32 research outputs found

    On the formal affine Hecke algebra

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    We study the action of the formal affine Hecke algebra on the formal group algebra, and show that the the formal affine Hecke algebra has a basis indexed by the Weyl group as a module over the formal group algebra. We also define a concept called the normal formal group law, which we use to simplify the relations of the generators of the formal affine Demazure algebra and the formal affine Hecke algebra.Comment: v2: This is an essentially extended version from the previous one. Note the title and abstract are changed. v3: The proof of the main theorem is clarified and section 5,6 are simplifie

    Elliptic affine Hecke algebras and their representations

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    We apply equivariant elliptic cohomology to the Steinberg variety in Springer theory, and prove that the corresponding convolution algebra is isomorphic to the elliptic affine Hecke algebra constructed by Ginzburg-Kapranov-Vasserot. Under this isomorphism, we describe explicitly the cohomology classes that correspond to the elliptic Demazure-Lusztig operators. As an application, we study the Deligne-Langlands theory in the elliptic setting, and classify irreducible representations of the elliptic affine Hecke algebra. The irreducible representations are in one to one correspondence with certain nilpotent Higgs bundles on the elliptic curve. We also study representations at torsion points in type-AA.Comment: V2: 40 pages; Section 6.5 added; minor revisions throughou

    Geometric representations of the formal affine Hecke algebra

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    For any formal group law, there is a formal affine Hecke algebra defined by Hoffnung, Malag\'on-L\'opez, Savage, and Zainoulline. Coming from this formal group law, there is also an oriented cohomology theory. We identify the formal affine Hecke algebra with a convolution algebra coming from the oriented cohomology theory applied to the Steinberg variety. As a consequence, this algebra acts on the corresponding cohomology of the Springer fibers. This generalizes the action of classical affine Hecke algebra on the KK-theory of the Springer fibers constructed by Lusztig. We also give a residue interpretation of the formal affine Hecke algebra, which coincides with the residue construction of Ginzburg, Kapranov, and Vasserot when the formal group law comes from a 1-dimensional algebraic group.Comment: v2 32 pages, significant modification

    Stable bases of the Springer resolution and representation theory

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    In this note, we collect basic facts about Maulik and Okounkov's stable bases for the Springer resolution, focusing on their relations to representations of Lie algebras over complex numbers and algebraically closed positive characteristic fields, and of the Langlands dual group over non-Archimedean local fields.Comment: Expository article for the `International Festival in Schubert Calculus', Guangzhou, China, 201

    On the \gamma-filtration of oriented cohomology of complete spin-flags

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    We study the characteristic map of algebraic oriented cohomology of complete spin-flags and the ideal of invariants of formal group algebra. As an application, we provide an annihilator of the torsion part of the γ\gamma-filtration. Moreover, if the formal group law determined by the oriented cohomology is congruent to the additive formal group law modulo 2, then at degree 2 and 3, the γ\gamma-filtration of complete spin-flags is torsion free.Comment: 15 pages, some minor change

    Wall-crossings and a categorification of KK-theory stable bases of the Springer resolution

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    We compare the KK-theory stable bases of the Springer resolution associated to different affine Weyl alcoves. We prove that (up to relabelling) the change of alcoves operators are given by the Demazure-Lusztig operators in the affine Hecke algebra. We then show that these bases are categorified by the Verma modules of the Lie algebra, under the localization of Lie algebras in positive characteristic of Bezrukavnikov, Mirkovi\'c, and Rumynin. As an application, we prove that the wall-crossing matrices of the KK-theory stable bases coincide with the monodromy matrices of the quantum cohomology of the Springer resolution.Comment: V2: 31 pages; exposition changes throughou

    Milnor-Witt KK-groups of local rings

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    We introduce Milnor-Witt KK-groups of local rings and show that the nnth Milnor-Witt KK-group of a local ring RR which contains an infinite field of characteristic not 22 is the pull-back of the nnth power of the fundamental ideal in the Witt ring of RR and the nnth Milnor KK-group of RR over the nnth Milnor KK-group of RR modulo 22. This generalizes the work of Morel-Hopkins on Milnor-Witt KK-groups of fields

    On the K-theory stable bases of the Springer resolution

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    Cohomological and K-theoretic stable bases originated from the study of quantum cohomology and quantum K-theory. Restriction formula for cohomological stable bases played an important role in computing the quantum connection of cotangent bundle of partial flag varieties. In this paper we study the K-theoretic stable bases of cotangent bundles of flag varieties. We describe these bases in terms of the action of the affine Hecke algebra and the twisted group algebra of Kostant-Kumar. Using this algebraic description and the method of root polynomials, we give a restriction formula of the stable bases. We apply it to obtain the restriction formula for partial flag varieties. We also build a relation between the stable basis and the Casselman basis in the principal series representations of the Langlands dual group. As an application, we give a closed formula for the transition matrix between Casselman basis and the characteristic functions.Comment: V2: 43 pages; Section 7 in V1 removed; Section 8 significantly revised; minor revisions throughou

    Formal affine Demazure and Hecke algebras of Kac-Moody root systems

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    We define the formal affine Demazure algebra and formal affine Hecke algebra associated to a Kac-Moody root system. We prove the structure theorems of these algebras, hence, extending several result and construction (presentation in terms of generators and relations, coproduct and product structures, filtration by codimension of Bott-Samelson classes, root polynomials and multiplication formulas) that were previously known for finite root system.Comment: 19 page

    Invariants, exponents and formal group laws

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    Let W be the Weyl group of a crystallographic root system acting on the associated weight lattice by reflections. In the present notes we extend the notion of an exponent of the W-action introduced in [Baek-Neher-Zainoulline, arXiv:1106.4332] to the context of an arbitrary algebraic oriented cohomology theory of Levine-Morel, Panin-Smirnov and the associated formal group law. From this point of view the classical Dynkin index of the associated Lie algebra will be the second exponent of the deformation map from the multiplicative to the additive formal group law. We apply this generalized exponent to study the torsion part of an arbitrary oriented cohomology theory of a twisted flag variety.Comment: 15 pages, the last section is revise