11,896 research outputs found

    Multimedia Chinese Web Search Engines: A Survey

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the state of multimedia search functionality on major general and dedicated Web search engines in Chinese language. The authors studied: a) how many Chinese Web search engines presently make use of multimedia searching, and b) the type of multimedia search functionality available. Specifically, the following were examined: a) multimedia features - features allowing multimedia search; and b) extent of personalization - the extent to which a search engine Web site allows users to control multimedia search. Overall, Chinese Web search engines offer limited multimedia searching functionality. The significance of the study is based on two factors: a) little research has been conducted on Chinese Web search engines, and b) the instrument used in the study and the results obtained by this research could help users, Web designers, and Web search engine developers. By large, general Web search engines support more multimedia features than specialized one

    The acidic transformaion products of indoles formed by basidiomycetes

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    A survey of the ability of basidiomycetes to convert tryptophan, tryptamine and indole acetic acid to other acidic indoles has been made. The product formed from tryptamine by Tricholoma nudum was identified as indole acetic acid. The product formed by Cantharellus cibarius from D-tryptophan was identified as N-acetyl-D-tryptophan. The products were purified and identified by means of paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography, infrared spectroscopy and melting points. The conversion of tryptamine and D-tryptophan was also studied in cultures of Leucopaxillus paradoxus, Hygrophorus conicus and Naucoria confragosa. H. conicus, L. paradoxus and N. confragosa transformed tryptamine and indole acetic acid into oxindole acetic acid. L. paradoxus and N. confragosa also transformed D-tryptophan to oxindole acetic acid, but in poor yield. Two unidentified indole compounds were found in the culture media of L. paradoxus and N. confragosa grown on tryptamine. Another product formed from tryptamine and indole acetic acid by T. nudum and N. confragosa was identified as 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid. T. nudum also transformed N,N-dimethyl-tryptamine into indole acetic acid and 5-hydroxy-indole acetic acid, but no transformation was observed with either α -ethyl- or α -methyl-tryptamine An attempt to develop an assay method for the mono-amine oxidase of T. nudum was not notably successful --Abstract, page i
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