16 research outputs found

    Antagonistic Pleiotropy: The Role of Smurf2 in Cancer and Aging: A Dissertation

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    In response to telomere shortening, oxidative stress, DNA damage or aberrant activation of oncogenes, normal somatic cells exit the cell cycle and enter an irreversible growth arrest termed senescence. The limited proliferative capacity imposed by senescence on cells impedes the accumulation of mutations necessary for tumorigenesis and prevents proliferation of cells at risk of neoplastic transformation. Opposite to the tumor suppressor function, accumulation of senescent cells in adult organisms is thought to contribute to aging by depleting the renewal capacity of tissues and stem/progenitor cells, and by interfering with tissue homeostasis and functions. The Antagonistic Pleiotropy Theory of senescence proposes that senescence is beneficial early in life by acting as a tumor suppressor, but harmful late in life by contributing to aging. Recent studies have provided evidence strongly supporting the tumor suppressor function of senescence, however, direct evidence supporting the role of senescence in aging remains largely elusive. In this thesis, I describe studies to test the Antagonistic Pleiotropy Theory of senescence in tumorigenesis and aging. The approach that I have taken is to alter the senescence response in vivo by changing the expression of a senescence regulator in mice. The consequence of altered senescence response on tumorigenesis and stem cell self-renewal was investigated. The senescence regulator I studied is Smurf2, which has been shown previously to activate senescence in culture. I hypothesized that the senescence response will be impaired by Smurf2 deficiency in vivo. Consequently, Smurf2-deficient mice will develop tumors at an increased frequency, but also gain enhanced self-renewal capacity of stem/progenitor cells with age. I generated a Smurf2-deficient mouse model, and found that Smurf2 deficiency attenuated p16 expression and impaired the senescence response in primary cells and tissues. Smurf2-deficient mice exhibited an increased susceptibility to spontaneous tumorigenesis, indicating that Smurf2 is a tumor suppressor. At the premalignant stage of tumorigenesis, a defective senescence response was documented in the Smurf2-deficient mice, providing a mechanistic link between impaired senescence response and increased tumorigenesis. The majority of tumors developed in Smurf2-deficent mice were B-cell lymphomas with an origin in germinal centers of the spleen and a phenotype resembling human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). I discovered that Smurf2 mediated ubiquitination of YY1, a master regulator of germinal centers. Stabilization of YY1 in the absence of Smurf2 was responsible for increased cell proliferation and drove lymphomagenesis in Smurf2-deficient mice. Consistently, a significant decrease of Smurf2 expression was observed in human primary DLBCL samples, and more importantly, a low level of Smurf2 expression in DLBCL correlated with poor survival prognosis. Moreover, I found that hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in Smurf2-deficient mice had enhanced function compared to wild-type controls. This enhanced stem cell function was associated with increased cell proliferation and decreased p16 expression, suggesting that defective senescence response in Smurf2-deficient mice leads to increased self-renewal capacity of HSCs. My study, for the first time, offers direct genetic evidence of an important tumor suppressor function for Smurf2 as well as its function in contributing to stem cell aging. Collectively, these findings provide strong evidence supporting the Antagonistic Pleiotropy Theory of senescence in tumorigenesis and aging

    Regulation of Senescence in Cancer and Aging

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    Senescence is regarded as a physiological response of cells to stress, including telomere dysfunction, aberrant oncogenic activation, DNA damage, and oxidative stress. This stress response has an antagonistically pleiotropic effect to organisms: beneficial as a tumor suppressor, but detrimental by contributing to aging. The emergence of senescence as an effective tumor suppression mechanism is highlighted by recent demonstration that senescence prevents proliferation of cells at risk of neoplastic transformation. Consequently, induction of senescence is recognized as a potential treatment of cancer. Substantial evidence also suggests that senescence plays an important role in aging, particularly in aging of stem cells. In this paper, we will discuss the molecular regulation of senescence its role in cancer and aging. The potential utility of senescence in cancer therapeutics will also be discussed

    Smurf2 regulates hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and aging

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    The age-dependent decline in the self-renewal capacity of stem cells plays a critical role in aging, but the precise mechanisms underlying this decline are not well understood. By limiting proliferative capacity, senescence is thought to play an important role in age-dependent decline of stem cell self-renewal, although direct evidence supporting this hypothesis is largely lacking. We have previously identified the E3 ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 as a critical regulator of senescence. In this study, we found that mice deficient in Smurf2 had an expanded hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) compartment in bone marrow under normal homeostatic conditions, and this expansion was associated with enhanced proliferation and reduced quiescence of HSCs. Surprisingly, increased cycling and reduced quiescence of HSCs in Smurf2-deficient mice did not lead to premature exhaustion of stem cells. Instead, HSCs in aged Smurf2-deficient mice had a significantly better repopulating capacity than aged wild-type HSCs, suggesting that decline in HSC function with age is Smurf2 dependent. Furthermore, Smurf2-deficient HSCs exhibited elevated long-term self-renewal capacity and diminished exhaustion in serial transplantation. As we found that the expression of Smurf2 was increased with age and in response to regenerative stress during serial transplantation, our findings suggest that Smurf2 plays an important role in regulating HSC self-renewal and aging

    doi:10.4061/2011/963172 Review Article Regulation of Senescence in Cancer and Aging

