d-wave checkerboard order and the pair-density-wave order. Suppressing superconductivity locally or globally through phase fluctuations should induce both orders in underdoped cuprates and explain the nodal-antinodal dichotomy observed in ARPES and STM experiments

    Performance Improvement of Variable Speed Rotors by Gurney Flaps

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    Gurney flaps are used for improving the performance of variable speed rotors. An analytical model able to predict helicopter rotor power is first presented, and the flight data of the UH-60A helicopter is used for validation. The predictions of the rotor power are in good agreement with the flight test data, justifying the use of this tool in analyzing helicopter performance. A fixed Gurney flap can enhance the performance of variable speed rotors and expand the corresponding flight envelop, especially near stall and high speed flight. A retractable Gurney flap at 1/rev yields more power savings than a fixed Gurney flap or a retractable one with higher a harmonic prescribed motion. At a speed of 200km/h, the retractable Gurney flap at 1/rev can obtain 3.22% more power reduction at a rotor speed of 85% nominal rotor speed, and this value is 8.37% at a speed of 220km/h. The height corresponding to the minimum power increases slowly in low to medium speed flight, and increases dramatically in high speed flight. With increasing take-off weight (i.e. rotor thrust), the retractable Gurney flap at 1/rev can obtain more rotor power savings

    Phantom of the Hartle-Hawking instanton: connecting inflation with dark energy

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    If the Hartle-Hawking wave function is the correct boundary condition of our universe, the history of our universe will be well approximated by an instanton. Although this instanton should be classicalized at infinity, as long as we are observing a process of each history, we may detect a non-classicalized part of field combinations. When we apply it to a dark energy model, this non-classicalized part of fields can be well embedded to a quintessence and a phantom model, i.e., a quintom model. Because of the property of complexified instantons, the phantomness will be naturally free from a big rip singularity. This phantomness does not cause perturbative instabilities, as it is an effect emergent from the entire wave function. Our work may thus provide a theoretical basis for the quintom models, whose equation of state (EoS) can cross the cosmological constant boundary (CCB) phenomenologically.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Hawking radiation as instantons

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    There have been various interpretations of Hawking radiation proposed based on the perturbative approach, and all have confirmed Hawking's original finding. One major conceptual challenge of Hawking evaporation is the associated black hole information loss paradox, which remains unresolved. A key factor to the issue is the end-stage of the black hole evaporation. Unfortunately by then the evaporation process becomes non-perturbative. Aspired to provide a tool for the eventual solution to this problem, here we introduce a new interpretation of Hawking radiation as the tunneling of instantons. We study instantons of a massless scalar field in Einstein gravity. We consider a complex-valued instanton that connects an initial pure black hole state to a black hole with a scalar field that represents the Hawking radiation at future null infinity, where its action depends only on the areal entropy difference. By comparing it with several independent approaches to Hawking radiation in the perturbative limit, we conclude that Hawking radiation may indeed be described by a family of instantons. Since the instanton approach can describe non-perturbative processes, we hope that our new interpretation and holistic method may shed lights on the information loss problem.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure
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