453 research outputs found

    Urinary levels of parabens, phthalate metabolites, bisphenol A and plasticizer alternatives in a Belgian population: Time trend or impact of an awareness campaign?

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    peer reviewedA human biomonitoring study was carried out in 2015 within an adult population living in Liege (Belgium). Some phthalate metabolites and parabens were measured in the urine of 252 participants, and information were collected about their food habits, life styles and home environment to identify some predictors of exposure. Concomitantly, an awareness campaign was initiated by the Provincial Authorities of Liege and spread over 2 years. Three years later (2018), 92 of the initial participants provided again urine samples, and the levels of phthalate metabolites, phthalate substitute (DINCH), parabens, bisphenol-A and bisphenol alternatives (bisphenol-S, -F, -Z, -P) were determined and compared to those obtained in 2015 to assess time trends. In 2015, methyl- and ethylparaben were the most abundant parabens (P50 = 9.12 μg/L and 1.1 μg/L respectively), while propyl- and butylparaben were sparsely detected. Except for mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate and 6-OH-mono-propyl-heptyl phthalate, all other targeted phthalate metabolites were positively quantified in most of the urine samples (between 89 and 98%) with median concentrations ranging between 2.7 μg/L and 21.3 μg/L depending on the metabolite. The multivariate regression models highlighted some significant associations between urinary phthalate metabolite or paraben levels and age, rural or urban character of the residence place, and the use of some personal care products. However, all determination coefficients were weak meaning that the usual covariates included in the models only explained a small part of the variance. Between 2015 and 2018, levels of parabens and phthalate metabolites significantly decreased (from 1.3 to 2.5 fold) except for monoethyl phthalate which seemed to remain quite constant. Contrariwise, all bisphenol alternatives and DINCH metabolites were measured in higher concentrations in 2018 vs 2015 while BPA levels did not differ significantly. However, it was not feasible to unequivocally highlight an impact of the awareness campaign on the exposure levels of the population

    Determination of contamination levels for multiple endocrine disruptors in hair from a non-occupationally exposed population living in Liège (Belgium)

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    Today, the interest in hair as alternative matrix for human biomonitoring of environmental pollutants has increased, but available data on chemical levels in hair remain scarce. In this study, the measurement of 2 bisphenols (A and S), 3 parabens (methyl-, ethyl- and propylparabens) and 8 perfluroralkyl compounds (PFCs) namely perfluoroctanesulfonate (PFOS), perfluorohexanesulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA), perfluroroheptanoic acid (PFHpA), perfluoropentanoic acid (PFPeA) and perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) was carried out, using a thoroughly validated UPLC-MS/MS method, in the hair from 114 adults living in Liege (Belgium) and surrounding areas. Themost frequently quantified compounds in the population were: bisphenol S (97.4%, median = 31.9 pg·mg−1), methylparaben (94.7%, median = 28.9 pg·mg−1), bisphenol A (93.9%, median = 46.6 pg·mg−1), ethylparaben (66.7%, median = 5.2 pg·mg−1), propylparaben (54.8%, median = 16.4 pg·mg−1) and PFOA (46.4%, median < 0.2 pg·mg−1). The other PFCs were detected only in few samples although current exposure of the Belgian population to PFCswas previously demonstrated using blood analyses.Nonparametric statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the influence of gender, hair treatments and hair length, but no significant difference was observed. Only age was positively correlated with the propylparaben contamination. Although blood seems to remain more suitable for PFCs exposure assessment, the results of this study suggest that hair can be an appropriate matrix for biomonitoring of organic pollutants such as parabens or bisphenols
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