7 research outputs found

    The Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji) : results of the french-fijian ASTRO expedition

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    Cet ouvrage comprend les contributions suivantes. p. 1 : phytoplankton biomass and productivity in the Great Astrolabe Lagoon. p. 5 : nutrients and particulate organic matter in The Great Astrolabe Reef Lagoon. p. 11 : sediment constituents in the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon (Fiji). p. 17 : soft substrate macrobenthos of Fiji's Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon : list of taxons, densities and their biomass. p. 47 : composition et diversité de la méiofaune du lagon de "Great Astrolabe Reef" (Fiji). p. 53 : microphytobenthic biomass and production of the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon sediments. p. 60 : some main processes of organic matter mineralization and nutrient fluxes at the sediment-water interface in the Great Astrolabe lagoon (Fiji). p. 69 : report of picophytoplankton study during the astro cruise in the Great Astrolabe Reef (18° 45'S-178°30'E) Fiji. p. 78 : biomass, production and heterotrophic activity of bacterioplankton in the Great Astrolabe Reef Lagoon. p. 91 : organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the Great Astrolabe Reef lagoon sediments : preliminary result

    Marine cyanobacteria

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