611 research outputs found

    Phase Retrieval From Binary Measurements

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    We consider the problem of signal reconstruction from quadratic measurements that are encoded as +1 or -1 depending on whether they exceed a predetermined positive threshold or not. Binary measurements are fast to acquire and inexpensive in terms of hardware. We formulate the problem of signal reconstruction using a consistency criterion, wherein one seeks to find a signal that is in agreement with the measurements. To enforce consistency, we construct a convex cost using a one-sided quadratic penalty and minimize it using an iterative accelerated projected gradient-descent (APGD) technique. The PGD scheme reduces the cost function in each iteration, whereas incorporating momentum into PGD, notwithstanding the lack of such a descent property, exhibits faster convergence than PGD empirically. We refer to the resulting algorithm as binary phase retrieval (BPR). Considering additive white noise contamination prior to quantization, we also derive the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) for the binary encoding model. Experimental results demonstrate that the BPR algorithm yields a signal-to- reconstruction error ratio (SRER) of approximately 25 dB in the absence of noise. In the presence of noise prior to quantization, the SRER is within 2 to 3 dB of the CRB

    Detecting Hidden Communities by Power Iterations with Connections to Vanilla Spectral Algorithms

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    Community detection in the stochastic block model is one of the central problems of graph clustering. Since its introduction, many subsequent papers have made great strides in solving and understanding this model. In this setup, spectral algorithms have been one of the most widely used frameworks. However, despite the long history of study, there are still unsolved challenges. One of the main open problems is the design and analysis of "simple"(vanilla) spectral algorithms, especially when the number of communities is large. In this paper, we provide two algorithms. The first one is based on the power-iteration method. It is a simple algorithm which only compares the rows of the powered adjacency matrix. Our algorithm performs optimally (up to logarithmic factors) compared to the best known bounds in the dense graph regime by Van Vu (Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 2018). Furthermore, our algorithm is also robust to the "small cluster barrier", recovering large clusters in the presence of an arbitrary number of small clusters. Then based on a connection between the powered adjacency matrix and eigenvectors, we provide a vanilla spectral algorithm for large number of communities in the balanced case. This answers an open question by Van Vu (Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 2018) in the balanced case. Our methods also partially solve technical barriers discussed by Abbe, Fan, Wang and Zhong (Annals of Statistics, 2020). In the technical side, we introduce a random partition method to analyze each entry of a powered random matrix. This method can be viewed as an eigenvector version of Wigner's trace method. Recall that Wigner's trace method links the trace of powered matrix to eigenvalues. Our method links the whole powered matrix to the span of eigenvectors. We expect our method to have more applications in random matrix theory
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