6 research outputs found


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    Plastic Waste in India: overview, impact, and measures to mitigate: Review

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    India is one of the world’s large and fastest-growing economies. With the expanding development, the usage of plastic for anthropogenic activities has expanded many folds and India alone generated around 3.3 million metric tonnes of plastic in the financial year 2019. 79 percent of the plastic generated worldwide enters our land, water, and environment as waste; part of it also enters our bodies through the food chain. The industry in India states that 60 percent of what is generated is recycled and we had assumed that we had solved the problem of plastic waste by recycling, or burying it in landfills. But we were incorrect. Plastic garbage is omnipresent today. It is filling up our oceans and harming marine life and affecting all organisms in the food chain. With the development of economic growth of the country per capita consumption of plastic will only increase in the coming years and we will end up generating more plastic waste The review paper aimed to examine the major impact of plastic waste in India and how to reduce plastic consumption, considering measures such as phasing out or banning multilayered plastics that cannot be recycled, contemplating renewable raw materials, promoting the use of bioplastics, incentivizing the recycling business, and making the rules and guidelines for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) simple and enforceable

    Identify the impact of different parameters on National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) score in the top 50 ranking management institutes in India

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    The present study identifies the relationship and impact between the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Score in the top 50 management institutes and their different parameters like the number of student placement; research publication score and the amount used in the library development. Correlation and Simple Regression Analysis techniques are used for the data of analysis. In the year 2018-19, we found that significant positive impact of research publication score and the amount used in the library development on the NIRF Score in the top 50 management institutes. We also found a positive relationship between the NIRF Score and the number of student placement in sample institutes but not statistically significant

    Luteolin, a Potent Anticancer Compound: From Chemistry to Cellular Interactions and Synergetic Perspectives

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    Increasing rates of cancer incidence and the toxicity concerns of existing chemotherapeutic agents have intensified the research to explore more alternative routes to combat tumor. Luteolin, a flavone found in numerous fruits, vegetables, and herbs, has exhibited a number of biological activities, such as anticancer and anti-inflammatory. Luteolin inhibits tumor growth by targeting cellular processes such as apoptosis, cell-cycle progression, angiogenesis and migration. Mechanistically, luteolin causes cell death by downregulating Akt, PLK-1, cyclin-B1, cyclin-A, CDC-2, CDK-2, Bcl-2, and Bcl-xL, while upregulating BAX, caspase-3, and p21. It has also been reported to inhibit STAT3 signaling by the suppression of STAT3 activation and enhanced STAT3 protein degradation in various cancer cells. Therefore, extensive studies on the anticancer properties of luteolin reveal its promising role in chemoprevention. The present review describes all the possible cellular interactions of luteolin in cancer, along with its synergistic mode of action and nanodelivery insight