888 research outputs found

    Government Intervention and Trends in the Indian Oilseeds Sector: An Analysis of Alternative Policy Scenarios

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    Although the overall agricultural sector in India is characterized by significant taxes on producers and subsidies to consumers, the patterns in the case of oilseed crops and products are mixed. This paper analyzes some important trends in the Indian oilseeds sector, and employs the concepts of Producer Subsidy Equivalents (PSE) and Consumer Subsidy Equivalents (CSE) to measure the level of government intervention. The author also analyzes the impact of several policy scenarios on India\u27s soybean import demand

    Agricultural political economy and emerging biotechnologies: an economic evaluation

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    This study comprises of three research papers. Paper I constitutes an illustration of PERT and PEST policies in analyzing the potential economic impacts of bST adoption and dairy protectionistic patterns across OECD countries. The results from OLS, PCSTS and PROBIT analysis indicate that the dairy producer protection levels across these countries are significantly influenced by the GNP per capita, group-size of dairy producers, and the share of food in consumers\u27 household expenditures. In the theoretical framework, the ex-ante analysis incorporates a producers\u27 political resource constraint indicative of their lobbying contributions. The bST is introduced in the ex-post framework via a yield enhancement function to account for milk increases from the use of bST. The Basic Linked System (BLS) of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is used to examine the impacts of bST adoption across selected countries under various policy and adoption scenarios;Paper II focuses on the economic and welfare effects of bST adoption across industrialized and developing countries. Some eco-ethical issues involved in the development and adoption of bST are discussed. The implications of inter-country exchange are then incorporated into a conceptual framework of the interactions among proponents and opponents of the technology as well as the politicians, highlighting public choice foundations of policy formulation and its effects across countries. The BLS model is used to ascertain the impacts of bST adoption under a number of scenarios regarding adoption rates and yield increases;Paper III examines the impacts of a parasite control, Ivomec, on pig average daily gains and feed efficiency. The experiment was conducted over a two-year period at an Iowa farm. Results indicate significant performance gains for treatment pigs during the grower phase in both years. In the first year, control groups outperformed treatment groups in overall average daily gains. Housing facilities comparisons indicated improved performance in case of groups weaned to grower 3 in both years. Results for seasonality analysis were mixed. Cost-benefit analysis showed that although gross revenues for treatment groups fell slightly below that for control, savings in feed costs resulted in a net benefit of 1.51 for each treatment pig

    An Empirical Estimation of the Probability of Agricultural Subsidies for Wheat

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    In the last decade there has been an increasing interest in the political economy of agricultural protection (PEAP). A recent development is the treatment of policy intervention as endogenous rather than exogenous, within a public choice framework. The authors investigate the prominent determinants of agricultural protection across industrialized and developing countries. They find evidence that producer subsidy equivalents (PSEs) provide the widest coverage of effects of different policy instruments


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    Objective: Costus speciosus Koen. (Ginger) is an Indian ornamental plant, belonging to family Costaceae. The present research work deals with the establishment of standardization parameter regarding comparative pharmacognostic study between Costus speciosus and Zingiber officinale rhizome.Methods: Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation, physicochemical parameters like ash values, moisture content, extractive value, fluorescence analysis and the preliminary phytochemical investigation was done.Results: The Macroscopic difference was found as an absence of odor and taste in Costus speciosus and presence of pungent and aromatic odor in Zingiber officinale. Oil globule, tracheids, starch granules in Zingiber officinale was found whereas the absence of the same in Costus speciosus rhizome was found in the microscopic evaluation. Fluorescence study also exhibits differences. The presence of saponin, carbohydrate, glycosides in Costus speciosus whereas Zingiber officinale revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids and protein.Conclusion: These finding can serve as the basis for Identification and investigation of Costus speciosus and Zingiber officinale rhizome and can also establish the characteristic differentiating features of both

    Consumer and Producer Influences in Agricultural Policy Formulation: Some Empirical Evidence

