5 research outputs found

    Predicting human intention in visual observations of hand/object interactions

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    Abstract—The main contribution of this paper is a prob-abilistic method for predicting human manipulation intention from image sequences of human-object interaction. Predicting intention amounts to inferring the imminent manipulation task when human hand is observed to have stably grasped the object. Inference is performed by means of a probabilistic graphical model that encodes object grasping tasks over the 3D state of the observed scene. The 3D state is extracted from RGB-D image sequences by a novel vision-based, markerless hand-object 3D tracking framework. To deal with the high-dimensional state-space and mixed data types (discrete and continuous) involved in grasping tasks, we introduce a generative vector quantization method using mixture models and self-organizing maps. This yields a compact model for encoding of grasping actions, able of handling uncertain and partial sensory data. Experimentation showed that the model trained on simulated data can provide a potent basis for accurate goal-inference with partial and noisy observations of actual real-world demonstrations. We also show a grasp selection process, guided by the inferred human intention, to illustrate the use of the system for goal-directed grasp imitation. I

    Rigid 3D Geometry Matching for Grasping of Known Objects in Cluttered Scenes

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    In this paper, we present an efficient 3D object recognition and pose estimation approach for grasping procedures in cluttered and occluded environments. In contrast to common appearance-based approaches, we rely solely on 3D geometry information. Our method is based on a robust geometric descriptor, a hashing technique and an efficient, localized RANSAC-like sampling strategy. We assume that each object is represented by a model consisting of a set of points with corresponding surface normals. Our method simultaneously recognizes multiple model instances and estimates their pose in the scene. A variety of tests shows that the proposed method performs well on noisy, cluttered and unsegmented range scans in which only small parts of the objects are visible. The main procedure of the algorithm has a linear time complexity resulting in a high recognition speed which allows a direct integration of the method into a continuous manipulation task. The experimental validation with a seven-degree-of-freedom Cartesian impedance controlled robot shows how the method can be used for grasping objects from a complex random stack. This application demonstrates how the integration of computer vision and soft-robotics leads to a robotic system capable of acting in unstructured and occluded environments

    A Generalized Net Model of the Prostate Gland’s Functioning

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    Over the last 20 years, many Generalized Net (GN) models of the ways of functioning of the different systems and organs in the human body and models related to the description of biomedical processes in living organisms have been constructed. In this paper, a GN model of the prostate gland’s functioning was developed, as a continuation of the previous research. The model provides the possibility to trace the logical relations of the interactions of the prostate gland and various individual organs in the human body. The model shows the possibility for the existence of currently unknown feedback loops