148 research outputs found

    Keberkesanan komunikasi organisasi: satu analisis multidimensi

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    Communication is pervasive in all areas of organizational life. A review of the communication studies literature indicates very little attention has been given to research examining the relationship between communication satisfaction and organizational commitment within Malaysian contexts. Moreover, the relationship between communication satisfaction and organizational commitment of the employees has been inferred without the benefit of demonstrated empirical evidence in all kinds of organizations.Therefore, this study focuses on the relationship between organizational communication satisfaction and the organizational commitment in Malaysia. Data were collected using the Downs’s (1990) Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire, and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire by Meyer and Allen (1990). A total of 317 respondents were involved in the study.Results indicated that there is an obvious positive relationship between communication satisfaction and employees’ organizational commitment. This study also highlights the importance of recognizing that communication satisfaction is multidimensional. Each dimension may affect organizational commitment differently

    Source credibility, risk communication and well-being: A conceptual framework

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    This paper intends to establish a conceptual framework and discuss theoretical issues related to understanding relationships between source credibility, risk communication and well-being in disaster management context.The key aim of the framework is to highlight the relationship between the variables in predicting well-being in Malaysian contexts.Few literature on source credibility, risk communication and well-being that constitute the building blocks of this model were discussed as the starting point for general framework.This concept paper discusses the relationships between variables and proposed an integrated model of the conceptual framework between the variables to fill in the gap identified from previous studies to establish a new context of disaster management

    Impact of television drama from audience reception perspective

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    Mass media have influence on the ways people perceive the world. This assumption is entrenched in the Gerbner's cultivation hypothesis of television effects (1969).Thus, the purpose of this paper is to understand how the rapid process of cultural globalization affects Malaysia television industry and the Malays culturally.Collecting of data in this study adopted: content analysis.Results of the study showed that with rapid process of cultural globalization, Malaysian prime-time television dramas portrayed more Western values and lifestyles. Amongst the Malays, especially the youngsters, there were evidences of the adoption of other Western values like individualism and consumerism

    Hubungan komunikasi organisasi dengan komitmen keorganisasian

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara kepuasan terhadap aspek-aspek komunikasi yang wujud di alam sesebuah organisasi dan hubungannya dengan komitmen keorganisasian di kalangan kakitangan sesebuah organisasi. Sejumlah 307 orang responden terlibat di dalam kajian ini. Kaedah pengumpulan data ialah dengan mengunakan soalselidik. Kepuasan Komunikasi Organisasi oleh Downs dan Hazen (1977) dan soalselidik Komitmen Keorganisasian oleh Meyer dan Allen (1990). Hasil analisis menunjukkan wujud hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kedua-dua pembolehubah. Keseluruhan aspek komunikasi organisasi mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan konmitmen keorganisasian

    Pemilihan strategi dalam komunikasi perundingan

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    Perundingan merupakan antara aspek penting dalarn pengumsan. Ianya merupakan proses yang melibatkan komunikasi. Perundingan sering-kali berlaku apabila wujudnya konflik antara individu, kumpulan, mahupun organisasi. Fenomena konflik membawa kepada pihak-pihak terlibat berminat untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan faham dan cuba mencari persetujuan bersama. Di sinilah pentingnya peranan komunikasi yang berkesan sebagai suatu bentuk elemen bagi mencapai persetujuan bersama yang akan dibincangkan secara langsung dalam artikel ini

    Peranan budaya organisasi selaku pemboleh ubah pengubah dalam hubungan antara komunikasi organisasi dan kepuasan kerja

