42,666 research outputs found

    Nonsingular density profiles of dark matter halos and Strong gravitational lensing

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    We use the statistics of strong gravitational lenses to investigate whether mass profiles with a flat density core are supported. The probability for lensing by halos modeled by a nonsingular truncated isothermal sphere (NTIS) with image separations greater than a certain value (ranging from zero to ten arcseconds) is calculated. NTIS is an analytical model for the postcollapse equilibrium structure of virialized objects derived by Shapiro, Iliev & Raga. This profile has a soft core and matches quite well with the mass profiles of dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies deduced from their observed rotation curves. It also agrees well with the NFW (Navarro-Frenk-White) profile at all radii outside of a few NTIS core radii. Unfortunately, comparing the results with those for singular lensing halos (NFW and SIS+NFW) and strong lensing observations, the probabilities for lensing by NTIS halos are far too low. As this result is valid for any other nonsingular density profiles (with a large core radius), we conclude that nonsingular density profiles (with a large core radius) for CDM halos are ruled out by statistics of strong gravitational lenses.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, ApJ accepted. Final version matches the proofs. A curve in figure 2 is corrected, conclusions unchange

    Transient dynamics for sequence processing neural networks: effect of degree distributions

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    We derive a analytic evolution equation for overlap parameters including the effect of degree distribution on the transient dynamics of sequence processing neural networks. In the special case of globally coupled networks, the precisely retrieved critical loading ratio αc=N−1/2\alpha_c = N ^{-1/2} is obtained, where NN is the network size. In the presence of random networks, our theoretical predictions agree quantitatively with the numerical experiments for delta, binomial, and power-law degree distributions.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    The relationship between web enjoyment and student perceptions and learning using a web-based tutorial

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    Web enjoyment has been regarded as a component of system experience. However, there has been little targeted research considering the role of web enjoyment alone in student learning using web-based systems. To address this gap, this study aims to examine the influence of web enjoyment on learning performance and perceptions by controlling system experience as a variable in the study. 74 students participated in the study, using a web-based tutorial covering subject matter in the area of 'Computation and algorithms'. Their learning performance was assessed with a pre-test and a post-test and their learning perceptions were evaluated with a questionnaire. The results indicated that there are positive relationships between the levels of web enjoyment and perceived usefulness and non-linear navigation for users with similar, significant levels of system experience. The implications of these findings in relation to web-based learning are explored and ways in which the needs of students who report different levels of web enjoyment might be met are discussed

    Hidden and Generalized Conformal Symmetry of Kerr-Sen Spacetimes

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    It is recently conjectured that generic non-extremal Kerr black hole could be holographically dual to a hidden conformal field theory in two dimensions. Moreover, it is known that there are two CFT duals (pictures) to describe the charged rotating black holes which correspond to angular momentum JJ and electric charge QQ of the black hole. Furthermore these two pictures can be incorporated by the CFT duals (general picture) that are generated by SL(2,Z)SL(2,\mathbb{Z}) modular group. The general conformal structure can be revealed by looking at charged scalar wave equation in some appropriate values of frequency and charge. In this regard, we consider the wave equation of a charged massless scalar field in background of Kerr-Sen black hole and show in the "near region", the wave equation can be reproduced by the Casimir operator of a local SL(2,R)L×SL(2,R)RSL(2,\mathbb{R})_L \times SL(2,\mathbb{R})_R hidden conformal symmetry. We can find the exact agreement between macroscopic and microscopic physical quantities like entropy and absorption cross section of scalars for Kerr-Sen black hole. We then find an extension of vector fields that in turn yields an extended local family of SL(2,R)L×SL(2,R)RSL(2,\mathbb{R})_L \times SL(2,\mathbb{R})_R hidden conformal symmetries, parameterized by one parameter. For some special values of the parameter, we find a copy of SL(2,R)SL(2,\mathbb{R}) hidden conformal algebra for the charged Gibbons-Maeda-Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger black hole in the strong deflection limit.Comment: 16 pages, new material and results added, extensive improvements in interpretation of results, references adde

    Divergence and Shannon information in genomes

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    Shannon information (SI) and its special case, divergence, are defined for a DNA sequence in terms of probabilities of chemical words in the sequence and are computed for a set of complete genomes highly diverse in length and composition. We find the following: SI (but not divergence) is inversely proportional to sequence length for a random sequence but is length-independent for genomes; the genomic SI is always greater and, for shorter words and longer sequences, hundreds to thousands times greater than the SI in a random sequence whose length and composition match those of the genome; genomic SIs appear to have word-length dependent universal values. The universality is inferred to be an evolution footprint of a universal mode for genome growth.Comment: 4 pages, 3 tables, 2 figure

    Structural constraints in complex networks

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    We present a link rewiring mechanism to produce surrogates of a network where both the degree distribution and the rich--club connectivity are preserved. We consider three real networks, the AS--Internet, the protein interaction and the scientific collaboration. We show that for a given degree distribution, the rich--club connectivity is sensitive to the degree--degree correlation, and on the other hand the degree--degree correlation is constrained by the rich--club connectivity. In particular, in the case of the Internet, the assortative coefficient is always negative and a minor change in its value can reverse the network's rich--club structure completely; while fixing the degree distribution and the rich--club connectivity restricts the assortative coefficient to such a narrow range, that a reasonable model of the Internet can be produced by considering mainly the degree distribution and the rich--club connectivity. We also comment on the suitability of using the maximal random network as a null model to assess the rich--club connectivity in real networks.Comment: To appear in New Journal of Physics (www.njp.org

    Machine learning the relationship between Debye temperature and superconducting transition temperature

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    Recently a relationship between the Debye temperature ΘD\Theta_D and the superconducting transition temperature TcT_c of conventional superconductors has been proposed [npj Quantum Materials 3\mathbf{3}, 59 (2018)]. The relationship indicates that Tc≀AΘDT_c \le A \Theta_D for phonon-mediated BCS superconductors, with AA being a pre-factor of order ∌0.1\sim 0.1. In order to verify this bound, we train machine learning (ML) models with 10,330 samples in the Materials Project database to predict ΘD\Theta_D. By applying our ML models to 9,860 known superconductors in the NIMS SuperCon database, we find that the conventional superconductors in the database indeed follow the proposed bound. We also perform first-principles phonon calculations for H3_{3}S and LaH10_{10} at 200 GPa. The calculation results indicate that these high-pressure hydrides essentially saturate the bound of TcT_c versus ΘD\Theta_D.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Estudo de métodos para a anålise simultanea de antioxidantes por HPLC.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi o de aprimorar os mĂ©todos analĂ­ticos usados para quantificar os homĂłlogos de vitamina E e γ-orizanol para amostras de arroz integral e branco polido e, desta maneira, fornecer ferramenta para estudos sobre os efeitos genĂ©ticos, ambientais, processamentos de pĂłs-colheita, armazenamento e cocção, sobre os nĂ­veis destes compostos fitoquĂ­micos
