5,607 research outputs found

    Query on Negative Temperature, Internal Interactions and Decrease of Entropy

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    After negative temperature is restated, we find that it will derive necessarily decrease of entropy. Negative temperature is based on the Kelvin scale and the condition dU>0 and dS<0. Conversely, there is also negative temperature for dU0. But, negative temperature is contradiction with usual meaning of temperature and with some basic concepts of physics and mathematics. It is a question in nonequilibrium thermodynamics. We proposed a possibility of decrease of entropy due to fluctuation magnified and internal interactions in some isolated systems. From this we discuss some possible examples and theories.Comment: 9 page

    Gravitational Collapse and Radiation of Grand Unified Theory

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    The infinite gravitational collapse of any supermassive stars should pass through an energy scale of the grand unified theory (GUT). After nucleon-decays, the supermassive star will convert nearly all its mass into energy, and produce the radiation of GUT. It may probably explain some ultrahigh energy puzzles in astrophysics, for example, quasars and gamma-ray bursts (GRB), etc. This is similar with a process of the Big Bang Universe with a time-reversal evolution in much smaller space scale and mass scale. In this process the star seems be a true white hole.Comment: 5 page

    Loop Quantum Theory Applied to Biology and Nonlinear Whole Biology

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    The loop quantum theory, which constitutes a very small discontinuous space, as new method is applied to biology. The model of protein folding and lungs is proposed. In the model, some known results are used, and four approximate conclusions are obtained: their structures are quantized, their space regions are finite, various singularities correspond to folding and crossed points, and different types of catastrophe exist. Further, based on the inseparability and correlativity of the biological systems, the nonlinear whole biology is proposed, and four basic hypotheses are formed. It may unify reductionism and holism, structuralism and functionalism. Finally, the medical meaning of the theory is discussed briefly.Comment: 10 page

    Magnetic Moment Formulas of Baryons Determined by Quantum Numbers

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    We propose that the magnetic moment formulas of baryons may be determined by quantum numbers, and obtain three formulas. This is a new type of magnetic moment formula, and agrees better with the experimental values. It is also similar to corresponding mass formulas of hadrons.Comment: 4 page

    Perfect Structure of the Special Relativity, Superluminal, Neutrino-Photon Mass and New Entangled Interaction

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    First, some superluminal phenomena and experiments are introduced briefly. Next, based on the basic principles of the special relativity, the Lorentz transformation (LT) with smaller velocity and the general Lorentz transformation (GLT) with larger velocity should be derived simultaneously by the classification of the timelike and the spacelike intervals. In deriving LT, an additional independent hypothesis has been used, thus the values of velocity are restricted absolutely, and the spacelike interval is excluded. LT and GLT are connected by the de Broglie relation. The fundamental properties of any four-vector and the strange characteristic which these tachyons should possess are described. The various superluminal transformations are discussed. Further, we think that LT is unsuitable for photon and neutrino, the photon transformation (PT) is unified for space and time. It may reasonably overcome some existing difficulties, and cannot restrict that the rest mass of photon and neutrino must be zero. LT, GLT and PT together form a complete structure of the Lorentz group. Finally, we discuss that new experiments on the quantum entangled state shown some characters, for example, coherency, nonlocality, quantum teleportation and superluminal. Further, it should be a new fifth interaction, and may probably apply GLT.Comment: 14 page

    Decrease of Entropy and Chemical Reactions

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    The chemical reactions are very complex, and include oscillation, condensation, catalyst and self-organization, etc. In these case changes of entropy may increase or decrease. The second law of thermodynamics is based on an isolated system and statistical independence. If fluctuations magnified due to internal interactions exist in the system, entropy will decrease possibly. In chemical reactions there are various internal interactions, so that some ordering processes with decrease of entropy are possible on an isolated system. For example, a simplifying Fokker-Planck equation is solved, and the hysteresis as limit cycle is discussed.Comment: 8 page

    Multiply Connected Topological Economics, Confidence Relation and Political Economy

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    Using the similar formulas of the preference relation and the utility function, we propose the confidence relations and the corresponding influence functions that represent various interacting strengths of different families, cliques and systems of organization. Since they can affect products, profit and prices, etc., in an economic system, and are usually independent of economic results, therefore, the system can produce a multiply connected topological economics. If the political economy is an economy chaperoned polity, it will produce consequentially a binary economy. When the changes of the product and the influence are independent one another, they may be a node or saddle point. When the influence function large enough achieves a certain threshold value, it will form a wormhole with loss of capital. Various powers produce usually the economic wormhole and various corruptions.Comment: 6 page; 3 figure

    Nonlinear Dynamics, Lorenz Model and Formation of Binary Stars

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    Based on the Lorenz model derived from the equations of hydrodynamics of nebula, we discuss the formation of binary stars by the qualitative analysis theory of nonlinear equation. Here the two wings in the Lorenz model form just the binary stars, whose Roche surface is result of evolution under certain condition. The nonlinear interaction plays a crucial role, and is necessary condition of the formation of binary stars and of multiple stars. While the linear equations form only a single star. Moreover, the Lorenz model may be obtained from synergetics yet, and some dynamical equations of the order parameter can also form the binary star system.Comment: 8 page

    Y-Q and I-U Symmetries, and New Unified Lifetime Formulas of Hadrons

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    Based on the Y-Q and I-U symmetries between mass and lifetime on the general SU(3) theory, we can derive the lifetime formulas of hyperons and mesons, which agree better with experiments. It is a new method on lifetime of hadrons described by quantum numbers. They are symmetrical with the corresponding mass formulas, and can be unified for mass and lifetime. Further, these formulas may extend to describe masses and lifetime of heavy flavor hadrons.Comment: 7 page

    Quantitative Calculations of Decrease of Entropy in Thermodynamics of Microstructure and Sufficient-Necessary Condition of Decrease of Entropy in Isolated System

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    Firstly, we calculate quantitatively decrease of entropy by the known formulas in the ordering phenomena and nucleation of thermodynamics of microstructure. They show again that a necessary condition of decrease of entropy in isolated system is existence of internal interactions. Further, sufficient and necessary condition of decrease of entropy is also discussed quantitatively. Then some possible decreases of entropy are researched. A complete symmetrical structure on change of entropy is obtained. The analysis for many experiments and theories shows that the second law of the thermodynamics should be developed.Comment: 8 page
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