69,893 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Algorithm for Simulating Reversible Aggregation of Multisite Particles

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    We present an efficient and exact Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate reversible aggregation of particles with dedicated binding sites. This method introduces a novel data structure of dynamic bond tree to record clusters and sequences of bond formations. The algorithm achieves a constant time cost for processing cluster association and a cost between O(logM)\mathcal{O}(\log M) and O(M)\mathcal{O}(M) for processing bond dissociation in clusters with MM bonds. The algorithm is statistically exact and can reproduce results obtained by the standard method. We applied the method to simulate a trivalent ligand and a bivalent receptor clustering system and obtained an average scaling of O(M0.45)\mathcal{O}(M^{0.45}) for processing bond dissociation in acyclic aggregation, compared to a linear scaling with the cluster size in standard methods. The algorithm also demands substantially less memory than the conventional method.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Microwave emission from snow and glacier ice

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    The microwave brightness temperature for snow fields was studied assuming that the snow cover consists of closely packed scattering spheres which do not interact coherently. The Mie scattering theory was used to compute the volume scattering albedo. It is shown that in the wavelength range from 0.8 to 2.8 cm, most of the micro-radiation emanates from a layer 10 meters or less in thickness. It is concluded that it is possible to determine snow accumulation rates as well as near-surface temperature

    Shifting RbR_b with AFBbA^b_{FB}

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    Precision measurements at the ZZ resonance agree well with the standard model. However, there is still a hint of a discrepancy, not so much in RbR_b by itself (which has received a great deal of attention in the past several years) but in the forward-backward asymmetry AFBbA^b_{FB} together with RbR_b. The two are of course correlated. We explore the possibilty that these and other effects are due to the mixing of bLb_L and bRb_R with one or more heavy quarks.Comment: 11 pages, 1 Figure, LaTex fil

    Crystal orientation and thickness dependence of superconductivity on tetragonal FeSe1-x thin films

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    Superconductivity was recently found in the simple tetragonal FeSe structure. Recent studies suggest that FeSe is unconventional, with the symmetry of the superconducting pairing state still under debate. To tackle these problems, clean single crystals and thin films are required. Here we report the fabrication of superconducting beta-phase FeSe1-x thin films on different substrates using a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. Quite interestingly, the crystal orientation, and thus, superconductivity in these thin films is sensitive to the growth temperature. At 320C, films grow preferably along c-axis, but the onset of superconductivity depends on film thickness. At 500C, films grow along (101), with little thickness dependence. These results suggest that the low temperature structural deformation previously found is crucial to the superconductivity of this material

    Search for Bc(ns)B_c(ns) via the Bc(ns)Bc(ms)π+πB_c(ns)\to B_c(ms)\pi^+\pi^- transition at LHCb and Z0Z_0 factory

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    It is interesting to study the characteristics of the whole family of BcB_c which contains two different heavy flavors. LHC and the proposed Z0Z^0 factory provide an opportunity because a large database on the BcB_c family will be achieved. BcB_c and its excited states can be identified via their decay modes. As suggested by experimentalists, Bc(ns)Bc+γB_c^*(ns)\to B_c+\gamma is not easy to be clearly measured, instead, the trajectories of π+\pi^+ and π\pi^- occurring in the decay of Bc(ns)Bc(ms)+π+πB_c(ns)\to B_c(ms)+\pi^+\pi^- (n>mn>m) can be unambiguously identified, thus the measurement seems easier and more reliable, therefore this mode is more favorable at early running stage of LHCb and the proposed Z0Z^0 factory. In this work, we calculate the rate of Bc(ns)Bc(ms)+π+πB_c(ns)\to B_c(ms)+\pi^+\pi^- in terms of the QCD multipole-expansion and the numerical results indicate that the experimental measurements with the luminosity of LHC and Z0Z^0 factory are feasible.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figures and 4 tables, acceptted by SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy (Science in China Series G

    Measurement of the Dynamical Structure Factor of a 1D Interacting Fermi Gas

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    We present measurements of the dynamical structure factor S(q,ω)S(q,\omega) of an interacting one-dimensional (1D) Fermi gas for small excitation energies. We use the two lowest hyperfine levels of the 6^6Li atom to form a pseudo-spin-1/2 system whose s-wave interactions are tunable via a Feshbach resonance. The atoms are confined to 1D by a two-dimensional optical lattice. Bragg spectroscopy is used to measure a response of the gas to density ("charge") mode excitations at a momentum qq and frequency ω\omega. The spectrum is obtained by varying ω\omega, while the angle between two laser beams determines qq, which is fixed to be less than the Fermi momentum kFk_\textrm{F}. The measurements agree well with Tomonaga-Luttinger theory

    Partition Function Zeros of a Restricted Potts Model on Lattice Strips and Effects of Boundary Conditions

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    We calculate the partition function Z(G,Q,v)Z(G,Q,v) of the QQ-state Potts model exactly for strips of the square and triangular lattices of various widths LyL_y and arbitrarily great lengths LxL_x, with a variety of boundary conditions, and with QQ and vv restricted to satisfy conditions corresponding to the ferromagnetic phase transition on the associated two-dimensional lattices. From these calculations, in the limit LxL_x \to \infty, we determine the continuous accumulation loci B{\cal B} of the partition function zeros in the vv and QQ planes. Strips of the honeycomb lattice are also considered. We discuss some general features of these loci.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    On the symbolic manipulation and code generation for elasto-plastic material matrices

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    A computerized procedure for symbolic manipulations and FORTRAN code generation of an elasto-plastic material matrix for finite element applications is presented. Special emphasis is placed on expression simplifications during intermediate derivations, optimal code generation, and interface with the main program. A systematic procedure is outlined to avoid redundant algebraic manipulations. Symbolic expressions of the derived material stiffness matrix are automatically converted to RATFOR code which is then translated into FORTRAN statements through a preprocessor. To minimize the interface problem with the main program, a template file is prepared so that the translated FORTRAN statements can be merged into the file to form a subroutine (or a submodule). Three constitutive models; namely, von Mises plasticity, Drucker-Prager model, and a concrete plasticity model, are used as illustrative examples