11 research outputs found

    Novel Internet of Things based approach toward diabetes prediction using deep learning models

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    The integration of the Internet of Things with machine learning in different disciplines has benefited from recent technological advancements. In medical IoT, the fusion of these two disciplines can be extremely beneficial as it allows the creation of a receptive and interconnected environment and offers a variety of services to medical professionals and patients. Doctors can make early decisions to save a patient's life when disease forecasts are made early. IoT sensor captures the data from the patients, and machine learning techniques are used to analyze the data and predict the presence of the fatal disease i.e., diabetes. The goal of this research is to make a smart patient's health monitoring system based on machine learning that helps to detect the presence of a chronic disease in patient early and accurately. For the implementation, the diabetic dataset has been used. In order to detect the presence of the fatal disease, six different machine learning techniques are used i.e., Support Vector Machine (SVM), Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). The performance of the proposed model is evaluated by using four evaluation metrics i.e., accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score. The RNN outperformed remaining algorithms in terms of accuracy (81%), precision (75%), and F1-Score (65%). However, the recall (56%) for ANN was higher as compared to SVM and logistic regression, CNN, RNN, and LSTM. With the help of this proposed patient's health monitoring system, doctors will be able to diagnose the presence of the disease earlier

    DeepLungNet: An Effective DL-Based Approach for Lung Disease Classification Using CRIs

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    Infectious disease-related illness has always posed a concern on a global scale. Each year, pneumonia (viral and bacterial pneumonia), tuberculosis (TB), COVID-19, and lung opacity (LO) cause millions of deaths because they all affect the lungs. Early detection and diagnosis can help create chances for better care in all circumstances. Numerous tests, including molecular tests (RT-PCR), complete blood count (CBC) tests, Monteux tuberculin skin tests (TST), and ultrasounds, are used to detect and classify these diseases. However, these tests take a lot of time, have a 20% mistake rate, and are 80% sensitive. So, with the aid of a doctor, radiographic tests such as computed tomography (CT) and chest radiograph images (CRIs) are used to detect lung disorders. With CRIs or CT-scan images, there is a danger that the features of various lung diseases’ diagnoses will overlap. The automation of such a method is necessary to correctly classify diseases using CRIs. The key motivation behind the study was that there is no method for identifying and classifying these (LO, pneumonia, VP, BP, TB, COVID-19) lung diseases. In this paper, the DeepLungNet deep learning (DL) model is proposed, which comprises 20 learnable layers, i.e., 18 convolution (ConV) layers and 2 fully connected (FC) layers. The architecture uses the Leaky ReLU (LReLU) activation function, a fire module, a maximum pooling layer, shortcut connections, a batch normalization (BN) operation, and group convolution layers, making it a novel lung diseases classification framework. This is a useful DL-based method for classifying lung disorders, and we tested the effectiveness of the suggested framework on two datasets with a variety of images from different datasets. We have performed two experiments: a five-class classification (TB, pneumonia, COVID-19, LO, and normal) and a six-class classification (VP, BP, COVID-19, normal, TB, and LO). The suggested framework’s average accuracy for classifying lung diseases into TB, pneumonia, COVID-19, LO, and normal using CRIs was an impressive 97.47%. We have verified the performance of our framework on a different publicly accessible database of images from the agriculture sector in order to further assess its performance and validate its generalizability. This study offers an efficient and automated method for classifying lung diseases that aids in the early detection of lung disease. This strategy significantly improves patient survival, possible treatments, and limits the transmission of infectious illnesses throughout society

    Improved Feature Selection Based on Chaos Game Optimization for Social Internet of Things with a Novel Deep Learning Model

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    The Social Internet of Things (SIoT) ecosystem tends to process and analyze extensive data generated by users from both social networks and Internet of Things (IoT) systems and derives knowledge and diagnoses from all connected objects. To overcome many challenges in the SIoT system, such as big data management, analysis, and reporting, robust algorithms should be proposed and validated. Thus, in this work, we propose a framework to tackle the high dimensionality of transferred data over the SIoT system and improve the performance of several applications with different data types. The proposed framework comprises two parts: Transformer CNN (TransCNN), a deep learning model for feature extraction, and the Chaos Game Optimization (CGO) algorithm for feature selection. To validate the framework’s effectiveness, several datasets with different data types were selected, and various experiments were conducted compared to other methods. The results showed that the efficiency of the developed method is better than other models according to the performance metrics in the SIoT environment. In addition, the average of the developed method based on the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, number of selected features, and fitness value is 88.30%, 87.20%, 92.94%, 44.375, and 0.1082, respectively. The mean rank obtained using the Friedman test is the best value overall for the competitive algorithms

    Accurate Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Lightweight Deep Learning Model on MRI Data

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cognitive impairment and aberrant protein deposition in the brain. Therefore, the early detection of AD is crucial for the development of effective treatments and interventions, as the disease is more responsive to treatment in its early stages. It is worth mentioning that deep learning techniques have been successfully applied in recent years to a wide range of medical imaging tasks, including the detection of AD. These techniques have the ability to automatically learn and extract features from large datasets, making them well suited for the analysis of complex medical images. In this paper, we propose an improved lightweight deep learning model for the accurate detection of AD from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. Our proposed model achieves high detection performance without the need for deeper layers and eliminates the use of traditional methods such as feature extraction and classification by combining them all into one stage. Furthermore, our proposed method consists of only seven layers, making the system less complex than other previous deep models and less time-consuming to process. We evaluate our proposed model using a publicly available Kaggle dataset, which contains a large number of records in a small dataset size of only 36 Megabytes. Our model achieved an overall accuracy of 99.22% for binary classification and 95.93% for multi-classification tasks, which outperformed other previous models. Our study is the first to combine all methods used in the publicly available Kaggle dataset for AD detection, enabling researchers to work on a dataset with new challenges. Our findings show the effectiveness of our lightweight deep learning framework to achieve high accuracy in the classification of AD

