44,587 research outputs found

    Off-diagonal geometric phase in composite systems

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    The effect due to the inter-subsystem coupling on the off-diagonal geometric phase in a composite system is investigated. We analyze the case where the system undergo an adiabatic evolution. Two coupled qubits driven by time-dependent external magnetic fields are presented as an example, the off-diagonal geometric phase as well as the adiabatic condition are examined and discussed

    Effects of microscopic strain distribution on Ga(1-x)In(x)As quantum wires grown by strain-induced lateral ordering

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    Band Structures and optical matrix elements of quantum wires(QWR's) made of short-period superlattices(SPS) with strain-induced lateral ordering(SILO) are investigated theoretically via an effective bond-orbital model(EBOM) combined with a valence-force field(VFF) model. Valence-band anistropy, band mixing, and effects due to local strain distribution at the atomistic level are all taken into account. In particular, Ga(1-x)In(x)As QWR's grown by SILO process are considered. A VFF model is used to find the equilibrium atomic positions in the SILO QWR structure by minimizing the lattice energy. The strain tensor at each atomic(In or GA) site is then obtained and included in the calculations of electronic states and optical peroperties. It is found that different local arrangement of atoms leads to very different strain distribution, which in term alters the optical properties. In particular, we found that the optical anisotropy can be reversed due to the change in shear strain caused by the inter-change of atomic positions. Good agreement with the existing experimental data on band gap and optical anisotropy can be obtained when a 2D alloy structure with lateral composition modulation in the InAs/GaAs interface planes of the SPS is used. Our studies revealed the possibility of "shear-strain engineering" in SILO QWR light-emitting devices to achieve desired optical anisotropy.Comment: 15 pages and 25 figures, some figures are relabe

    Experimental realization of secure multi-party computation in an entanglement access to network

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    To construct a quantum network with many end users, it is critical to have a cost-efficient way to distribute entanglement over different network ends. We demonstrate an entanglement access network, where the expensive resource, the entangled photon source at the telecom wavelength and the core communication channel, is shared by many end users. Using this cost-efficient entanglement access network, we report experimental demonstration of a secure multiparty computation protocol, the privacy-preserving secure sum problem, based on the network quantum cryptography

    Quantum teleportation from light beams to vibrational states of a macroscopic diamond

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    With the recent development of optomechanics, the vibration in solids, involving collective motion of trillions of atoms, gradually enters into the realm of quantum control. Built on the recent remarkable progress in optical control of motional states of diamonds, here we report an experimental demonstration of quantum teleportation from light beams to vibrational states of a macroscopic diamond under ambient conditions. Through quantum process tomography, we demonstrate average teleportation fidelity (90.6+/- 1.0)%, clearly exceeding the classical limit of 2/3. The experiment pushes the target of quantum teleportation to the biggest object so far, with interesting implications for optomechanical quantum control and quantum information science.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Exploring Quantum Contextuality to Generate True Random Numbers

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    Random numbers represent an indispensable resource for many applications. A recent remarkable result is the realization that non-locality in quantum mechanics can be used to certify genuine randomness through Bell's theorem, producing reliable random numbers in a device independent way. Here, we explore the contextuality aspect of quantum mechanics and show that true random numbers can be generated using only single qutrit (three-state systems) without entanglement and non-locality. In particular, we show that any observed violation of the Klyachko-Can-Binicioglu-Shumovsky (KCBS) inequality [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 20403 (2008)] provides a positive lower bound on genuine randomness. As a proof-of-concept experiment, we demonstrate with photonic qutrits that at least 5246 net true random numbers are generated with a confidence level of 99.9%.Comment: Paper : 4.5 pages, 4 figures; Supplementary material : 5 pages, 2 figure

    Experimental demonstration of a quantum router

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    The router is a key element for a network. We describe a scheme to realize genuine quantum routing of single-photon pulses based on cascading of conditional quantum gates in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer and report a proof-of-principle experiment for its demonstration using linear optics quantum gates. The polarization of the control photon routes in a coherent way the path of the signal photon while preserving the qubit state of the signal photon represented by its polarization. We demonstrate quantum nature of this router by showing entanglement generated between the initially unentangled control and signal photons, and confirm that the qubit state of the signal photon is well preserved by the router through quantum process tomography

    Experimental Hamiltonian Learning of An 11-qubit Solid-State Quantum Spin Register

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    Learning Hamiltonian of a quantum system is indispensable for prediction of the system dynamics and realization of high fidelity quantum gates. However, it is a significant challenge to efficiently characterize the Hamiltonian when its Hilbert space dimension grows exponentially with the system size. Here, we experimentally demonstrate an adaptive method to learn the effective Hamiltonian of an 11-qubit quantum system consisting of one electron spin and ten nuclear spins associated with a single Nitrogen-Vacancy center in a diamond. We validate the estimated Hamiltonian by designing universal quantum gates based on the learnt Hamiltonian parameters and demonstrate high-fidelity gates in experiment. Our experimental demonstration shows a well-characterized 11-qubit quantum spin register with the ability to test quantum algorithms and to act as a multi-qubit single node in a quantum network.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Observation of topological links associated with Hopf insulators in a solid-state quantum simulator

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    Hopf insulators are intriguing three-dimensional topological insulators characterized by an integer topological invariant. They originate from the mathematical theory of Hopf fibration and epitomize the deep connection between knot theory and topological phases of matter, which distinguishes them from other classes of topological insulators. Here, we implement a model Hamiltonian for Hopf insulators in a solid-state quantum simulator and report the first experimental observation of their topological properties, including fascinating topological links associated with the Hopf fibration and the integer-valued topological invariant obtained from a direct tomographic measurement. Our observation of topological links and Hopf fibration in a quantum simulator opens the door to probe rich topological properties of Hopf insulators in experiments. The quantum simulation and probing methods are also applicable to the study of other intricate three-dimensional topological model Hamiltonians.Comment: including supplementary material

    Observation of entanglement sudden death and rebirth by controlling solid-state spin bath

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    Quantum entanglement, the essential resource for quantum information processing, has rich dynamics under different environments. Probing different entanglement dynamics typically requires exquisite control of complicated system-environment coupling in real experimental systems. Here, by a simple control of the effective solid-state spin bath in a diamond sample, we observe rich entanglement dynamics, including the conventional asymptotic decay as well as the entanglement sudden death, a term coined for the phenomenon of complete disappearance of entanglement after a short finite time interval. Furthermore, we observe counter-intuitive entanglement rebirth after its sudden death in the same diamond sample by tuning an experimental parameter, demonstrating that we can conveniently control the non-Markovianity of the system-environment coupling through a natural experimental knob. Further tuning of this experimental knob can make the entanglement dynamics completely coherent under the same environmental coupling. Probing of entanglement dynamics, apart from its fundamental interest, may find applications in quantum information processing through control of the environmental coupling

    Reply to Comment on "State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality in an indivisible system"

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    This is a reply to the comment from E. Amselem et al. on our paper (Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 150401 (2012), arXiv:1207.0059).Comment: 1 page, 1 figure, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. 201