2 research outputs found
Fritillaria camtschatcensis Ker Gawl.
原著和名: クロユリ科名: ユリ科 = Liliaceae採集地: 北海道 厚岸郡 浜中町 霧多布湿原 (北海道 釧路 浜中町 霧多布湿原)採集日: 1975/6/17採集者: 古瀬 義整理番号: JH014722国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-96472
Additional file 9: of High resolution metabolomics to discriminate compounds in serum of male lung cancer patients in South Korea
Relative concentrations of three compounds in 2nd and 3rd analysis. BPA, with its increasing abundance, was detected only in 3rd analysis while retinol, with its decreasing abundance, was detected only in 2nd analysis. L-proline was found to be lowered in both 2nd and 3rd analysis. *shows significant difference (pâ<â0.05) (TIF 1390 kb