2 research outputs found
Systems mapping for sustainability: a case study of shifting the focus of NGO action in Malawi
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have placed a renewed focus on the need for organisations to consider how to produce lasting impact. Often the scope of this undertaking is underestimated and signals the need for an organisational shift in project design and implementation. This paper focuses on the work of WASH Catalysts in evaluating the sustainability of an InterAide project in Malawi’s Central Region during its ‘exit-phase.’ This paper showcases the ways in which creating systems maps identified leverage points and highlighted sustainability risks in InterAide’s Hand Pump Mechanic project, which then helped to inform their strategy moving forward. Additionally, it alludes to the value of NGOs using systems maps to inform more sustainable project design in the sector at large
Mapping Malawi’s budget decision-making for rural WASH service delivery
The stalled decentralisation of Malawi’s rural water sector has left local government with demands that far outweigh its available resources. Through a unique advocacy strategy, WASH Catalysts conducted research to gain insight into the people, procedures and interactions that determine rural water sector funding decisions. This paper highlights the strategy deployed by our advocacy campaign to overcome challenges in decentralisation by mapping information and budget flows among a wide distribution of decision-makers and ministries. Our findings suggest that the promotion of direct support for operation and maintenance of water points in Malawi will require bridging disconnect between key ministries involved in decision-making. Ultimately, clarifying the role of each relevant stakeholder is the first step in holding them accountable to providing effective and sustainable rural water sector budgets