338 research outputs found

    Kants Ausweg

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    In der Dialektik der Kritk der reinen Vernunft entwickelt Kant eine Position, welche auf verschiedene Probleme anwendbar ist, bei denen die VollstĂ€ndigkeit zu erfĂŒllender Bedingungen wesentlicher Aspekt des Problems ist. Diese Position soll durch die hier angestellte Übertragung auf das systematische Problem der inferentiellen Rechtfertigung so klar wie möglich herausgearbeitet werden. Durch die Übertragung wird das Regressproblem und damit auch das Problem der Rechtfertigung in seiner gegenwĂ€rtigen Form aufgelöst

    Warum Philosophieren?

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    In dem vorliegenden Aufsatz wird eine Herausforderung an die Philosophie diskutiert, die von verschiedenen Positionen, u. a. vom methodologischen Naturalismus, vorgetragen wird. Sie zielen allesamt darauf ab, das Ende des (herkömmlichen) Philosophierens, gleich welcher Richtung oder Schule, einzulĂ€uten. Es wird versucht, diese Herausforderung zunĂ€chst begrifflich zu prĂ€zisieren, um ihr sodann auf diese Weise zu begegnen zu können. Wie sich zeigt, lassen sich die angestellten Überlegungen in Kants Überlegungen zum Begriff von Philosophie wiederfinden

    Investigating whether HyperNEAT produces modular neural networks

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    HyperNEAT represents a class of neuroevolutionary algorithms that captures some of the power of natural development with a computationally efficient high-level abstraction of development. This class of algorithms is intended to provide many of the desirable properties produced in biological phenotypes by natural developmental processes, such as regularity, modularity and hierarchy. While it has been previously shown that HyperNEAT produces regular artificial neural network (ANN) phenotypes, in this paper we investigated the open question of whether HyperNEAT can produce modular ANNs. We conducted such research on problems where modularity should be beneficial, and found that HyperNEAT failed to generate modular ANNs. We then imposed modularity on HyperNEAT’s phenotypes and its performance improved, demonstrating that modularity increases performance on this problem. We next tested two techniques to encourage modularity in HyperNEAT, but did not observe an increase in either modularity or performance. Finally, we conducted tests on a simpler problem that requires modularity and found that HyperNEAT was able to rapidly produce modular solutions that solved the problem. We therefore present the first documented case of HyperNEAT producing a modular phenotype, but our inability to encourage modularity on harder problems where modularity would have been beneficial suggests that more work is needed to increase the likelihood that HyperNEAT and similar algorithms produce modular ANNs in response to challenging, decomposable problems

    A Pilot Study of Loss Aversion for Drug and Non-Drug Commodities in Cocaine Users

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    Background—Numerous studies in behavioral economics have demonstrated that individuals are more sensitive to the prospect of a loss than a gain (i.e., loss aversion). Although loss aversion has been well described in “healthy” populations, little research exists in individuals with substance use disorders. This gap is notable considering the prominent role that choice and decision-making play in drug use. The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate loss aversion in active cocaine users. Methods—Current cocaine users (N = 38; 42% female) participated in this within-subjects laboratory pilot study. Subjects completed a battery of tasks designed to assess loss aversion for drug and non-drug commodities under varying risk conditions. Standardized loss aversion coefficients (λ) were compared to theoretically and empirically relevant normative values (i.e., λ = 2). Results—Compared to normative loss aversion coefficient values, a precise and consistent decrease in loss aversion was observed in cocaine users (sample λ ≈ 1). These values were observed across drug and non-drug commodities as well as under certain and risky conditions. Conclusions—These data represent the first systematic study of loss aversion in cocaine-using populations and provide evidence for equal sensitivity to losses and gains or loss equivalence. Futures studies should evaluate the specificity of these effects to a history of cocaine use as well as the impact of manipulations of loss aversion on drug use to determine how this phenomenon may contribute to intervention development efforts

    A Unified Operating System for Clouds and Manycore: fos

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    Single chip processors with thousands of cores will be available in the next ten years and clouds of multicore processors afford the operating system designer thousands of cores today. Constructing operating systems for manycore and cloud systems face similar challenges. This work identifies these shared challenges and introduces our solution: a factored operating system (fos) designed to meet the scalability, faultiness, variability of demand, and programming challenges of OSĂą s for single-chip thousand-core manycore systems as well as current day cloud computers. Current monolithic operating systems are not well suited for manycores and clouds as they have taken an evolutionary approach to scaling such as adding fine grain locks and redesigning subsystems, however these approaches do not increase scalability quickly enough. fos addresses the OS scalability challenge by using a message passing design and is composed out of a collection of Internet inspired servers. Each operating system service is factored into a set of communicating servers which in aggregate implement a system service. These servers are designed much in the way that distributed Internet services are designed, but provide traditional kernel services instead of Internet services. Also, fos embraces the elasticity of cloud and manycore platforms by adapting resource utilization to match demand. fos facilitates writing applications across the cloud by providing a single system image across both future 1000+ core manycores and current day Infrastructure as a Service cloud computers. In contrast, current cloud environments do not provide a single system image and introduce complexity for the user by requiring different programming models for intra- vs inter-machine communication, and by requiring the use of non-OS standard management tools