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Senescence is regarded as a physiological response of cells to stress, including telomere dysfunction, aberrant oncogenic activation, DNA damage, and oxidative stress. This stress response has an antagonistically pleiotropic effect to organisms: beneficial as a tumor suppressor, but detrimental by contributing to aging. The emergence of senescence as an effective tumor suppression mechanism is highlighted by recent demonstration that senescence prevents proliferation of cells at risk of neoplastic transformation. Consequently, induction of senescence is recognized as a potential treatment of cancer. Substantial evidence also suggests that senescence plays an important role in aging, particularly in aging of stem cells. In this paper, we will discuss the molecular regulation of senescence its role in cancer and aging. The potential utility of senescence in cancer therapeutics will also be discussed. 1

    Smurf2 suppresses B-cell proliferation and lymphomagenesis by mediating ubiquitination and degradation of YY1

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    About half of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) do not respond to or relapse soon after the standard chemotherapy, indicating a critical need to better understand the specific pathways perturbed in DLBCL for developing effective therapeutic approaches. Mice deficient in the E3 ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 spontaneously develop B-cell lymphomas that resemble human DLBCL with molecular features of germinal centre or post-germinal centre B cells. Here we show that Smurf2 mediates ubiquitination and degradation of YY1, a key germinal centre transcription factor. Smurf2 deficiency enhances YY1-mediated transactivation of c-Myc and B-cell proliferation. Furthermore, Smurf2 expression is significantly decreased in primary human DLBCL samples, and low levels of Smurf2 expression correlate with inferior survival in DLBCL patients. The Smurf2-YY1-c-Myc regulatory axis represents a novel pathway perturbed in DLBCL that suppresses B-cell proliferation and lymphomagenesis, suggesting pharmaceutical targeting of Smurf2 as a new therapeutic paradigm for DLBCL

    Smurf2 regulates the senescence response and suppresses tumorigenesis in mice

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    The E3 ubiquitin ligase Smurf2 mediates ubiquitination and degradation of several protein targets involved in tumorigenesis and induces senescence in human cells. However, the functional role of Smurf2 in tumorigenesis has not been fully evaluated. In this study, we generated a mouse model of Smurf2 deficiency to characterize the function of this E3 ligase in tumorigenesis. Smurf2 deficiency attenuated p16 expression and impaired the senescence response of primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. In support of a functional role in controlling cancer, Smurf2 deficiency increased the susceptibility of mice to spontaneous tumorigenesis, most notably B cell lymphoma. At a premalignant stage of tumorigenesis, we documented a defective senescence response in the spleens of Smurf2-deficient mice, consistent with a mechanistic link between impaired senescence regulation and increased tumorigenesis. Taken together, our findings offer the genetic evidence of an important tumor suppressor function for Smurf2

    Analytical validation of CanAssist-Breast: an immunohistochemistry based prognostic test for hormone receptor positive breast cancer patients

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    Abstract Background CanAssist-Breast is an immunohistochemistry based test that predicts risk of distant recurrence in early-stage hormone receptor positive breast cancer patients within first five years of diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry gradings for 5 biomarkers (CD44, ABCC4, ABCC11, N-Cadherin and pan-Cadherins) and 3 clinical parameters (tumor size, tumor grade and node status) of 298 patient cohort were used to develop a machine learning based statistical algorithm. The algorithm generates a risk score based on which patients are stratified into two groups, low- or high-risk for recurrence. The aim of the current study is to demonstrate the analytical performance with respect to repeatability and reproducibility of CanAssist-Breast. Methods All potential sources of variation in CanAssist-Breast testing involving operator, run and observer that could affect the immunohistochemistry performance were tested using appropriate statistical analysis methods for each of the CanAssist-Breast biomarkers using a total 309 samples. The cumulative effect of these variations in the immunohistochemistry gradings on the generation of CanAssist-Breast risk score and risk category were also evaluated. Intra-class Correlation Coefficient, Bland Altman plots and pair-wise agreement were performed to establish concordance on IHC gradings, risk score and risk categorization respectively. Results CanAssist-Breast test exhibited high levels of concordance on immunohistochemistry gradings for all biomarkers with Intra-class Correlation Coefficient of ≥0.75 across all reproducibility and repeatability experiments. Bland-Altman plots demonstrated that agreement on risk scores between the comparators was within acceptable limits. We also observed > 90% agreement on risk categorization (low- or high-risk) across all variables tested. Conclusions The extensive analytical validation data for the CanAssist-Breast test, evaluating immunohistochemistry performance, risk score generation and risk categorization showed excellent agreement across variables, demonstrating that the test is robust

    Circulating miRNA signature from the serum of 3-month old mice comparing Smurf2<sup>T/T</sup> to wild type mice.

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    <p>miRNA was quantified by ddPCR and exact miRNA copies/nanogram of serum was measured. The data is shown as both a heatmap of miRNA copies/nanogram for each mouse and the average counts (bar plots). The error bars in the bar plots represents the standard error. The color gradient for the heatmap represents the miRNA copies/nanogram which is shown as different colors in the hearmap.</p