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4 research outputs found
Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of the essential oil and methanol extract of the Mediterranean cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.)
Abdulrhman R Albalawi
AL Tapondjou
+32Â more
APL Delamare
B Demirci
C Pierre-Leandri
CG Kumar
D Djordjevic
GA Usher
H Hashimoto
HJD Dorman
I Klueh
I Ofek
IA Nehdi
J Xiao
JK Yang
K Mazari
M Boukhris
Mohammed E Adam
N Cerca
N Chanegriha
N Chanegriha
N Mascolo
P Rawat
PS Meadows
RP Adams
S Burt
S Selim
SA Emamia
SA Selim
SA Selim
SA Selim
SA Selim
Samy A Selim
Sherif M Hassan
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Essential oil compositions of branchlets and cones of Cupressus torulosa
Adams R.P.
Adams R.P.
+30Â more
Adams R.P.
Afsharypuor S.
Barrero A.F.
Baslas B.K.
Carroll J.F.
Chanegriha N.
Chebli B.
Cheraif I.
Dhanabal S.P.
Duquesnoy E.
Emami S.A.
Emami S.A.
Flamini G.
Gupta R.K.
Hassanpouraghdama M.B.
Kuiate J.R.
Loukis A.
Malizia R.A.
Manimaran S.
Milos M.
Pierre-Leandri C.
Polunin O.
Prakash S.
Ramdani M.
Ramdani M.
Sacchetti G.
Sinha G.K.
Tumen I.
Ucar G.
Yes Ilada E.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Chemical and microbiological characterization of essential oils from branches, cones and sawdust of Cupressus atlantica, an endemic forest tree of Morocco
A Benabid
A Joubert
+46Â more
A Remmal
A. Aafi
A. Chaouch
A. Farah
A. Khia
AF Barrero
B Satrani
B. Satrani
CD Bishop
E Guenther
G Buchbauer
G Flamini
G Keravis
H Fougrach
H. Boukssaim
I Chéraif
I Chéraif
JA Duke
JE Gustafson
JF Clevenger
M Aitigri
M Alifriqui
M Alifriqui
M Bourkhiss
M Fannane
M Ghanmi
M. Aberchane
M. Ghanmi
M. S. B. Alaoui
N Bouzouita
N Chanegriha
N Mansouri
O Baris
P Angienda
P Boudy
PH Amvam Zollo
Pharmacopée européenne
R Bellefontaine
R GuimarĂŁes
RA Holley
RP Adams
S Burt
S Ech-Chamikh
SW Jennifer
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Mediterranean Cypress “Cupressus sempervirens”: A Review on Phytochemical and Pharmacological Properties
Aazza S.
Aazza S.
+80Â more
Afsharzadeh M.
Al-Snafi A.E.
Alfazairy A.A.M.
Ali S.A.
Alkofahi A.
Alzweiri M.
Amouroux P.
Anibarro P.C.
Asgary S.
Badawy M.E.I.
Badawy M.E.I.
Boussoussa H.
Chanegriha N.
Chopra R.N.
Debreczy Z.
El-Quesni F.E.M.
Emami S.A.
Emami S.A.
Enzell C.
Fayed S.A.
Floreani S.A.
Garnero J.
Giatropoulos A.
Holmes P.
Hussain J.
Ibrahim N.A.
Ibrahim N.A.
Karkabounas S.
Khabir M.
Khan M.F.
Khan M.F.
Khan M.F.
Kolayli S.
Koriem K.M.M.
Koriem K.M.M.
Landolt P.J.
Liccardi G.
Loizzo M.R.
Loizzo M.R.
Maillard C.
Mangoni L.
Mangoni L.
Mazari K.
Mehdi A.
Meunier M.T.
Mohareb A.S.O.
Mothana R.A.A.
Nejia H.
Nouri AB
Papa G.
Pauly G.
Piovetti L.
Piovetti L.
Piovetti L.
Pohanka M.
Rawat P.
Rhee I.K.
Romani A.
Sacchetti G.
Selim S.A.
Senol F.S.
Shahali Y.
Siddiqui J.A.
Sénéchal H.
Sénéchal H.
Tabacchi R.
Tapondjou A.L.
Tisserand R.
Tognolini M.
Toroglu S.
Tumen I.
Tumen I.
Turchetti B.
Ulusal B.G.
Verma V.
Viñas RA
Wang C.
Zengin G.
Zhang J.
Zouaghi N.
Publication venue
'Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text