577 research outputs found

    Contribution of bsggb \to sgg through the QCD anomaly in exclusive decays B±(η,η)(K±,K±)B^{\pm}\to (\eta^{\prime},\eta)(K^{\pm}, K^{*\pm}) and B0(η,η)(K0,K0)B^{0}\to (\eta^{\prime},\eta)(K^{0},K^{*0})

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    We compute the decay rates for the exclusive decays B±(η,η)(K±,K±)B^{\pm} \to (\eta^{\prime},\eta) (K^{\pm}, K^{*\pm}) and B0(η,η)(K0,K0)B^{0}\to (\eta^{\prime},\eta) (K^{0}, K^{*0}) in a QCD-improved factorization framework by including the contribution from the process bsggs(η,η)b\to sgg \to s (\eta^{\prime}, \eta) through the QCD anomaly. This method provides an alternative estimate of the contribution bsccˉs(η,η)b \to s c\bar{c} \to s(\eta,\eta^\prime) to these decays as compared to the one using the intrinsic charm content of the η\eta^{\prime} and η\eta mesons determined through the decays J/ψ(η,η,ηc)γJ/\psi \to (\eta,\eta^\prime ,\eta_c) \gamma. The resulting branching ratios are compared with the CLEO data on B±ηK±B^{\pm} \to \eta^{\prime} K^{\pm} and B0ηK0B^{0} \to \eta^{\prime} K^{0} and predictions are made for the rest.Comment: 16 pages including 4 postscript figures; uses epsfig. The most recent branching ratios from CLEO, ref. [5], are taken into account. The theory part is unchange

    Azimuthal Correlation in Lepton-Hadron Scattering via Charged Weak-Current Processes

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    We consider the azimuthal correlation of the final-state particles in charged weak-current processes. This correlation provides a test of perturbative quantum chromodynamics. The azimuthal asymmetry is large in the semi-inclusive processes in which we identify a final-state hadron, say, a charged pion compared to that in the inclusive processes in which we do not identify final-state particles and use only the calorimetric information. In semi-inclusive processes the azimuthal asymmetry is more conspicuous when the incident lepton is an antineutrino or a positron than when the incident lepton is a neutrino or an electron. We analyze all the possible charged weak-current processes and study the quantitative aspects of each process. We also compare this result to the ep scattering with a photon exchange.Comment: 25 pages, 2 Postscript figures, uses RevTeX, fixes.st

    Soft Wilson lines in soft-collinear effective theory

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    The effects of the soft gluon emission in hard scattering processes at the phase boundary are resummed in the soft-collinear effective theory (SCET). In SCET, the soft gluon emission is decoupled from the energetic collinear part, and is obtained by the vacuum expectation value of the soft Wilson-line operator. The form of the soft Wilson lines is universal in deep inelastic scattering, in the Drell-Yan process, in the jet production from e+e- collisions, and in the gamma* gamma* -> pi0 process, but its analytic structure is slightly different in each process. The anomalous dimensions of the soft Wilson-line operators for these processes are computed along the light-like path at leading order in SCET and to first order in alpha_s, and the renormalization group behavior of the soft Wilson lines is discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    On Quark-Hadron Duality in the Heavy Quark Sector

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    I discuss the issue of quark-hadron duality in the system of heavy-light quark mesons. As an example, I consider a correlator of two currents comprising heavy quark operators, and I compare the OPE expression with the result obtained by a complete insertion of hadronic states. After a smearing procedure, OPE and hadronic spectral functions agree with each other. However, the local behaviour of the two functions is different, and the difference manifests itself in a term which is absent in the OPE.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, 1 postscript figure, uses espcrc2.sty. To appear in the Proceedings of the High Energy Physics Euroconference QCD'97, Montpellier, France, 3-9 July 199


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    Limbah cair hasil industri tahu mengandung Biologycal Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), dan Total Suspended Solid (TSS) yang cukup tinggi. Jika limbah cair dibuang begitu saja akan menimbulkan masalah lingkungan yang kompleks. Salah satu alternatif solusi yang dinilai efektif untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini adalah fitoremediasi tanaman eceng gondok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas sistem pengolahan limbah cair industri tahu menggunakan fitoremediasi tanaman eceng gondok serta mengetahui perbandingan biaya pengolahan limbah cair industri tahu menggunakan fitoremediasi dengan tanaman eceng gondok jika dibandingkan dengan metode konvensional (biofilter aerob-anaerob). Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen-komparatif yang terdiri dari dua proses, yakni fitoremediasi dan komparasi data. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Sumber Daya Air, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran untuk fitoremediasi sedangkan untuk pengujian hasil penelitian, masing-masing sampel diuji di Laboratorium Ekologi Pulik Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Februari hingga Maret 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eceng gondok dapat menurunkan kadar TSS, BOD, dan COD secara umum di atas 80%. Selain dari segi efektivitas, dari segi biaya, pengolahan limbah cair industri tahu dengan metode fitoremediasi lebih efektif daripada metode konvensional (biofilter aerob-anaerob). Hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai Eco-Efficiency Ratio (EER) metode konvensional sebesar 78,48% dan metode fitoremediasi sebesar 87,03%