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    The political economy of agricultural protection (PEAP) literature has progressed along two distinct paradigms of the interactions among economic agents: the self-will government (SWG) models and the clearing house government (CHG) models. This study treats the two approaches as complementary, as it investigates the primary determinants of agricultural protection across industrialized and developing countries

    Role of propranolol in the management of infantile hemangioma

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    Background: Infantile hemangiomas are the most common benign soft tissue tumor of infancy and childhood occurring 4-10% of all infants. It is more frequent in premature children (23% of infants <1200g) and females (3:1 to 5:1). For many hemangiomas treatment is not required, however hemangioma in some locations need treatment to prevent complication. The Present study was done with an Aim to assess the efficacy and safety of oral Propranolol in management of infantile heamangioma in our set-up.Methods: This study was conducted from May 2016 to Nov 2017 at Department of Surgery and Pediatrics, M.L.B. Medical College, Jhansi after obtaining Ethical permission. Patients having confirmed were recruited & admitted for initiation of Oral Propranolol therapy for 5 days under the observation of Paediatrician. Oral Propranolol treatment was continued till the age of 11/2 years. A clinical assessment was made at each visit to the Outpatients Clinic every four weeks.Results: The incidences of infantile hemangioma were more in age group (0-7 months) i.e 55% (22 patients) followed by age group of (8-15 days) i.e. 30% (12 patients). As age advances presentation gradually decreases as after 30 days incidence is only 5%. Infantile hemangioma were more common in females’ patients (55% patients) & mostly 90% (36 patients) present as single lesion and only 10% (4 patients) present as multiple lesions. Most of hemangiomas presented as reddish in color 80% (32 patients) which reflected lesions are mostly superficial & only 10% were brownish red and 10% skin color indicated incidence of deeper penetration.Conclusion: Authors found that drug (Propranolol) to be effective even at low dose of 1mg/kg/day. In our study group it was effective and safe in almost all patients

    Measurement of Government Intervention: A Comparison of Alternative Concepts

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    The variation in protection awarded to agricultural commodities indicates some general patterns of protection across industrialized and developing countries. This paper provides an analytical overview of the political economy market of agricultural protection. A comprehensive comparative analysis of different measurement concepts and their respective polio coverage is discussed. A graphic exposition of the policy effects captured by selected measurement concepts is provided for different market conditions

    Economic Evaluation of Parasite Control in Swine A Case of Ivomec

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    Economic losses, increased cost and/or decreased revenue, associated with disease outbreaks or parasites in swine are significant [2, 3 and 4]. Knowledge of economic implications of disease presence is needed in making hog production health management decisions. The adverse economic and production effi^ts of internal and external parasitism. in swine are well-recognized. In the. past, data limitations have made it difficult to quantify the effect of parasite control on grow-finish and reproduction performance in swine. Average daily gain decreases from 5-15% from mange infestations have been reported by several, researchers. Similarly, internal parasitism has been demonstrated to cause substantial economic losses without precipitating significant clinical disease or death of affected swine. These insidious losses cause millions of dollars in losses to the United States and world swine industry each year

    Analysing the feasibility of financial rewards for mentors engaged in entrepreneurial mentoring

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    In the domain of entrepreneurship, mentors are considered as volunteers and philanthropists yet their value is undermined, the purpose of this paper is to explore the feasibility of financial rewards for mentors, which could help in understanding the perspective of mentors towards the opportunity cost associated with mentoring. This study uses a survey to explore the viability of different types of financial reward models based on the responses of mentors engaged in the mentoring of entrepreneurs. The results are analysed using multivariate techniques, followed by post hoc analysis; a combination of both approaches helps to increase the validity of findings in an exploratory study. The findings of this study show that there is a need to restructure the mentoring system in the entrepreneurship domain, wherein the findings reveal that mentors are more professional in today’s competitive business environment, with intentions to receive financial rewards for the long term showing a possible link between mentor growth and the growth of mentees. The pattern found in this study describes a new approach for mentoring in entrepreneurship and for this reason more research is needed to confirm the emerging pattern underlined in this research. This study is first of its kind that reviews the financial opportunities for mentors, especially in context of India, and develops groundwork for future empirical research in this area