28 research outputs found

    Self-intersection numbers of length-equivalent curves on surfaces

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    Two free homotopy classes of closed curves in an orientable surface with negative Euler characteristic are said to be length equivalent if for any hyperbolic structure on the surface, the length of the geodesic in one class is equal to the length of the geodesic in the other class. We show that there are elements in the free group of two generators that are length equivalent and have different self-intersection numbers as elements in the fundamental group of the punctured torus and as elements in the pair of pants. This result answers open questions about length equivalence classes and raises new ones

    Combinatorial Lie bialgebras of curves on surfaces

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    AbstractGoldman (Invent. Math. 85(2) (1986) 263) and Turaev (Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. (4) 24 (6) (1991) 635) found a Lie bialgebra structure on the vector space generated by non-trivial free homotopy classes of curves on a surface. When the surface has non-empty boundary, this vector space has a basis of cyclic reduced words in the generators of the fundamental group and their inverses. We give a combinatorial algorithm to compute this Lie bialgebra on this vector space of cyclic words. Using this presentation, we prove a variant of Goldman's result relating the bracket to disjointness of curve representatives when one of the classes is simple. We exhibit some examples we found by programming the algorithm which answer negatively Turaev's question about the characterization of simple curves in terms of the cobracket. Further computations suggest an alternative characterization of simple curves in terms of the bracket of a curve and its inverse. Turaev's question is still open in genus zero