8 research outputs found

    Dislocations and Vacancies in Two-Dimensional Mixed Crystals of Spheres and Dimers

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    In colloidal crystals of spheres, dislocation motion is unrestricted. On the other hand, recent studies of relaxation in crystals of colloidal dimer particles have demonstrated that the dislocation dynamics in such crystals are reminiscent of glassy systems. The observed glassy dynamics arise as a result of dislocation cages formed by certain dimer orientations. In the current study, we use experiments and simulations to investigate the transition that arises when a pure sphere crystal is doped with an increasing concentration of dimers. Specifically, we focus on both dislocation caging and vacancy motion. Interestingly, we find that any nonzero fraction of dimers introduces finite dislocation cages, suggesting that glassy dynamics are present for any mixed crystal. However, we have also identified a vacancy-mediated uncaging mechanism for releasing dislocations from their cages. This mechanism is dependent on vacancy diffusion, which slows by orders of magnitude as the dimer concentration is increased. We propose that in mixed crystals with low dimer concentrations vacancy diffusion is fast enough to uncage dislocations and delay the onset of glassy dislocation dynamics

    Restricted Dislocation Motion in Crystals of Colloidal Dimer Particles

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    At high area fractions, monolayers of colloidal dimer particles form a degenerate crystal (DC) structure in which the particle lobes occupy triangular lattice sites while the particles are oriented randomly along any of the three lattice directions. We report that dislocation glide in DCs is blocked by certain particle orientations. The mean number of lattice constants between such obstacles is 4.6 +/- 0.2 in experimentally observed DC grains and 6.18 +/- 0.01 in simulated monocrystalline DCs. Dislocation propagation beyond these obstacles is observed to proceed through dislocation reactions. We estimate that the energetic cost of dislocation pair separation via such reactions in an otherwise defect free DC grows linearly with final separation, hinting that the material properties of DCs may be dramatically different from those of 2-D crystals of spheres

    Glassy Dislocation Dynamics in 2D Colloidal Dimer Crystals

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    Although glassy relaxation is typically associated with disorder, here we report on a new type of glassy dynamics relating to dislocations within 2D crystals of colloidal dimers. Previous studies have demonstrated that dislocation motion in dimer crystals is restricted by certain particle orientations. Here, we drag an optically trapped particle through such dimer crystals, creating dislocations. We find a two-stage relaxation response where initially dislocations glide until encountering particles that cage their motion. Subsequent relaxation occurs logarithmically slowly through a second process where dislocations hop between caged configurations. Finally, in simulations of sheared dimer crystals, the dislocation mean squared displacement displays a caging plateau typical of glassy dynamics. Together, these results reveal a novel glassy system within a colloidal crystal

    Synthesis and Assembly of Nonspherical Hollow Silica Colloids Under Confinement

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    Hard peanut-shaped colloids were synthesized and organized into a degenerate crystal (DC), a phase previously observed only in simulations. In this structure, particle lobes tile a triangular lattice while their orientations uniformly populate the three underlying crystalline directions

    Directed self-assembly of spherical caps via confinement

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    In this work we use Monte Carlo simulations to study the phase behavior of spherical caps confined between two parallel hard walls separated by a distance H. The particle model consists of a hard sphere of diameter \sigma cut off by a plane at a height \chi, and it is loosely based on mushroom cap-shaped particles whose phase behavior was recently studied experimentally [E. K. Riley and C. M. Liddell, Langmuir, 26, 11648 (2010)]. The geometry of the particles is characterized by the reduced height \chi^* = \chi/\sigma, such that the model extrapolates between hard spheres for \chi^* \leftarrow 1 and infinitely thin hard platelets for \chi^* \letfarrow 0. Three different particle shapes are investigated: (a) three-quarter height spherical caps (\chi^* = 3/4), (b) one-half height spherical caps or hemispheres (\chi^* = 1/2), and (c) one-quarter height spherical caps (\chi^* = 1/4). These three models are used to rationalize the effect of particle shape, obtained by cutting off spheres at different heights, on the entropy-driven self-assembly of the particles under strong confinements; i.e., for 1 < H/\chi < 2.5. As H is varied, a sequence of crystal structures are observed, including some having similar symmetry as that of the structures observed in confined hard spheres on account of the remaining spherical surface in the particles, but with additional features on account of the particle shapes having intrinsic anisotropy and orientational degrees of freedom. The \chi^* = 3/4 system is found to exhibit a phase diagram that is most similar to the one obtained experimentally for the confined mushroom cap-shaped colloidal particles under. A qualitative global phase diagram is constructed that helps reveal the interrelations among different phases for all the particle shapes and confinements studied.Comment: 35 Pages, 14 Figures, 1 Appendi