54 research outputs found

    Pyrrolidinyl Group as Charge Donor for the Excited State Intramolecular Chargetransferin 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-(4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl) phenyl) Prop-2-en-1-one

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    The absorption and steady state emission properties of a chemically synthesized chalcone, 3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1-(4-(pyrrolidin-1-yl) phenyl) prop-2-en-1-one (MPPP) containing asymmetrical donor and acceptor groups has been investigated both experimentally and theoretically. The ground state, MPPP has a significant intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) character and a great sensitivity to the hydrogen bond donating ability of the medium as reflected from the absorption spectra in pure non polar, polar and neutral solvents. On the other hand, its excited singlet state exhibits high ICT characters as manifested by the drastic solvatochromic effects. These results are consistent with the data. The absorption spectra of the compound MPPP undergoes minor changes with increasing polarity of the solvents and the fluorescence spectra experiences a distinct bathochromic shifts in the both position and fluorescence quantum yields, increases reaching a maximum before decrease with increasing the solvent effects. The quantum yields decrease with increase in the solvent polarity. The magnitude of change in the dipole moment was also calculated using Austin Model 1 (AM1). These results suggest that the evidence about the intramolecular charge transfer in the emitting singlet state of this compound. The solvent dependence of quantum yields of MPPP was interpreted on the basis of positive and negative solvatokinetic as well as hydrogen bonding effects. Intramolecular charge (ICT) transfer took place from pyrrolidine nitrogen to α, β unsaturated carbonyl in the ground state

    Clinical profile of scrub typhus patients in a tertiary care centre in Himachal Pradesh, India

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    Background: Scrub typhus a zoonotic disease caused by gram negative bacteria O. tsutsugamushi, is endemic in Himachal Pradesh. This illness occurs mainly in monsoon and post monsoon season. study design of  this study was conducted in a tertiary care centre in Himachal Pradesh between July 2015 and June 2016. All the indoor patients with age above 18 years with a diagnosis of scrub typhus were included in this study.Results: Out of total 180 patients, 130 were female patients. Most patients were in the age group 21-30 (23.3%). All the patients presented with history of fever, but 54 patients presented with high grade fever. Other Most common symptom was chills and rigours (81%), followed by vomiting and headache each 32%, cough 31%. On examination 21% patients had eschar,14% patients had lymphadenopathy. Most number of patients presented in the month of September (51.6%), followed by August (33.3%).Conclusion: Scrub typhus being an important differential of acute undifferentiated fever in this region, should not be missed by primary care physicians, as once multi organ dysfunction sets in, mortality rate starts rising. So, there is a high need of sensitization of doctors and people about this illness so that early diagnosis and early treatment can be ensured

    Gangrenous Cecal Volvulus Complicating Puerperium: Is the Delay in Diagnosis Really Inevitable?

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    Volvulus in puerperium is a rare event. We present a case of cecal volvulus following normal vaginal delivery that ended with cecal gangrene and hemicolectomy

    Učestalost supkliničkog endometritisa u krava koje se pregone te usporedba učinkovitosti različite antibiotske i biljne intrauterine terapije

