275 research outputs found

    Labor and Management Relations in Large Enterprises in Korea: Exploring the Puzzle of Confrontational Enterprise-Based Industrial Relations

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    bor_and_Management_Relations_in_LargeKorea_IR_by_Lee.pdf: 2099 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Development of Free Economic Zones and Labor Standards: A Case Study of Free Economic Zones in Korea

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    Development_of_FreeEFZ_KOREA_by_Lee.pdf: 4040 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    An Empirical Study on Union and Company Commitment on Korean and Chinese Employees

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    Particular attention of this study was paid to the determinants and the different level of company and union commitment between Korea and China. We used a theory of cognitive dissonance and exchange relationship in order to examine the determinants of it. To examine the proposed model, we collected 890 data from manufacturing company of each country and had regression, paired-wise t-test, and independent t-test analysis to get empirical results. The results of this study can be summarized into four points. First, union and company commitment have a positive correlation in both country. Second, motivation among antecedent of dual commitment is significantly related to dual commitment both country. But labor-management climate and cooperative program have significant effect on union commitment, labor condition and job satisfaction was related in company commitment in Korea. In china, labor-management climate, job satisfaction, motivation is correlated with dual commitment and cooperative program has positive effect on union commitment, labor condition has relationship with company commitment. This result shows that each country has same and different antecedents of company and union commitment. Third, demographic variables, for example, sex, tenure, full time worker, have no effect on dual commitment. Only Chinese women have high union commitment more than company commitment. Fourth, there was a difference of union and company commitment between Korea and China. Korean workers have high company commitment more than Chinese. A China’s level of union commitment is higher than Korea. Based on the findings, we provided Korean subsidiaries with managerial implications. Suggestions for future research also follow

    Diffraction Loss Prediction of Multiple Edges Using Bullington Method with Neural Network in Mountainous Areas

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    This paper proposes a neural network approach to improve the Bullington method by using parameters obtained from ignored obstacles in mountainous areas. Measurements were performed in mountainous areas to compare the prediction accuracy of propagation loss. And the measured data were used for neural network training. A detailed description of the input parameters of the proposed neural network is presented. The prediction performances were improved by up to 3.20 dB in the average error and 2.11 dB in the standard deviation of errors by the proposed method when compared to traditional diffraction methods

    Distance, magnetic field and kinematics of a filamentary cloud LDN 1157

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    LDN 1157, is one of the several clouds situated in the cloud complex, LDN 1147/1158, represents a coma-shaped morphology with a well-collimated bipolar outflow emanating from a Class 0 protostar, LDN 1157-mm. The main goals of this work are (a) to map the inter-cloud magnetic field (ICMF) geometry of the region surrounding LDN 1157 to investigate its relationship with the cloud morphology, with the outflow direction and with the core magnetic field (CMF) geometry inferred from the mm- and sub-mm polarization results from the literature, and (b) to investigate the kinematic structure of the cloud. We carried out R-band polarization observations of the stars projected on the cloud to map the pc-scale magnetic field geometry and made spectroscopic observations of the entire cloud in 12CO, C18O and N2H+ (J=1-0) lines to investigate its kinematic structure. We obtained a distance of 340±\pm3 pc to the LDN 1147/1158, complex based on the Gaia DR2 parallaxes and proper motion values of the three YSOs associated with the complex. A single filament of ∼1.2\sim1.2 pc in length and ∼0.09\sim0.09 pc in width is found to run all along the coma-shaped cloud. Based on the relationships between the ICMF, CMF, filament orientations, outflow direction, and the presence of an hour-glass morphology of the magnetic field, it is likely that the magnetic field had played an important role in the star formation process in LDN 1157. Combining the proper motions of the YSOs and the radial velocity of LDN 1147/1158 and another complex LDN 1172/1174 which is situated ∼2\sim2\dgr~east of it, we found that both the complexes are moving collectively toward the Galactic plane. The filamentary morphology of the east-west segment of LDN 1157 may have formed as a result of mass lost by ablation due to the interaction of the moving cloud with the ambient interstellar medium.Comment: 20 pages, Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Abstract has been shortened due to word limit in arxi

    Waveguide Holography: Towards True 3D Holographic Glasses

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    We present a novel near-eye display concept which consists of a waveguide combiner, a spatial light modulator, and a laser light source. The proposed system can display true 3D holographic images through see-through pupil-replicating waveguide combiner as well as providing a large eye-box. By modeling the coherent light interaction inside of the waveguide combiner, we demonstrate that the output wavefront from the waveguide can be controlled by modulating the wavefront of input light using a spatial light modulator. This new possibility allows combining a holographic display, which is considered as the ultimate 3D display technology, with the state-of-the-art pupil replicating waveguides, enabling the path towards true 3D holographic augmented reality glasses
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