16 research outputs found

    Kontrak pengangkutan barangan melalui laut : Tanggungan tuan punya kapal di bawah common law

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    Dalam kontrak jualan antarabangsa terdapat pelbagai cara pengangkutan yang digunakan untuk mengangkut barangan sama ada melalui laut, udara atau darat.Di antara ketiga-tiga cara ini, sistem pengangkutan menggunakan kapal adalah yang paling popular diamalkan oIeh penjual dan pembeli yang menetap di negara yang berlainan. Pengangkutan melalui darat dan udara tidak kurang juga penting tetapi kapasiti untuk membawa barang agak terhad terutama apabila barangan yang hendak diangkut atau diserah-hantar terlalu besar, berat atau dalam kuantiti yang banyak. Justeru itu, ramai pihak yang terlibat dalam kontrak jualan antarabangsa memilih untuk menggunakan cara pengangkutan melalui laut. Untuk memastikan barangan yang diangkut selamat sarnpai ke pelabuhan destinasi, ia memerlukan kapal pengangkut yang baik.Tanggungjawab ini terletak atas tuanpunya kapal untuk menyediakan kapal yang layak laut dan di samping itu terdapat juga tanggungan-tanggungan lain yang harus dipikul oleh tuanpunya kapal

    Strategi mengatasi hutang korporat melalui CDRC

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    Artikel ini membincangkan tentang keberkesanan CDRD, objektif penubuhan CDRC, proses perlaksanaan penyusunan semula hutang dan juga kaedah-kaedah penyelesaian oleh CDRC. Disamping itu juga akan meninjau pencapaian yang telah dihasilkan oleh CDRC dan juga menyenaraikan beberapa kekangan yang dihadapi oleh CDRC dalam menyelesaikan masalah hutang korpora

    Principle of autonomy in letter of credit (LC) - An overview from legal and Shariah perspective

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    The issuance of letter of credit (LC) as a method of payment in international trade carried by itself its distinctive feature that is independent from the underlying sales contract entered into between seller and buyer. Evidently, payment for the goods will be made upon compliance of documents instead of compliance of the goods traded. Disputes between trading parties concerning the goods in the underlying contracts are to be addressed using a different cause of action which should not compromise the LC operations and undertaking of the bank to honour payment. Based on this unique characteristic, this paper aims to explain the meaning of principle of autonomy, its nature and background. It highlights the significance of principle of autonomy in LC transaction. Furthermore, it discusses the legal framework of principle of autonomy where to a certain extent, comparisons between relevant articles in the UCP 500 and 600 are highlighted. Next, discussion focuses on relevant case-law where the principle of autonomy was significantly prevailed in LC transaction. Last but not least, it addresses the issue of Shariah compliance in the application of this principle in LC

    Kad kredit: Isu keselamatan dalam perbankan elektronik dan penggunaannya di sisi syara’

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    Backing businesses in Malaysia are undergoing rapid changes in adapting themselves to the current situation.Electronic banking is a new challenge in the current information era especially in realizing the modes concerning visual transactions.Credit cards seemed to be a popular tool in implementing a visual transaction particularly related to payments. Among the main problems in internet banking is the encroachment of customers’ information such as that of credit cards.Basically, this encroachment can occur in two situations, whereby non-responsible party has access to the customers’ personal information during banking services through the internet a s well as an approach termed as “phishing” or theft of identity through the fasleweb-sites. Nevertheless, the customers, especially the Muslim ummah, are always dubious at the credit cards as they are presumed to be against the syara’.Hence, this article aims at looking at the safety issues pertaining to the use of credit cards through the on-line trasactions as well as the use of credit cards for daily tracsactions based on syara’

    Minors and Their Incapacity to Contract: A Revisit

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    Given the exposure to today's easy-to-know information, children should seemingly become mature faster than their predecessors, and therefore better informed even at a tender age. However, it remains to be seen whether fixing the age of 18 for minors or children to enter into contracts is relevant. This paper focuses on contract law; it examines the age of majority and the legal implications of contracts entered into by minors. To a certain extent, this paper examines the issue by making comparisons between Malaysian and English law. The findings derived imply that the determination of the age of majority needs to be compatible with the capacity of minors and current realities. This determination must be premised on a fair balance between protecting minors' welfare and the interest of those who have attained the age of majority

    Surat-surat kredit: Sekuriti alternatif dalam sistem pembayaran perdagangan antarabangsa

