10 research outputs found


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    The goal of the research is to determine relationship between tritium concentration in the body fluid (urine) of people living in the area of influence of the Beloyarskaya NPP and tritium concentration in drinking water.Materials and methods. Studed population (men and women). Urine samples were collected in the clinical laboratory of a medical unit in Zarechny town. There were 50 individuals in the studied group. Patients were different on age and weight. Water samples were collected in an arbitrary way, through the all study period, from October to November in 2015 year. Tritium concentrations were determined with the ultra-low level liquid scintillation spectrometer Quantulus-1220 (USA). The facility developed by L.G. Bondareva was used for tritium extraction. The method allowes to separate the template, which significantly effects determination of tritium.Results. The urine samples from people living in the area of influence of the Beloyarskaya NPP in Zarechny town were analyzed in the study. There was positive relationship between tritium concentration in drinking water and tritium concentration in urine. Statistically significant correlation between analyzed parameters was found (correlation coefficient 0.98; significance level 0,007). Individual doses were estimated according to Harrison, Khursheed, Lambert. The Doses vary from 0,32 to 1,12 with an allowance for consumption of drinking water 100 l y–1 (according to the consumption standard for the analyzed region), which amounts 0,032–0,12 % from dose limit for population (1 mSv y–1). It was determined what drinking water is the main source of the radionuclide in human body in this region. The determined values of tritium concentration in drinking water are significantly lower than the intervention level for tritium of 7600 Bq l–1 ( Radiation Safety Standards-99/2009, Appendix 2a).Цель исследования. Выявить зависимости содержания трития в биологических жидкостях (моче) людей, проживающих в зоне действия Белоярской атомной станции, от концентрации трития в питьевой воде.Материалы и методы. Исследуемое население (мужчины и женщины). Образцы мочи были получены в клинической лаборатории медсанчасти г. Заречный. Количество испытуемых составляло 50 человек. Пациенты различались по возрасту и полу. Пробы воды отбирались произвольно, в течение всего времени проведения исследований, т.е. с января по ноябрь 2015 г. Режим отбора и определения содержания трития был произвольный, но не реже двух раз в месяц. Содержание трития в исследуемых пробах измеряли с использованием жидкостно-сцинтилляционного спектрометра низкофонового альфа-бета-радиометра Quantuluse-1220 (США). Для выделения трития использована установка, разработанная Л.Г. Бондаревой и позволяющая отделить матрицу, в значительной степени влияющую на определение содержания трития.Результаты. Исследована моча населения, проживающего в зоне влияния Белоярской АЭС, в городском поселении Заречный. Во всех случаях выявлена зависимость концентраций трития в моче от содержания трития в питьевой воде. Установлена высокодостоверная корреляционная связь между исследуемыми параметрами (коэффициент корреляции 0,98; уровень значимости 0,007). Определены, в соответствии с расчетами, приведенными в работе Harrison, Khursheed, Lambert, значения индивидуальных доз для населения. Значения дозы варьируются в интервале 0,32–1,2, при учете потребления 100 л/месяц питьевой воды (согласно нормативам потребления питьевой воды для исследуемого региона), что составляет 0,032–0,12% от предела дозы для населения (1 мЗв/год). Установлено, что радионуклид поступает в организм людей данного региона преимущественно из питьевой воды. Полученные значения значительно меньше уровня вмешательства для трития, приведенного в НРБ-99/2009, приложение 2а, значение которого составляет 7600 Бк/л

    Radioactive studies of phytoplankton in the cooling reservoir of the Beloyarsk atomic power station

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    The paper gives data on the species composition, abundance and biomass of the phyto and zooplankton in the cooling reservoir of the Beloyarsk atomic power station. We discuss the effect of the cooling system on the plankton organisms, the effect of the discharged heated water on the condition and accumulative ability of the plankton. We studied daily dynamics of radionuclide accumulation and estimated the contribution of the phytoplankton to the total stock of radionuclides in the Beloyarsk reservoir


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    The goal of the research is to determine relationship between tritium concentration in the body fluid (urine) of people living in the area of influence of the Beloyarskaya NPP and tritium concentration in drinking water.Materials and methods. Studed population (men and women). Urine samples were collected in the clinical laboratory of a medical unit in Zarechny town. There were 50 individuals in the studied group. Patients were different on age and weight. Water samples were collected in an arbitrary way, through the all study period, from October to November in 2015 year. Tritium concentrations were determined with the ultra-low level liquid scintillation spectrometer Quantulus-1220 (USA). The facility developed by L.G. Bondareva was used for tritium extraction. The method allowes to separate the template, which significantly effects determination of tritium.Results. The urine samples from people living in the area of influence of the Beloyarskaya NPP in Zarechny town were analyzed in the study. There was positive relationship between tritium concentration in drinking water and tritium concentration in urine. Statistically significant correlation between analyzed parameters was found (correlation coefficient 0.98; significance level 0,007). Individual doses were estimated according to Harrison, Khursheed, Lambert. The Doses vary from 0,32 to 1,12 with an allowance for consumption of drinking water 100 l y–1 (according to the consumption standard for the analyzed region), which amounts 0,032–0,12 % from dose limit for population (1 mSv y–1). It was determined what drinking water is the main source of the radionuclide in human body in this region. The determined values of tritium concentration in drinking water are significantly lower than the intervention level for tritium of 7600 Bq l–1 ( Radiation Safety Standards-99/2009, Appendix 2a)

    The risk of leukaemia in young children from exposure to tritium and carbon-14 in the discharges of German nuclear power stations and in the fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing

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