7,021 research outputs found

    Scaling and diffusion of Dirac composite fermions

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    We study the effects of quenched disorder and a dissipative Coulomb interaction on an anyon gas in a periodic potential undergoing a quantum phase transition. We use a (2+1)−dimensional low-energy effective description that involves Nf=1 Dirac fermion coupled to a U(1) Chern-Simons gauge field at level (θ−1/2). When θ=1/2 the anyons are free Dirac fermions that exhibit an integer quantum Hall transition; when θ=1 the anyons are bosons undergoing a superconductor-insulator transition in the universality class of the three-dimensional XY model. Using the large Nf approximation we perform a renormalization-group analysis. We find the Coulomb interaction to be an irrelevant perturbation of the clean fixed point for any θ. The dissipative Coulomb interaction allows for two classes of IR stable fixed points in the presence of disorder: those with a finite nonzero Coulomb coupling and dynamical critical exponent z=1 and those with an effectively infinite Coulomb coupling and 1<z<2. At θ=1/2 the clean fixed point is stable to charge-conjugation preserving (random mass) disorder, while a line of diffusive fixed points is obtained when the product of charge-conjugation and time-reversal symmetries is preserved. At θ=1 we find a finite disorder fixed point with unbroken charge-conjugation symmetry whether or not the Coulomb interaction is present. Other cases result in runaway flows. We comment on the relation of our results to other theoretical studies and the relevancy to experiment

    Electroweak Baryogenesis, Electric Dipole Moments, and Higgs Diphoton Decays

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    We study the viability of electroweak baryogenesis in a two Higgs doublet model scenario augmented by vector-like, electroweakly interacting fermions. Considering a limited, but illustrative region of the model parameter space, we obtain the observed cosmic baryon asymmetry while satisfying present constraints from the non-observation of the permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron and the combined ATLAS and CMS result for the Higgs boson diphoton decay rate. The observation of a non-zero electron EDM in a next generation experiment and/or the observation of an excess (over the Standard Model) of Higgs to diphoton events with the 14 TeV LHC run or a future e+e−e^+e^- collider would be consistent with generation of the observed baryon asymmetry in this scenario.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Reply to Comment on "Chiral suppression of scalar glueball decay"

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    Reply to the comment of Chao, He, and Ma

    Indirect Detection Imprint of a CP Violating Dark Sector

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    We introduce a simple scenario involving fermionic dark matter (χ\chi) and singlet scalar mediators that may account for the Galactic Center GeV γ\gamma-ray excess while satisfying present direct detection constraints. CP-violation in the scalar potential leads to mixing between the Standard Model Higgs boson and the scalar singlet, resulting in three scalars h1,2,3h_{1,2,3} of indefinite CP-transformation properties. This mixing enables s-wave χχˉ\chi{\bar\chi} annihilation into di-scalar states, followed by decays into four fermion final states. The observed γ\gamma-ray spectrum can be fitted while respecting present direct detection bounds and Higgs boson properties for mχ=60∼80m_{\chi} = 60 \sim 80 GeV, and mh3∼mχm_{h_3} \sim m_{\chi}. Searches for the Higgs exotic decay channel h1→h3h3h_1 \to h_3 h_3 at the 14 TeV LHC should be able to further probe the parameter region favored by the γ\gamma-ray excess.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl
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