53,582 research outputs found

    An ontology-based approach to the optimization of non-binary (2,v)-regular LDPC codes

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    A non-binary (2,v)-regular LDPC code is defined by a parity-check matrix with column weight 2 and row weight v. In this report, we give an ontology-based approach to the optimization for this class of codes. All possible inter-connected cycle patterns that lead to low symbol-weight codewords are identified to put together the ontology. The optimization goal is to improve the distance property of equivalent binary images. Using the proposed method, the estimation and optimization of bit-distance spectrum becomes easily handleable. Three codes in the CCSDS recommendation are analyzed and several codes with good minimum bit-distance are designed.Comment: Technical Repor

    Distribution of Coefficients of Modular Forms and the Partition Function

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    Let β„“β‰₯5\ell\ge5 be an odd prime and j,sj, s be positive integers. We study the distribution of the coefficients of integer and half-integral weight modular forms modulo odd positive integer MM. As a consequence, we prove that for each integer 1≀r≀ℓj1\le r\le\ell^j, β™―{1≀n≀X ∣ p(n)≑r(modβ„“j)}≫s,r,β„“jXlog⁑X(log⁑log⁑X)s.\sharp\{1\le n\le X\ |\ p(n)\equiv r\pmod{\ell^j}\}\gg_{s,r,\ell^j}\frac{\sqrt X}{\log X}(\log\log X)^s.Comment: 8page

    Symmetry Partition Sort

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    In this paper, we propose a useful replacement for quicksort-style utility functions. The replacement is called Symmetry Partition Sort, which has essentially the same principle as Proportion Extend Sort. The maximal difference between them is that the new algorithm always places already partially sorted inputs (used as a basis for the proportional extension) on both ends when entering the partition routine. This is advantageous to speeding up the partition routine. The library function based on the new algorithm is more attractive than Psort which is a library function introduced in 2004. Its implementation mechanism is simple. The source code is clearer. The speed is faster, with O(n log n) performance guarantee. Both the robustness and adaptivity are better. As a library function, it is competitive

    Linear Statistics of Matrix Ensembles in Classical Background

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    Given a joint probability density function of NN real random variables, {xj}j=1N,\{x_j\}_{j=1}^{N}, obtained from the eigenvector-eigenvalue decomposition of NΓ—NN\times N random matrices, one constructs a random variable, the linear statistics, defined by the sum of smooth functions evaluated at the eigenvalues or singular values of the random matrix, namely, βˆ‘j=1NF(xj).\sum_{j=1}^{N}F(x_j). For the jpdfs obtained from the Gaussian and Laguerre ensembles, we compute, in this paper the moment generating function EΞ²(exp(βˆ’Ξ»βˆ‘jF(xj))),\mathbb{E}_{\beta}({\rm exp}(-\lambda\sum_{j}F(x_j))), where EΞ²\mathbb{E}_{\beta} denotes expectation value over the Orthogonal (Ξ²=1\beta=1) and Symplectic (Ξ²=4)\beta=4) ensembles, in the form one plus a Schwartz function, none vanishing over R\mathbb{R} for the Gaussian ensembles and R+\mathbb{R}^+ for the Laguerre ensembles. These are ultimately expressed in the form of the determinants of identity plus a scalar operator, from which we obtained the large NN asymptotic of the linear statistics from suitably scaled $F(\cdot).

    Dealing With 4-Variables by Resolution: An Improved MaxSAT Algorithm

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    We study techniques for solving the Maximum Satisfiability problem (MaxSAT). Our focus is on variables of degree 4. We identify cases for degree-4 variables and show how the resolution principle and the kernelization techniques can be nicely integrated to achieve more efficient algorithms for the MaxSAT problem. As a result, we present an algorithm of time Oβˆ—(1.3248k)O^*(1.3248^k) for the MaxSAT problem, improving the previous best upper bound Oβˆ—(1.358k)O^*(1.358^k) by Ivan Bliznets and Alexander

    Gap Probability Distribution of the Jacobi Unitary Ensemble: An Elementary Treatment, from Finite nn to Double Scaling