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    Dalam kontrak jualan barang antarabangsa, penjual dan pembeli terpaksa berhadapan dengan pelbagai masalah disebabkan faktor jarak yang memlsahhn kedua-dua pihak tersebut.Walaupun mereka telah menandatangani suatu kontrak yang nyata dan teriht untuk mematuhinya, namun kerisauan terhadap tahap kejujuran masing-masing tidak dapat diketepikan terutamanya dalam isu pembayaran. Bagi pihak penjual, mereka akan meragui kejujuran pembeli untuk membuat pembayaran terhadap barangan yang telah dihantarserah. Ini adalah kerana penjual mungkin akan berurusniaga dengan pembeli yang tidak pernah dikenali sebelum ini dan tidak mengetahui latar belakang pembeli.Penjual boleh ditipu bila-bila masa sahaja oleh pembeli yang ingkar untuk membayar harga barangan kepada penjual sedangkan penjual telah bersusah payah menghabiskan banyak perbelanjaan untuk menghantar barang yang dlpesan.Bagi pihak pembeli pula, kebimbangan akan menguasal diri mereka terhadap kejujuran penjual dalam membekalkan barangan yang benar-benar menepati apa yang dikehendaki dan memenuhi kualiti. Dalam keadaan ini, kedua-dua pihak seolah-olah takut untuk memulakan tanggungan masing-masing.Penjual tidak bersedia untuk membuat penghantaran barang kerana bimbang tidak akan dibayar, manakala pembeli pula tidak bersedia untuk membuat pembayaran selagi tidak menerima jaminan bahawa penjual akan menghantar barang yang dimaksudkan.Dalam menghadapi situasi ini, surat-surat kredit adalah salah satu cara atau jalan penyelesaian.la merupakan salah satu cara pembayaran yang diamalkan dengan meluas dalam kontrak jualan antarabangsa dewasa ini kerana menyediakan cara pembayaran paling selamat, mudah dan menjamin sekuriti yang secukupnya bagi semua pihak yang terlibat dalam kontrak jualan khususnya kepada penjual dan pembeli.Kertas kerja ini akan menerangkan tentang prosedur pembayaran melalui surat-surat kredit.Perbincangan kemudiannya akan difokuskan kepada dua prinsip utama iaitu autonomi dan pematuhan ketat (strict compliance) berdasarkan kepada kes-kes dan juga satu-satunya sumber peruntukan berkenaan dengan surat-surat kredit iaitu Uniform Customs and Practice For Documentary Credit 500(UCP500).Di samping itu, kertas kerja ini juga akan menyentuh tentang beberapa kebaikan atau keistimewaan apabila urusan pembayaran dibuat melalui surat-surat kredit

    An overview of Shari'ah issues regarding the application of the Islamic letter of credit practice in Malaysia

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    The Letter of Credit (LC) serves as an instrument of payment in international trade. Its aim is to facilitate trade between seller and buyer in different countries. To date, the Islamic banking environment promotes the use of the Islamic LC as a method of financing in international trade, particularly to Muslims and to the general public as a whole. Thus far, this facility is offered not only by Islamic banks, but also by all commercial banks. It is basically governed by the same rules of the UCP 600 that regulate the conventional LC. Realising the peculiarity in the application of this conventional rule to the Islamic LC, this paper focuses on the aim of harmonising the practice of the Islamic LC with the requirements of Shari'ah principles where elements such as interest (riba) and uncertainty (gharar) are prohibited. It begins by giving the background of the Islamic LC in Malaysia. Next, it discusses the definition and types of Islamic LCs, murabahah (cost-plus sale), wakalah (agency) and musharakah (partnership), as the issuance of the Islamic LC is based on these three concepts. In addition, it highlights comparisons between these three concepts. Furthermore, the focal point of discussion is on Shari'ah issues in the practice of the Islamic LC, such as governing rule, subject-matter, interest, INCOTERMS and insurance, contract ('aqd), discrepancy fee, and exclusion of risk of goods in the Islamic LC. Discussion of these issues leads us to identify whether they are in compliance with Shari'ah principles. In relation to this, various proposals are suggested to harmonise the rules applicable to the Islamic LC and Shari'ah principles


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    It is fundamental that the content of the advertisement must be free from any disputable errors. Otherwise; the owner of the advertisement shall be liable for customers claims in regard to its content. Obviously, advertisements, be it traditional or online are exposed to legal repercussion should it fails to comply with the terms as per advertised. This paper discusses the legal implications of such advertisement from a contract law perspective focusing on an electronic advertisement containing price errors. It refers to the area of mistake in contract law and highlights the common law and equitable approaches in dealing with this issue. In addition, it focuses on the Malaysian legal provisions pertaining to mistake in contract law and also the issues of unfair contract terms. This paper adopts content analysis method where the materials used were largely library-based consisting of primary and secondary data. The primary data was gathered from case-law to explain how the legal principles are applied. English cases are the major references considering their high volume of cases on contractual issues. The secondary data was based on published materials, such as textbooks, journal articles, online databases and the Internet. For analysis, this paper applied a combination method of data analysis, namely, descriptive, critical and comparative approaches. The judges statements in each case were examined carefully; highlighted loopholes, followed by rational justifications. The findings have established that notwithstanding the common law principle which recognises mistake as a vitiating factor in contract, the application of mistake as a defence in an advertisement containing price error demonstrates divergent approaches by the courts. In addition, a review on the Malaysian legal framework pertaining to this issue reveals that due protection needs to be enhanced in order to warrant justice shall be served to a customer who has an unequal bargain

    Mistake in an electronic advertisement: Legal implication

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    It is fundamental that the content of the advertisement must be free from any disputable errors. Otherwise; the owner of the advertisement shall be liable for customers claims in regard to its content. Obviously, advertisements, be it traditional or online are exposed to legal repercussion should it fails to comply with the terms as per advertised. This paper discusses the legal implications of such advertisement from a contract law perspective focusing on an electronic advertisement containing price errors. It refers to the area of mistake in contract law and highlights the common law and equitable approaches in dealing with this issue. In addition, it focuses on the Malaysian legal provisions pertaining to mistake in contract law and also the issues of unfair contract terms. This paper adopts content analysis method where the materials used were largely library-based consisting of primary and secondary data. The primary data was gathered from case-law to explain how the legal principles are applied. English cases are the major references considering their high volume of cases on contractual issues. The secondary data was based on published materials, such as textbooks, journal articles, online databases and the Internet. For analysis, this paper applied a combination method of data analysis, namely, descriptive, critical and comparative approaches. The judges statements in each case were examined carefully; highlighted loopholes, followed by rational justifications. The findings have established that notwithstanding the common law principle which recognises mistake as a vitiating factor in contract, the application of mistake as a defence in an advertisement containing price error demonstrates divergent approaches by the courts. In addition, a review on the Malaysian legal framework pertaining to this issue reveals that due protection needs to be enhanced in order to warrant justice shall be served to a customer who has an unequal bargain