4,792 research outputs found

    Diffusion and Butterfly Velocity at Finite Density

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    We study diffusion and butterfly velocity (vBv_B) in two holographic models, linear axion and axion-dilaton model, with a momentum relaxation parameter (β\beta) at finite density or chemical potential (μ\mu). Axion-dilaton model is particularly interesting since it shows linear-TT-resistivity, which may have something to do with the universal bound of diffusion. At finite density, there are two diffusion constants D±D_\pm describing the coupled diffusion of charge and energy. By computing D±D_\pm exactly, we find that in the incoherent regime (β/T1, β/μ1\beta/T \gg 1,\ \beta/\mu \gg 1) D+D_+ is identified with the charge diffusion constant (DcD_c) and DD_- is identified with the energy diffusion constant (DeD_e). In the coherent regime, at very small density, D±D_\pm are `maximally' mixed in the sense that D+(D)D_+(D_-) is identified with De(Dc)D_e(D_c), which is opposite to the case in the incoherent regime. In the incoherent regime DeCvB2/kBTD_e \sim C_- \hbar v_B^2 / k_B T where C=1/2C_- = 1/2 or 1 so it is universal independently of β\beta and μ\mu. However, DcC+vB2/kBTD_c \sim C_+ \hbar v_B^2 / k_B T where C+=1C_+ = 1 or β2/16π2T2 \beta^2/16\pi^2 T^2 so, in general, C+C_+ may not saturate to the lower bound in the incoherent regime, which suggests that the characteristic velocity for charge diffusion may not be the butterfly velocity. We find that the finite density does not affect the diffusion property at zero density in the incoherent regime.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, v2 minor edits and references adde

    Surface Counterterms and Regularized Holographic Complexity

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    The holographic complexity is UV divergent. As a finite complexity, we propose a "regularized complexity" by employing a similar method to the holographic renormalization. We add codimension-two boundary counterterms which do not contain any boundary stress tensor information. It means that we subtract only non-dynamic background and all the dynamic information of holographic complexity is contained in the regularized part. After showing the general counterterms for both CA and CV conjectures in holographic spacetime dimension 5 and less, we give concrete examples: the BTZ black holes and the four and five dimensional Schwarzschild AdS black holes. We propose how to obtain the counterterms in higher spacetime dimensions and show explicit formulas only for some special cases with enough symmetries. We also compute the complexity of formation by using the regularized complexity.Comment: Published version with some small improvement

    Universal corner contributions to entanglement negativity

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    It has been realised that corners in entangling surfaces can induce new universal contributions to the entanglement entropy and R\'enyi entropy. In this paper we study universal corner contributions to entanglement negativity in three- and four-dimensional CFTs using both field theory and holographic techniques. We focus on the quantity χ\chi defined by the ratio of the universal part of the entanglement negativity over that of the entanglement entropy, which may characterise the amount of distillable entanglement. We find that for most of the examples χ\chi takes bigger values for singular entangling regions, which may suggest increase in distillable entanglement. However, there also exist counterexamples where distillable entanglement decreases for singular surfaces. We also explore the behaviour of χ\chi as the coupling varies and observe that for singular entangling surfaces, the amount of distillable entanglement is mostly largest for free theories, while counterexample exists for free Dirac fermion in three dimensions. For holographic CFTs described by higher derivative gravity, χ\chi may increase or decrease, depending on the sign of the relevant parameters. Our results may reveal a more profound connection between geometry and distillable entanglement.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure