4 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Role of Herbal Drugs in the Management of Mental Disorders: An Ayurveda Review

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    The development of civilization of mankind witnessed evolution of medical science and in this regards glory of Ayurveda science can’t be ignored. Ayurveda encompasses all aspects to restore mental, physical and spiritual health. The general principles of ayurveda not only help to cures disease but also prevent their prevalence. Ayurveda described various therapeutic modalities for the management of physical health problems as well as mental illness. The incidences of mental illness causing huge health burden to the society since prevalence of such diseases increasing due to the inconsistent and irregular lifestyle. Epilepsy, obsessive disorders, neurosis, anxiety, mental retardataion, depression and bipolar disorder are some examples of mental illness. Ayurveda proposed many therapeutic modalities for the management of such diseases including use of medicine. The use of natural drugs offers several health benefits in mental problems therefore present article explored pathological suppressing and therapeutic role of medicine in mental disorders. Keywords: Ayurveda, Mental Disorders, Medicine, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Shankhapushpi

    Natural Beauty Enhancer and Cosmetic Role of Ayurveda: A Review

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    Beauty or physical appearance is one of the important aspects of human being life since it’s directly related with self esteem and internal confidence. Beauty is the desire of every individual. The texture and appearance of skin depends upon conditions of Rasa, Rakta and Mamsa Dhatus. The elimination of wastes is another important aspect for the restoration of beauty and appearance. The medical science has put great efforts towards this area and uses of natural materials for cosmetic purpose increases day by day. The concept of using herbs for beautification is well defined in Ayurveda. The Vedic period of Indian civilization has witnessed use of natural cosmetics such as; Aguru, Kajala, Tilaka, Haridra and Chandana for worship and beauty purposes. The Ayurveda also emphasizes importance of beauty and in this regards Ayurveda science mentioned use of various herbs, formulations and therapies for the maintenance of natural beauty. Present article described beauty and cosmetic importance of Ayurveda and other natural approaches.    Keywords: Ayurveda, Beauty, Cosmetics, Herbs &nbsp

    Management of Grahani Roga by Ayurveda principles and life style modification

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    Grahani is an ayurveda terms related to the seat of agni (digestive fire), which help in the metabolism and digestion of food. The ancient text of ayurveda described that ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation of Aahaar is regulated by Grahani. When this Agni becomes; mandagni then improper digestion of ingested food leads pathological condition termed as Grahani roga. Similarly Trividh anomalies of the Jatharagni also termed as Grahanidosha. Grahani is a disease which affects large population globally especially in developing country and associated with improper food habits along with stressful lifestyle. The pathogenesis of Grahani roga works around Agnidosha which associated with impaired digestive function of digestive fire. Ayurveda described various treatment modalities for the management of Grahani roga such as; use of herbs & formulation, yoga and life style modification. Present article summarized ayurveda perspective of Grahani roga and its management by ayurveda principles and life style modification. Keywords: Ayurveda, Grahani, Agnidosha, Yoga, Life styl

    Management of Anidra through Ahara-Vihara, Natural Herbs and Shodhna Therapy: A Review

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    Ayurveda the science of healthy living deals with physical, mental and spiritual components of health. Ayurveda considered Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacarya as important parts of life for achieving goal of Swasthavritta. Nidra is a state of complete physical and mental relaxation of body which play vital role towards the good health status. There are some factors which may disturb physiology of Nidra leading to condition of sleeplessness/insomnia (Anidra). Anidra is abnormal physiological condition which greatly affects quality of life and this problem increasing day by day due to the enhanced level of stress, diversified environmental condition, disturb pattern of life style and bad dietary habits. It is very important for physician society to put focus attention to reduces prevalence of this issue. Ayurveda mentioned different therapeutic approaches for the management condition of insomnia including use of natural herbs, formulation, Shodhna Chikitsa and good conduction of Ahara-Vihara. Present article explored ayurveda view on Anidra along with its treatment modalities.   Keywords: Ayurveda, Nidra, Anidra, Insomnia