43 research outputs found

    Lexique et dialecte

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    International audienceThis poster aims to present the theoretical approach of motivational semantics on which we rely to conduct studies on the lexicon used in French dialects. For the processing and analysis of the lexicon, we use the Atlas Linguistique de la France (ALF) and the Atlas Linguistiques de la France par Régions (ALFR). Then, using a ShinyDialect spatial interpolation tool developed as part of the ANR ECLATS project, we carry out aeral studies of the semantic designations or motivations of a lemma

    Les noms populaires des champignons dans les populations européennes mycophobes

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    International audienceIn this publication the various European names of the generic fungus or certain species that are apprehended as poisonous are presented and studied. The popular beliefs and traditions of the inhabitants using these linguistic forms are described. First, we present the various designationsfor which the fungus is considered the shelter, the seat or the cap of the toad (see part I). Next, the designations for which the fungus is apprehended as toxic, poisonous food (see Part II) or as a secretion, excrement (see Part III) will be presented. For these different designations, we describe the links between the reptile, batrachian, canidae and fungus zoonyms (see Parts I, II and III). Finally, we consider the links between these different zoonyms and witchcraft or the devil (see Part IV)

    Noms de la toupie en domaine gallo-roman

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    Les noms populaires des champignons dans les populations européennes mycophobes

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    International audienceIn this publication the various European names of the generic fungus or certain species that are apprehended as poisonous are presented and studied. The popular beliefs and traditions of the inhabitants using these linguistic forms are described. First, we present the various designationsfor which the fungus is considered the shelter, the seat or the cap of the toad (see part I). Next, the designations for which the fungus is apprehended as toxic, poisonous food (see Part II) or as a secretion, excrement (see Part III) will be presented. For these different designations, we describe the links between the reptile, batrachian, canidae and fungus zoonyms (see Parts I, II and III). Finally, we consider the links between these different zoonyms and witchcraft or the devil (see Part IV)

    Analyse descriptive de comptines de la région alpine.

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    Colloque international organisé par le CERSATES (Centre d'Etudes sur les Savoirs, les Arts, les Techniques, les Economies et les Sociétés) et la SEF (Société d'Ethnologie Française

    Lexique et dialecte

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    International audienceThis poster aims to present the theoretical approach of motivational semantics on which we rely to conduct studies on the lexicon used in French dialects. For the processing and analysis of the lexicon, we use the Atlas Linguistique de la France (ALF) and the Atlas Linguistiques de la France par Régions (ALFR). Then, using a ShinyDialect spatial interpolation tool developed as part of the ANR ECLATS project, we carry out aeral studies of the semantic designations or motivations of a lemma

    Les jeux des écoliers de 1930 à nos jours en région rhône-alpes

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    International audienceLes premiers travaux des folkloristes concernant le folklore enfantin remontent à la fin du XIXe siècle avec les travaux de Jean-Daniel Blavignac en 1875, d'Eugène Rolland en 1883, d'Henry Carrington Bolton en 1888, d'Alice B. Gomme en 1894-1898 et d'Emile Bodmer en 1924. L'intérêt tardif pour ce domaine était souvent lié au fait que les chercheurs de l'époque ne considéraient pas l'enfant comme porteur d'une culture. Depuis, cette conception a nettement évolué. A partir des années 1930 jusqu'aux années 1950, plusieurs folkloristes comme Arnold Van Gennep ou Charles Joisten se sont intéressés au folklore des enfants. Ensuite, dans les années 1960, ce sont les anthropologues, les sociologues, les musicologues et les linguistes qui se sont penchés sur ce domaine. Notre intérêt pour ce domaine de recherches réside dans l'observation et la description des éléments traditionnels et/ou novateurs du folklore des écoliers, utilisé dans les alpes de 1930 jusqu'à nos jours. A partir de corpus de jeux ou de préludes de jeux, nous présenterons les éléments traditionnels et les changements qui sont intervenus dans les énoncés, les gestes, les règles de jeux, etc.I primi contributi dei folkloristi sul folklore infantile risalgono alla fine del XIX secolo con i lavori di Jean-Daniel Blavignac nel 1875, di Eugène Rolland nel 1883, di Henry Carrington Bolton nel 1888, di Alice B. Gomme nel 1894-1898 e di Emile Bodmer nel 1924. L'interesse tardivo per questo settore è stato spesso legato al fatto che i ricercatori dell'epoca non consideravano il bambino come un vettore di cultura. In seguito, questa concezione ha subito una netta evoluzione. A partire dagli anni Trenta fino agli anni Cinquanta, vari folkloristi come Arnold Van Gennep ou Charles Joisten si sono interessati al folklore dei bambini. Più tardi, negli anni Sessanta, sono stati gli antropologi, i sociologi, i musicologi e i linguisti ad interessarsi a questo settore. Il nostro interesse per tale ambito di ricerche attiene all'osservazione e alla descrizione degli elementi tradizionali e/o innovatori del folklore degli scolari, rilevato nelle Alpi dal 1930 ai giorni nostri. A partire dal corpus di giochi o di preludi di giochi, presenteremo gli elementi tradizionali e i cambiamenti intervenuti negli enunciati, i gesti, le regole dei giochi ecc

    Noms de la toupie en domaine gallo-roman

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