    Partial sex linkage and linkage disequilibrium on the guppy sex chromosome

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    The guppy Y chromosome has been considered a model system for the evolution of suppressed recombination between sex chromosomes, and it has been proposed that complete sex‐linkage has evolved across about 3 Mb surrounding this fish's sex‐determining locus, followed by recombination suppression across a further 7 Mb of the 23 Mb XY pair, forming younger “evolutionary strata”. Sequences of the guppy genome show that Y is very similar to the X chromosome. Knowing which parts of the Y are completely nonrecombining, and whether there is indeed a large completely nonrecombining region, are important for understanding its evolution. Here, we describe analyses of PoolSeq data in samples from within multiple natural populations from Trinidad, yielding new results that support previous evidence for occasional recombination between the guppy Y and X. We detected recent demographic changes, notably that downstream populations have higher synonymous site diversity than upstream ones and other expected signals of bottlenecks. We detected evidence of associations between sequence variants and the sex‐determining locus, rather than divergence under a complete lack of recombination. Although recombination is infrequent, it is frequent enough that associations with SNPs can suggest the region in which the sex‐determining locus must be located. Diversity is elevated across a physically large region of the sex chromosome, conforming to predictions for a genome region with infrequent recombination that carries one or more sexually antagonistic polymorphisms. However, no consistently male‐specific variants were found, supporting the suggestion that any completely sex‐linked region may be very small

    Hysteresis and bi-stability by an interplay of calcium oscillations and action potential firing

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    Many cell types exhibit oscillatory activity, such as repetitive action potential firing due to the Hodgkin-Huxley dynamics of ion channels in the cell membrane or reveal intracellular inositol triphosphate (IP3_3) mediated calcium oscillations (CaOs) by calcium-induced calcium release channels (IP3_3-receptor) in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The dynamics of the excitable membrane and that of the IP3_3-mediated CaOs have been the subject of many studies. However, the interaction between the excitable cell membrane and IP3_3-mediated CaOs, which are coupled by cytosolic calcium which affects the dynamics of both, has not been studied. This study for the first time applied stability analysis to investigate the dynamic behavior of a model, which includes both an excitable membrane and an intracellular IP3_3-mediated calcium oscillator. Taking the IP3_3 concentration as a control parameter, the model exhibits a novel rich spectrum of stable and unstable states with hysteresis. The four stable states of the model correspond in detail to previously reported growth-state dependent states of the membrane potential of normal rat kidney fibroblasts in cell culture. The hysteresis is most pronounced for experimentally observed parameter values of the model, suggesting a functional importance of hysteresis. This study shows that the four growth-dependent cell states may not reflect the behavior of cells that have differentiated into different cell types with different properties, but simply reflect four different states of a single cell type, that is characterized by a single model.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Violations of Local Duality in the Heavy Quark Sector

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    We examine the origin of possible failures of the quark-hadron local duality. In particular, we consider a correlator of two currents comprising heavy quark operators, and compare the evaluation by the Operator Product Expansion with the result obtained inserting an infinite set of hadronic states, in the N_c to infinity limit. Whereas the smeared spectral functions agree with each other, their local behaviour is different. The difference manifests itself in the form of a term O(Lambda/epsilon) (epsilon being the residual energy) that is not present in the expansion in powers of Lambda/epsilon predicted by the OPE.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 1 figur

    Rare radiative exclusive B decays in soft-collinear effective theory

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    We consider rare radiative B decays such as B -> K^* gamma or B -> rho gamma in soft-collinear effective theory, and show that the decay amplitudes are factorized to all orders in alpha_s and at leading order in Lambda/m_b.By employing two-step matching, we classify the operators for radiative B decays in powers of a small parameter lambda(~ \sqrt{Lambda/m_b}) and obtain the relevant operators to order lambda in SCET_I. These operators are constructed with or without spectator quarks including the four-quark operators contributing to annihilation and W-exchange channels. And we employ SCET_II where the small parameter becomes of order Lambda/m_b, and evolve the operators in order to compute the decay amplitudes for rare radiative decays in soft-collinear effective theory. We show explictly that the contributions from the annihilation channels and the W-exchange channels vanish at leading order in SCET. We present the factorized result for the decay amplitudes in rare radiative B decays at leading order in SCET, and at next-to-leading order in alpha_s.Comment: v2: 31 pages, 11 figures. An appendix is added about the quark mass effects on radiative B decay

    Inclusive Semileptonic Decays in QCD Including Lepton Mass Effects

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    Starting from an Operator Product Expansion in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory up to order 1/m_b^2 we calculate the inclusive semileptonic decays of unpolarized bottom hadrons including lepton mass effects. We calculate the differential decay spectra d\Gamma/(dE_\tau ), and the total decay rate for B meson decays to final states containing a \tau lepton.Comment: 16 pages + 4 figs. appended in uuencoded form, LaTeX, MZ-TH/93-3