    Graphite: A Distributed Parallel Simulator for Multicores

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    This paper introduces the open-source Graphite distributed parallel multicore simulator infrastructure. Graphite is designed from the ground up for exploration of future multicore processors containing dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of cores. It provides high performance for fast design space exploration and software development for future processors. Several techniques are used to achieve this performance including: direct execution, multi-machine distribution, analytical modeling, and lax synchronization. Graphite is capable of accelerating simulations by leveraging several machines. It can distribute simulation of an off-the-shelf threaded application across a cluster of commodity Linux machines with no modification to the source code. It does this by providing a single, shared address space and consistent single-process image across machines. Graphite is designed to be a simulation framework, allowing different component models to be easily replaced to either model different architectures or tradeoff accuracy for performance. We evaluate Graphite from a number of perspectives and demonstrate that it can simulate target architectures containing over 1000 cores on ten 8-core servers. Performance scales well as more machines are added with near linear speedup in many cases. Simulation slowdown is as low as 41x versus native execution for some applications. The Graphite infrastructure and existing models will be released as open-source software to allow the community to simulate their own architectures and extend and improve the framework

    Fleets: Scalable Services in a Factored Operating System

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    Current monolithic operating systems are designed for uniprocessor systems, and their architecture reflects this. The rise of multicore and cloud computing is drastically changing the tradeoffs in operating system design. The culture of scarce computational resources is being replaced with one of abundant cores, where spatial layout of processes supplants time multiplexing as the primary scheduling concern. Efforts to parallelize monolithic kernels have been difficult and only marginally successful, and new approaches are needed. This paper presents fleets, a novel way of constructing scalable OS services. With fleets, traditional OS services are factored out of the kernel and moved into user space, where they are further parallelized into a distributed set of concurrent, message-passing servers. We evaluate fleets within fos, a new factored operating system designed from the ground up with scalability as the first-order design constraint. This paper details the main design principles of fleets, and how the system architecture of fos enables their construction. We describe the design and implementation of three critical fleets (network stack, page allocation, and file system) and compare with Linux. These comparisons show that fos achieves superior performance and has better scalability than Linux for large multicores; at 32 cores, fos's page allocator performs 4.5 times better than Linux, and fos's network stack performs 2.5 times better. Additionally, we demonstrate how fleets can adapt to changing resource demand, and the importance of spatial scheduling for good performance in multicores

    PIKA: A Network Service for Multikernel Operating Systems

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    PIKA is a network stack designed for multikernel operating systems that target potential future architectures lacking cache-coherent shared memory but supporting message passing. PIKA splits the network stack into several servers that communicate using a low-overhead message passing layer. A key challenge faced by PIKA is the maintenance of shared state, such as a single accept queue and load balance information. PIKA addresses this challenge using a speculative 3-way handshake for connection acceptance, and a new distributed load balancing scheme for spreading connections. A PIKA prototype achieves competitive performance, excellent scalability, and low service times under load imbalance on commodity hardware. Finally, we demonstrate that splitting network stack processing by function across separate cores is a net loss on commodity hardware, and we describe conditions under which it may be advantageous

    Scald Injury-Induced T Cell Dysfunction Can Be Mitigated by Gr1+ Cell Depletion and Blockage of CD47/CD172a Signaling

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    Infection is a common and severe complication of burn injury: Sepsis accounts for 47% of postburn mortality. Burn-induced T cell suppression likely contributes to the increased infection susceptibility in burn patients. However, little is known about the kinetics of T cell dysfunction after burn and its underlying mechanisms. In this study, we show in a murine scald injury model that T cell activation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells as well as T cell cytokine production is suppressed acutely and persistently for at least 11 days after burn injury. Purified T cells from scald-injured mice exhibit normal T cell functions, indicating an extrinsically mediated defect. We further show that T cell dysfunction after burn appears to be cell-to-cell contact dependent and can be ameliorated by depletion of myeloid-derived suppressor cells. These cells expand after burn injury, particularly a subset expressing the checkpoint inhibitor CD172a, and infiltrate germinal centers. Expression of CD172a appears to be driven by ingestion of immature reticulocytes. Immature reticulocytes are drastically increased in the spleen of scald mice and may contribute to immunosuppression through more direct mechanisms as well. Overall, our study newly identifies two cell populations, myeloid-derived suppressor cells and immature reticulocytes, as well as the CD47/CD172a-signaling pathways as mediators of T cell suppressors after burn and thus opens up new research opportunities in the search for new therapies to combat increased infection susceptibility and the associated morbidity and mortality in burn victims