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    The present research work was conducted to investigate the incidence of subclinical endometritis (SE) in repeat breeder dairy cattle, and to study the comparative efficacy of different antimicrobial and polyherbal intrauterine therapies. Repeat breeding crossbred cows (>90 days in milking) with clear cervico-vaginal mucous discharge in spontaneous estrus were examined for uterine cytology by the cytobrush technique. The cows with ≥ 4% polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in uterine cytology were considered to be affected with SE. These cows were randomly and equally divided (n=12/group) into 5 groups and treated with the intrauterine medicine Vodine-IU (T1), Metricare-IU (T2), Utriguard-IU (T3), Uraksha (polyherbal preparation) (T4), or left untreated (control/C). In the subsequent estrus, uterine cytology was repeated and the cows were inseminated. The cows that failed to conceive but showed estrus were re-inseminated. The pregnancy status was checked. The incidence of SE was observed to be 36.80% (60/163). The PMNs percentage significantly declined in all the treatment group cows in response to treatment. The highest conception rate was observed in the T4 group (Uraksha treated) cows. It was concluded that the uterine cytobrush technique can be used efficiently for diagnosis of SE in dairy cattle, and polyherbal intrauterine drugs may be a good alternative in intrauterine antimicrobial therapy.Rad je proveden kako bi se istražila učestalost supkliničkog endometritisa (SE) u mliječnih krava koje se pregone. Također, usporedila se učinkovitost različitih antimikrobnih i poliherbalnih intrauterinih terapijskih postupaka. U krava koje se pregone (više od 90 dana u mužnji), s čistim cerviko-vaginalnim iscjetkom iz rodnice u spontanom estrusu, tehnikom citočetkice učinjena je citološka pretraga maternice. Za krave kod kojih je utvrđeno 4% polimorfonuklearnih stanica (PMN) smatralo se da imaju supklinički endometritis. Životinje su nasumično podijeljene u pet skupina s jednakim brojem jedinki (n=12 po skupini) i liječene intrauterino sljedećim lijekovima: Vodine (skupina T1), Metricare (skupina T2), Utriguard (skupina T3), Uraksha (poliherbalni pripravak; skupina T4), dok je peta skupina bila kontrolna skupina (C). U sljedećem estrusu ponovljena je citološka analiza maternice i krave su osjemenjene. Krave nisu ostale gravidne te su u sljedećem estrusu ponovno osjemenjene. Provjeren je status gravidnosti. Incidencija SE-a bila je 36,80 % (60/163). Postotak PMN-a znatno se smanjio u svih krava u tretiranim skupinama kao odgovor na liječenje. Najveća stopa koncepcije zabilježena je u krava u skupini T4 (liječene Urakshom). Zaključeno je da tehnika citočetkica može učinkovito poslužiti u dijagnostici SE-a u mliječnih goveda te da poliherbalni intrauterini lijekovi mogu biti dobra alternativa antimikrobnoj intrauterinoj terapiji

    Impact of Nitrogen Nutrition through Organic and Inorganic Sources of Fertilizer on Growth Phenology and Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    The field experiment was conducted at wheat research farm of CCS Haryana Agriculture University during Rabi season of 2019-20 to study nitrogen nutrition through organic and inorganic source of fertilizer on growth phenology, yield and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications containing 16 treatments combination i.e T1-Control; T2-100% RDN through urea; T3- 100% RDN through FYM; T4-100% RDN through vermicompost; T5-50% RDN through urea+ 50% RDN through FYM; T6-50% RDN through urea+ 50% RDN through vermicompost; T7-25% RDN through urea+ 75% RDN through FYM; T8-25% RDN through urea 75% RDN through vermicompost; T9-100% RDN through urea + Azotobacter; T10-100% RDN through FYM + Azotobacter; T11-100% RDN through vermicompost + Azotobacter; T12-50% RDN through urea+ 50% RDN through FYM + Azotobacter; T13-50% RDN through urea+ 50% RDN through vermicompost + Azotobacter; T14-25% RDN through urea+ 75% RDN through FYM + Azotobacter; T15-25% RDN through urea+ 75% RDN through vermicompost + Azotobacter; T16- Azotobacter. Treatment T9, 100% nitrogen nutrition through chemical fertilizer (urea) with seed treatment of Azotobacter has taken significantly maximum days to emergence (5.3). Days taken to 50% spike emergence (94.7) and days taken to maturity (148.0) respectively. Similarly T9 had significantly higher grain yield (5640 kg/ha), hectoliter weight (83.167 kg/ha), grain appearance score (7.933 scale/10) and protein content (12.90 %) of wheat during the research period respectively. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2021.v08i12.00

    Towards Enhanced Human Activity Recognition through Natural Language Generation and Pose Estimation

