25 research outputs found

    The Effect of Levels of Cooperation within Physical Science Laboratory Groups on Physical Science Achievement

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    [[abstract]]The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the levels of group cooperation on students' achievement during a series of physical science laboratory activities. Six intact seventh-grade physical science classes taught by two teachers, with each teacher instructing three classes, were selected from two middle schools. For each teacher, one of the classes was taught with a traditional approach (no cooperative goal structure). The other two classes were assigned to a cooperative goal structure (role assignment and nonrole assignment). For the role assignment class, each student was assigned a specific role, but students in both traditional and nonrole assignment classes were not assigned roles. The Classroom Observation Instrument in Science Laboratory Activity (COISLA), which includes investigative skills (i.e., managing, manipulating, observing, reading, writing, and reporting); social skills (i.e., discussing, encouraging) and nonlearning behaviors (i.e., waiting, off-task), was used to measure the levels of group cooperation. The grades on lab reports and lab quizzes of students who were taught by the same teacher were compared to assess the effects of the different learning conditions. No significant differences on the students' final achievement were found with respect to the three instructional approaches followed by each teacher. The teacher effect was more significant than either instructional approach on managing, manipulating, observing, reading, and writing behaviors. No significant teacher effect was found for the other behaviors. Only one treatment effect was significant, writing behavior. Overall, the teacher effect was more influential than instructional approach on students' behaviors. In teacher A's classes, reading behavior predicted 21% of students' achievement. However, no significant correlations existed between the 10 collaborative behaviors and students' achievement in teacher B's classes


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    [[abstract]]The purpose of this investigation was to assess the effectiveness of a field-based practice in promoting the development of effective laboratory teaching skills. The sample consisted of 10 preservice physics teachers (6 female, 4 male) completing their final year of teacher preparation. All of the preservice teachers were enrolled in a practicum which required the implementation of two one-hour laboratory activities in a public school setting, and were concurrently enrolled in microteaching and secondary science method courses. Each of the preservice teachers was asked to plan and present a laboratory activity during the first two weeks of the Fall semester. Each preservice teacher completed a questionnaire concerning their conceptions/attitudes toward the planning, implementation, and evaluation of laboratory activities and a self-critique of their own lesson. During the next 10 weeks, the preservice teachers were provided with formal instruction on the planning and implementation of laboratory activities. Each preservice teacher then planned and implemented a second laboratory activity, which was again followed by a questionnaire, a self-critique, and a follow-up interview. Qualitative analyses revealed that these preservice teachers spent an inordinate amount of time on pre-lab instructions and tended to implement laboratory activities which were highly structured and of the "verification/cookbook" variety. Follow-up interviews clearly indicated that these teachers, although supportive of an inquiry approach, were primarily influenced by their concern for classroom management. Prior research strongly supports the notion that preservice teachers focus primarily on classroom management and the results of this investigation clearly show how such concerns for "survival" (so commonly found in the preservice teacher) serve to compromise instruction and the teachers' beliefs.[[abstract]]本研究係採用質的研究法,意欲探求職前教師對於實驗教學的認知及其實驗室教學的實際表現。經由八十一學年度第一學期「科學教育專題研究」課程,每週二小時的施教,針對彰化師大物理系十位四年級的學生,進行數據的收集與系統的分析及解釋。每位職前教師必須進行二次試教,每次試教並予錄影,職前教師且必須進行自我評鑑及填寫問卷。並針對試教現場記錄、試教錄影帶、與學生面談、集體討論、學生自我評鑑及填寫問卷進行資料分析及找尋所呈現的職前教師對於實驗教學的認知與實際表現的明顯型態。 研究結果顯示,職前教師認為實驗教學可以提供國中學生經由動手操作進行科學概念的學習、操作技巧的訓練、及發展學生的思考技能。大多數的職前教師皆能肯定探究式實驗教學的重要,然而,由於考慮學生的學習能力及班級管理,鮮少能進行探究式的實驗教學。甚且,實驗的進行方式常受限於可用的時間、所能提供的器材及教科書所明示的步驟與內容。即使職前教師在試教之前傾向於認為國中物理實驗教學並不難教,可是,在試教之後的面談又認為實驗教學比想像中的困難。更由於無法掌握學生做實驗的進度與時間的使用,這些職前教師認為實驗教學與演講式的教學有很大的不同。綜合而言,職前教師對於實驗教學,仍僅止於「理論」上認知的程度.並未達「實踐」的程度。 在職前師資培育階段,若能增加實驗教學的試教次數及建立合適的實驗教學課程,對於職前教師實驗教學能力的訓練與成長,應是可行的途徑