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    In this paper, we study the gap probability problem of the (symmetric) Jacobi unitary ensemble of Hermitian random matrices, namely the probability that the interval (βˆ’a,a)β€…(0<a<1)(-a,a)\:(0<a<1) is free of eigenvalues. Using the ladder operator technique for orthogonal polynomials and the associated supplementary conditions, we derive three quantities instrumental in the gap probability, denoted by Hn(a)H_{n}(a), Rn(a)R_{n}(a) and rn(a)r_{n}(a). We find that each one satisfies a second order differential equation. We show that after a double scaling, the large second order differential equation in the variable aa with nn as parameter satisfied by Hn(a)H_{n}(a), can be reduced to the Jimbo-Miwa-Okamoto Οƒ\sigma form of the Painlev\'{e} V equation.Comment: 20 page

    On the variance of linear statistics of Hermitian random matrices

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    Linear statistics, a random variable build out of the sum of the evaluation of functions at the eigenvalues of a N times N random matrix,sum[j=1 to N]f(xj) or tr f(M), is an ubiquitous statistical characteristics in random matrix theory. Hermitian random matrix ensembles, under the eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition give rise to the joint probability density functions of N random variables. We show that if f(.) is a polynomial of degree K, then the variance of trf(M), is of the form,sum[n=1 to K] n(d[n])square, and d[n] is related to the expansion coefficients c[n] of the polynomial f(x) =sum[n=0 to K] c[n] b Pn(x), where Pn(x) are polynomials of degree n, orthogonal with respect to the weights 1/[(b-x)(x-a)]^(1/2), [(b -x)(x -a)]^(1/2), [(b-x)(x-a)]^(1/2)/x; (0 < a < x < b), [(b-x)(x-a)]^(1/2)/[x(1-x)] ; (0 < a < x < b < 1), respectively.Comment: 17 pages, 0 figures, variance of linear statistic

    Linear Statistics of Random Matrix Ensembles at the Spectrum Edge Associated with the Airy Kernel

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    In this paper, we study the large NN behavior of the moment-generating function (MGF) of the linear statistics of NΓ—NN\times N Hermitian matrices in the Gaussian unitary, symplectic, orthogonal ensembles (GUE, GSE, GOE) and Laguerre unitary, symplectic, orthogonal ensembles (LUE, LSE, LOE) at the edge of the spectrum. From the finite NN Fredholm determinant expression of the MGF of the linear statistics, we find the large NN asymptotics of the MGF associated with the Airy kernel in these Gaussian and Laguerre ensembles. Then we obtain the mean and variance of the suitably scaled linear statistics. We show that there is an equivalence between the large NN behavior of the MGF of the scaled linear statistics in Gaussian and Laguerre ensembles, which leads to the statistical equivalence between the mean and variance of suitably scaled linear statistics in Gaussian and Laguerre ensembles. In the end, we use the Coulomb fluid method to obtain the mean and variance of another type of linear statistics in GUE, which reproduces the result of Basor and Widom.Comment: 32 page

    Three Dimensional Steady Subsonic Euler Flows in Bounded Nozzles

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    In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of three dimensional steady Euler flows in rectangular nozzles when prescribing normal component of momentum at both the entrance and exit. If, in addition, the normal component of the voriticity and the variation of Bernoulli's function at the exit are both zero, then there exists a unique subsonic potential flow when the magnitude of the normal component of the momentum is less than a critical number. As the magnitude of the normal component of the momentum approaches the critical number, the associated flows converge to a subsonic-sonic flow. Furthermore, when the normal component of vorticity and the variation of Bernoulli's function are both small, the existence of subsonic Euler flows is established. The proof of these results is based on a new formulation for the Euler system, a priori estimate for nonlinear elliptic equations with nonlinear boundary conditions, detailed study for a linear div-curl system, and delicate estimate for the transport equations

    Computational Optimal Control of the Saint-Venant PDE Model Using the Time-scaling Technique

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    This paper proposes a new time-scaling approach for computational optimal control of a distributed parameter system governed by the Saint-Venant PDEs. We propose the time-scaling approach, which can change a uniform time partition to a nonuniform one. We also derive the gradient formulas by using the variational method. Then the method of lines (MOL) is applied to compute the Saint-Venant PDEs after implementing the time-scaling transformation and the associate costate PDEs. Finally, we compare the optimization results using the proposed time-scaling approach with the one not using it. The simulation result demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed time-scaling method
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