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    Komunikasi dan kepuasan kerja memainkan peranan penting dalam konteks pengurusan sesebuah organisasi.Lanraran, kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau hubungan antara kepuasan terhadap aspek-aspek komunikasi yang terdapat di dalam sesebuah organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengkaji peranan budaya organisasi selaku pemboleh ubah pengubah dalam konteks hubungan berkenaan. Sejumlah 338 orang responden terlibat dalam kajian yang menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif ini.Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara komunikasi organisasi dan kepuasan kerja. Keseluruhan aspek komunikasi organisasi iaitu kesepaduan organisasi, komunikasi subordinat, komunikasi horizontal/informal,kualiti maklumat/media, komunikasi pihak atasan, maklum balas peribadi,perspektif korporat, iklim komunikasi dun komunikasi penyelian mempunyai hubungan dengan kepuasan kerja. Hasil kajian menunjukkan dimensi Budaya Jarak Kekuasaan, dimensi Budaya Pengelakan Ketidakpastian, dimensi Budaya Maskuliniti/Femininiti, dimensi Budaya lndividualisme/Kolektivisme dan dimensi Budaya Orientasi Jangka Pendek/Jangka Panjang tidak berperanan selaku pemboleh ubah pengubah dalam konteks hubungan antara kepuasan komunikasi dan kepuasan kerja. Namun begitu, hasil kajian menunjukkan wujud hubungan langsung antara dimensi Budaya Pengelakan Ketidakpastian dan dimensi Budaya Individualisme dengan kepuasan kerja

    Keberkesanan Komunikasi Organisasi: Satu Analisis Multidimensi

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    Komunikasi memainkan peranan penting dalam konteks survival sesebuah organisasi. Kajian-kajian lepas menunjukkan bahawa terlalu sedikit kajian yang dilakukan menumpukan kepada hubungan antara kepuasan komunikasi dan komitmen terhadap organisasi dalam konteks Malaysia. Tambahan pula, hubungan kedua-dua pembolehubah berkenaan adalah lebih berbentuk andaian tanpa bukti-bukti empirikal melalui kajian di berbagai organisasi. Sehubunganini, kajian ini memberikan fokus kepada hubungan antara kepuasan terhadapkomunikasi organisasi dan komitmen terhadap organisasi di Malaysia. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan soal selidik Kepuasan Komunikasi yang dibentuk oleh Downs (1990) dan soal selidik Komitmen Organisasi oleh Meyer dan Allen (1990). Sejumlah 317 orang responden terlibat dalam kajian ini. Hasilkajian menunjukkan wujud hubungan yang positif antara kepuasan terhadapkomunikasi organisasi dan komitmen terhadap organisasi. Kajian ini turutmemaparkan kepentingan kepuasan komunikasi dikaji sebagai elemenmultidimensi. Setiap dimensi mungkin mendatangkan kesan yang berbezaterhadap komitmen.

    Validating Measures for Community Factors, Facebook Intensity, Individual Differences, Social Capital and Academic Performance among University Students

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    This study was carried out to validate the measures for community factors, face book intensity, individual differences, social capital and academic performance of university students. A factor analysis was carried out with reliability test to determine whether the measurements had construct validity and reliability. In this regard, the instrument were administered to 100 undergraduate students in Sirte University. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted for all items measuring the constructs which include Community factor (interacting with peers, interacting with lecturer and engaging with students), face book intensity (emotional connection, face book friends, time use on facebook); Individual differences; academic performance and social capital. The principal component analysis (PCA) was used to perform exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to find uncorrelated linear combinations of observed variables. The result of the analysis confirmed that Community factor has three dimension: interacting with peers, interacting with lecturer and engaging with students; face book intensity also has three dimension; emotional connection, face book friends, time use on face book. The loadings of all the retained items are above the threshold value and the Cronbach alpha of all the constructs are also above .8 which shows that the instrument is valid and reliable and thus, can be adopted by future researcher. Keywords: Community factors, Facebook intensity, Social capital, Academic performanc

    The Moderating Role of Individual Differences on the Relationship between Facebook Intensity and University Student Academic Performance

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    There has been an evidence of poor academic performance among universities students and among the attributing factors include Facebook intensity. Although, the influence of Facebook intensity on students’ academic performance has been inconsistent and inclusion of a moderating variable was suggested by previous studies. Therefore, this study was carried out to examine the moderating role of individual differences on the relationship between Facebook intensity and students’ academic performance. This study utilized quantitative survey method to gather data from 455 universities’ students from Central region of Libya selected through a systematic random sampling strategy. The statistical result shows that there is a moderate level of Facebook intensity, individual differences and students’ academic performance. The findings shows that Facebook intensity are significantly related to students’ academic performance and individual differences significantly moderates the relationship between Facebook intensity and academic performance. Therefore, it was concluded that for university system to enhance student academic performance, the role of facebook intensity and individual differences among student is very paramount. Keywords: Facebook intensity, individual differences, academic performance, moderating rol
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