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    Vision-based human activity recognition (HAR) has made substantial progress in recognizing predefined gestures but lacks adaptability for emerging activities. This paper introduces a paradigm shift by harnessing generative modeling and large language models (LLMs) to enhance vision-based HAR. We propose utilizing LLMs to generate descriptive textual representations of activities using pose keypoints as an intermediate representation. Incorporating pose keypoints adds contextual depth to the recognition process, allowing for sequences of vectors resembling text chunks, compatible with LLMs. This innovative fusion of computer vision and natural language processing holds significant potential for revolutionizing activity recognition. A proof of concept study on a Kinetics700 dataset subset validates the approach's efficacy, highlighting improved accuracy and interpretability. Future implications encompass enhanced accuracy, novel research avenues, model generalization, and ethical considerations for transparency. This framework has real-world applications, including personalized gym workout feedback and nuanced sports training insights. By connecting visual cues to interpretable textual descriptions, the proposed framework advances HAR accuracy and applicability, shaping the landscape of pervasive computing and activity recognition research. As this approach evolves, it promises a more insightful understanding of human activities across diverse contexts, marking a significant step towards a better world.Comment: Presented at the Symposium on Generative AI for Pervasive Computing (GenAI4PC) held at UbiComp/ISWC 202

    Testosterone levels in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: To study testosterone levels in men with type 2 diabetes mellitus in age group of 30-50 years.Methods: In this cross sectional study of 193 type 2 diabetes men aged between 30-50 years, total and free testosterone levels were calculated along with other relevant clinical variables like hypertension, BMI, dyslipidemia, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy.Results: The study group had study out of 193 patients 34.7% have low total testosterone levels, 29.53% have low free testosterone levels and 23.3% have both low and free testosterone levels. Maximum number of patients with low total testosterone levels were in the age group between 46-50 years (41.0%) and with low free total testosterone levels were in the age group between 36-40 years (41.8%).Conclusions: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with low levels of total and free testosterone. Obesity and dyslipidemia are also associated with low testosterone levels

    Frequency of peripheral neuropathy in pre diabetics in sub Himalayan region: a cross sectional observational study

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    Background: Peripheral neuropathy in pre diabetics has been studied in various studies till now. Many are in support and many against. No data was available in any study using all three criteria i.e. impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance and HbA1C. Aim was to study the frequency of peripheral neuropathy in pre diabetics in a tertiary health care centre in sub Himalayan region.Methods: A 50 patients of prediabetes were enrolled for this study; preformed proforma was used to collect the information, data on examination and investigations. Then these patients were subjected to nerve conduction studies.Results: Out of total 50 pre diabetic patients 9(18%) were diagnosed having peripheral neuropathy. Maximum number of pre diabetic patients were (26) in the age group 46-55 years with mean age of 44.49 years ±7.01 (S.D.). 28 (56%) were males with a female to male ratio of 1:1.27. 20% patients had complaint of polyuria, 12% presented with polydipsia, 14% of total pre diabetic patients had paresthesia on history. 6% patients had impaired vibration and position sense on clinical examination. Out of total 9 patients having evidence of Peripheral Neuropathy 6 (66.66%) were meeting all three criteria for Prediabetes while 8 (88.88%) had IFG, 7 patients had IGT. 42% of the patients were fulfilling the criteria of metabolic syndrome. 28 had raised TGs and out of them 5 (17.8%) had peripheral neuropathy. Out of 24 obese patients, 4 (16.6%) had peripheral neuropathy. Out of 9 patients with peripheral neuropathy 66.66% patients were considered to be suffering with peripheral neuropathy on the basis of sensory symptoms and 33.33% were considered on the basis of impaired vibration and position sense on examination, one patient diagnosed on the basis of nerve conduction studies. 38% were in high risk group of developing T2DM in future as per Indian diabetes risk score. Mean compound motor action potential (CMAP) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) were less in patients with peripheral neuropathy in comparison to patients without peripheral neuropathy.Conclusions: Peripheral neuropathy can occur in prediabetes though it is difficult to confirm it. Most common is small fiber neuropathy which can be diagnosed on the basis of history and examination. But by diagnosing it early in the course of prediabetes, morbidity and mortality secondary to neuropathy can be prevented