21 research outputs found


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    in distributed system it is sometimes necessary for users to share the power to use a cryptosystem. The system secret is divided up into shares and securely stored by the entities forming the distributed cryptosystem. We propose a new Multi signature scheme without a trusted third party (TTP), based on a round optimal, publicly verifiable distributed key generation (DKG) protocol. In this propose system, we define a new propose ElGamal algorithm, in that ElGamal algorithm has two random numbers. The origina l ElGamal algorithm is that, it has only one random number. In order to improve its security, the proposed scheme adds one more random number. The security of the proposed signature scheme is the same with the ElGamal sig nature scheme which is based on the difficult computable nature of discrete logarithm over finite fields. In this paper, the algorithm is proposed to enhance the security and usage of more random number to make algorithm more complicate d, which can also make the link between the random number and the key more complicated. The scheme presented in this paper after analysis showed that the security level is kept high by using two random numbers and the time complex ity is reduced

    Centric Model Assessment for Collaborative Data Mining

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    Data mining is the task of discovering interesting patterns from large amounts of data. There are many data mining tasks, such as classification, clustering, association rule mining and sequential pattern mining. Sequential pattern mining finds sets of data items that occur together frequently in some sequences. Collaborative data mining refers to a data mining setting where different groups are geographically dispersed but work together on the same problem in a collaborative way. Such a setting requires adequate software support. Group work is widespread in education. The goal is to enable the groups and their facilitators to see relevant as pects of the groups operation and provide feedbacks if these are more likely to be associated with positive or negative outcomes and where the problems are. We explore how useful mirror information can be extracted via a theory-driven approach and a range of clustering and sequential pattern mining. In this paper we describe an experiment with a simple implementation of such a collaborative data mining environment. The experiment brings to light several problems, one of which is related to model assessment. We discuss several possible solutions. This discussion can contribute to a better understanding of how collaborative data mining is best organized

    Variations in administration of Covid-19 vaccine during last 20 weeks at a vaccination center of Agra, Uttar Pradesh

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    Background: Covid-19 pandemic has created havoc around the world and vaccination is an effective tool against this demon. Study of variations in administration of daily doses of Covid-19 vaccine at vaccination centre can help in better resource management. Material & methods: This record based descriptive study was conducted among beneficiaries of Covid-19 vaccination at S. N. Medical College, Agra. Record of administration of daily doses and vaccine wastage, vaccination of different groups of beneficiaries and occurrence of various national and local events related to vaccination was also analyzed. Result: A total of 33,571 doses of any Covid-19 vaccine (Covaxin/Covishield) were administered during past 88 working days in 20 weeks expanded over 5 months. On an average 165 doses were administered every day by each team and overall vaccine wastage was 0.85%. Maximum average of 199 doses per day by each team was observed on Mondays. There are many peaks and drops in administration of daily doses of Covid-19 vaccine at our center which can be attributed to either some national or local events related to supply of vaccine at our center, addition of a new group of beneficiary, any news or political controversy related to Covid-19 vaccination etc. Conclusion: Understanding of spikes and drops in the curve of daily/weekly administration of Covid-19 vaccine, in view of occurrence of various national and local events related to vaccination, can help in better formulation of strategies specially related to human resource allocation for success of National Covid-19 vaccination program

    Preferences and Practices regarding Delivery Place: A community-based cross-sectional study in Agra city, Uttar Pradesh

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    Background: Understanding preferences and practices for delivery place among women would assist in better resource utilization for skilled attendants. Objectives: To study factors influencing women’s preference and practice regarding their place of delivery. Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Agra from 1st October 2018 to 31st October 2020. Multi-stage random sampling was used. Data was collected using semi-structured interview schedule. Both bivariate and multivariate analysis was done. Result: Majority (72.67%) of women had preference for delivery at government hospital while 19.67% for private hospital and only 7.67% for home. In actual practice, 58.33% had delivered at government hospital and 32.33% delivered at private hospital while 9.33 % at home. On multiple-logistic regression analysis, parity found to have significant association with preference of delivery at government hospital. Preference for delivery in private hospital was found to be significant with OBC caste and in women whose husband has skilled/highly-skilled occupation. In actual practice, Government hospital as delivery place found to have significant association with parity and presence of ASHA. Private hospital as a delivery place found significant with literate mothers and parity. Conclusion: Majority had preferred and practiced institutional delivery, preferring government hospital over private hospital.  In actual practice, delivery at private hospital as well as home delivery out-numbered the preferred proportion


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    ABSTRACT Background: Alcohol and other substance use by medical students poses risks to them and can also have serious consequences on their effectiveness and fitness to practise as tomorrow's doctors. The aim of the study was to find out the prevalence of alcohol use among the undergraduates of Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly and the factors affecting its use