    A Novel Cluster Matching-Based Improved Kernel Fisher Criterion for Image Classification in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a popular approach to reducing distributional discrepancies between labeled source and the unlabeled target domain (TD) in machine learning. However, current UDA approaches often align feature distributions between two domains explicitly without considering the target distribution and intra-domain category information, potentially leading to reduced classifier efficiency when the distribution between training and test sets differs. To address this limitation, we propose a novel approach called Cluster Matching-based Improved Kernel Fisher criterion (CM-IKFC) for object classification in image analysis using machine learning techniques. CM-IKFC generates accurate pseudo-labels for each target sample by considering both domain distributions. Our approach employs K-means clustering to cluster samples in the latent subspace in both domains and then conducts cluster matching in the TD. During the model component training stage, the Improved Kernel Fisher Criterion (IKFC) is presented to extend cluster matching and preserve the semantic structure and class transitions. To further enhance the performance of the Kernel Fisher criterion, we use a normalized parameter, due to the difficulty in solving the characteristic equation that draws inspiration from symmetry theory. The proposed CM-IKFC method minimizes intra-class variability while boosting inter-class variants in all domains. We evaluated our approach on benchmark datasets for UDA tasks and our experimental findings show that CM-IKFC is superior to current state-of-the-art methods

    Automated Detection of Myocardial Infarction and Heart Conduction Disorders Based on Feature Selection and a Deep Learning Model

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    An electrocardiogram (ECG) is an essential piece of medical equipment that helps diagnose various heart-related conditions in patients. An automated diagnostic tool is required to detect significant episodes in long-term ECG records. It is a very challenging task for cardiologists to analyze long-term ECG records in a short time. Therefore, a computer-based diagnosis tool is required to identify crucial episodes. Myocardial infarction (MI) and conduction disorders (CDs), sometimes known as heart blocks, are medical diseases that occur when a coronary artery becomes fully or suddenly stopped or when blood flow in these arteries slows dramatically. As a result, several researchers have utilized deep learning methods for MI and CD detection. However, there are one or more of the following challenges when using deep learning algorithms: (i) struggles with real-life data, (ii) the time after the training phase also requires high processing power, (iii) they are very computationally expensive, requiring large amounts of memory and computational resources, and it is not easy to transfer them to other problems, (iv) they are hard to describe and are not completely understood (black box), and (v) most of the literature is based on the MIT-BIH or PTB databases, which do not cover most of the crucial arrhythmias. This paper proposes a new deep learning approach based on machine learning for detecting MI and CDs using large PTB-XL ECG data. First, all challenging issues of these heart signals have been considered, as the signal data are from different datasets and the data are filtered. After that, the MI and CD signals are fed to the deep learning model to extract the deep features. In addition, a new custom activation function is proposed, which has fast convergence to the regular activation functions. Later, these features are fed to an external classifier, such as a support vector machine (SVM), for detection. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated by the experimental findings, which show that it improves satisfactorily with an overall accuracy of 99.20% when using a CNN for extracting the features with an SVM classifier

    A Graph-Based Approach to Recognizing Complex Human Object Interactions in Sequential Data

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    The critical task of recognizing human–object interactions (HOI) finds its application in the domains of surveillance, security, healthcare, assisted living, rehabilitation, sports, and online learning. This has led to the development of various HOI recognition systems in the recent past. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop a novel graph-based solution for this purpose. In particular, the proposed system takes sequential data as input and recognizes the HOI interaction being performed in it. That is, first of all, the system pre-processes the input data by adjusting the contrast and smoothing the incoming image frames. Then, it locates the human and object through image segmentation. Based on this, 12 key body parts are identified from the extracted human silhouette through a graph-based image skeletonization technique called image foresting transform (IFT). Then, three types of features are extracted: full-body feature, point-based features, and scene features. The next step involves optimizing the different features using isometric mapping (ISOMAP). Lastly, the optimized feature vector is fed to a graph convolution network (GCN) which performs the HOI classification. The performance of the proposed system was validated using three benchmark datasets, namely, Olympic Sports, MSR Daily Activity 3D, and D3D-HOI. The results showed that this model outperforms the existing state-of-the-art models by achieving a mean accuracy of 94.1% with the Olympic Sports, 93.2% with the MSR Daily Activity 3D, and 89.6% with the D3D-HOI datasets

    Location and Time Aware Multitask Allocation in Mobile Crowd-Sensing Based on Genetic Algorithm

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    Mobile crowd-sensing (MCS) is a well-known paradigm used for obtaining sensed data by using sensors found in smart devices. With the rise of more sensing tasks and workers in the MCS system, it is now essential to design an efficient approach for task allocation. Moreover, to ensure the completion of the tasks, it is necessary to incentivise the workers by rewarding them for participating in performing the sensing tasks. In this paper, we aim to assist workers in selecting multiple tasks while considering the time constraint of the worker and the requirements of the task. Furthermore, a pricing mechanism is adopted to determine each task budget, which is then used to determine the payment for the workers based on their willingness factor. This paper proves that the task-allocation is a non-deterministic polynomial (NP)-complete problem, which is difficult to solve by conventional optimization techniques. A worker multitask allocation-genetic algorithm (WMTA-GA) is proposed to solve this problem to maximize the workers welfare. Finally, theoretical analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed WMTA-GA. We observed that it performs better than the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of average performance, workers welfare, and the number of assigned tasks