    Community medicine: Desperate times calling for desperate measures

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    This article is an attempt by authors to find the solutions for some of the common queries and problems faced by postgraduate students and young faculty members of department of Community Medicine. Topics which are discussed here include: nomenclature of the department, teaching and training of undergraduate and postgraduate students, services to the community and job opportunity after completion of degree/diploma in Community Medicine/PSM/Public Health

    Health Problems of the International Travellers Visiting Agra City

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    Background: International travel to India is on the rise and the travellers comprise a diverse group of individuals in terms of their country of origin, preferences and risk taking behaviour. Different environment coupled with all other factors makes them more vulnerable to health problems. Aims & Objectives: To find out the health problems faced by the international travellers visiting Agra City, their perception and the factors associated with them. Material & Methods: Cross – sectional study design was used and International travellers in the age group 15 to 65 years were recruited from prominent tourist places and train stations of Agra, which was sometimes during their tour and just before their departure respectively. Data collection was carried out for a period of six months i.e. from November 2015 to April 2016.Results: Out of the total 422 study subjects, 208 (48.2%) faced one or more health problems. Primary purpose of visit (religious, educational, visiting friends and relatives) and the duration of visit (more than two weeks) were found to be significantly associated with a negative health outcome. Diarrhoea (131, 63%), fever (87, 41.8%) and respiratory problems (50, 24%) were the most frequent problems and many of them had more than one problem. A majority of the participants perceived the risk of health problems to be high and more than half of the them reported having experienced culture shock (57.4%). Conclusions: There may be a need for a travel clinic at the destination. The benefit of such a new offer must be validated

    Health Problems of the International Travellers Visiting Agra City

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    Background: International travel to India is on the rise and the travellers comprise a diverse group of individuals in terms of their country of origin, preferences and risk taking behaviour. Different environment coupled with all other factors makes them more vulnerable to health problems. Aims & Objectives: To find out the health problems faced by the international travellers visiting Agra City, their perception and the factors associated with them. Material & Methods: Cross – sectional study design was used and International travellers in the age group 15 to 65 years were recruited from prominent tourist places and train stations of Agra, which was sometimes during their tour and just before their departure respectively. Data collection was carried out for a period of six months i.e. from November 2015 to April 2016.Results: Out of the total 422 study subjects, 208 (48.2%) faced one or more health problems. Primary purpose of visit (religious, educational, visiting friends and relatives) and the duration of visit (more than two weeks) were found to be significantly associated with a negative health outcome. Diarrhoea (131, 63%), fever (87, 41.8%) and respiratory problems (50, 24%) were the most frequent problems and many of them had more than one problem. A majority of the participants perceived the risk of health problems to be high and more than half of the them reported having experienced culture shock (57.4%). Conclusions: There may be a need for a travel clinic at the destination. The benefit of such a new offer must be validated

    Comparison of conventional incision and drainage versus ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques in management of the breast abscess: A prospective cohort study

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    Background: The feasibility of ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques in management of breast abscess has been a topic of concern from a long time thus, resulting in many studies. Objectives: To assess the feasibility and to compare ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques with conventional incision and drainage in breast abscess management Materials and Methods: Patients admitted in Surgery Department / OPD with BREAST ABSCESS (total 60 patients) were divided into two random groups of 30 patients each using random number tables. Group 1 was treated by conventional incision and drainage, Group 2 was treated by ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques. Chi-square test was used. Results: For group 2, the average pain(VAS) score was 4.7 with minimal bleeding during the procedure, no need of dressing, average duration of stay 0.47 days, average days required for complete recovery is 13 days and excellent cosmesis as compared to group 1 where average pain score was 7, mild bleeding occurred in all cases with requiring an average of 10 days of dressing, all healed leaving a scar, average days required for complete recovery is 28 days and thus only satisfactory cosmesis with average 3.1 days of hospital stay

    Comparison of conventional incision and drainage versus ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques in management of the breast abscess: A prospective cohort study

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    Background: The feasibility of ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques in management of breast abscess has been a topic of concern from a long time thus, resulting in many studies. Objectives: To assess the feasibility and to compare ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques with conventional incision and drainage in breast abscess management Materials and Methods: Patients admitted in Surgery Department / OPD with BREAST ABSCESS (total 60 patients) were divided into two random groups of 30 patients each using random number tables. Group 1 was treated by conventional incision and drainage, Group 2 was treated by ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques. Chi-square test was used. Results: For group 2, the average pain(VAS) score was 4.7 with minimal bleeding during the procedure, no need of dressing, average duration of stay 0.47 days, average days required for complete recovery is 13 days and excellent cosmesis as compared to group 1 where average pain score was 7, mild bleeding occurred in all cases with requiring an average of 10 days of dressing, all healed leaving a scar, average days required for complete recovery is 28 days and thus only satisfactory cosmesis with average 3.1 days of hospital stay