6 research outputs found

    Prevalencija i otpornost na lijekove šiga-toksigenih (STEC), enteropatogenih (EPEC) i enterotoksigenih (ETEC) izolata bakterije Escherichia coli u slobodno držanih jakova s proljevom i bez proljeva u pokrajini West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Indija.

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    Food producing animals are the major reservoirs of Shiga-toxin producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). The yak (Poephagus grunniens) is a unique multipurpose bovid, reared by highlanders in the Himalayan region. A total of 67 STEC, 5 EPEC and 22 ETEC strains were isolated from 256 rectal swabs of free ranging yaks from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Among the STEC isolates, shiga toxin producing genes stx2 was predominant, followed by stx1. Of all the stx variants, stx1c, stx2d, stx2c, stx2e and stx2f were detected in 23, 11, 2 and 1 isolates, respectively. Further, genes such as eaeA, ehxA, saa, iha and toxB were detected in 16, 35, 28, 10 and 2 isolates, respectively. One of the EPEC isolates possessed a bfpA gene and was categorized as typical EPEC. Among the ETEC isolates, genes such as LT, STa, STb, F41 and K99 were detected in 14, 5, 13, 2 and 2 isolates, respectively. The majority of the STEC, EPEC and ETEC isolates exhibited multi-drug resistance. The study revealed the presence of multi-drug resistant diarrhoea genic E. coli in free ranging yaks from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. Moreover, the presence of STEC/EPEC can be a potential public health risk for tribal highlanders residing in close proximity of the reservoir yaks.Životinje koje služe za proizvodnju hrane mogu biti rezervoar šiga-toksigenih (STEC) i enteropatogenih (EPEC) sojeva bakterije Escherichia coli. Jak (Poephagus grunniens) je jedinstveni multipari bovid kojeg uzgajaju gorštaci na Himalaji. Ukupno je bilo izdvojeno 67 STEC sojeva, 5 EPEC sojeva i 22 ETEC soja iz 256 rektalnih obrisaka slobodno držanih jakova na području West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Indija. Među izolatima STEC prevladavao je gen stx2 za prizvodnju šiga-toksina, a slijedio ga je gen stx1. Od svih varijanata gena stx, stx1c bio je dokazan u 23 izolata, stx2d u 11 izolata, stx2c u dva izolata, a stx2e i stx2f u jednog izolata. Nadalje gen eaeA dokazan je u 16 izolata, gen ehxA u 35, gen saa u 28, gen iha u 10 te gen toxBu dva izolata. Jedan od izolata EPEC posjedovao je gen bfpA i svrstan je u tipične EPEC izolate. Gen LT dokazan je u 14 ETEC izolata, gen Sta u pet, gen STb u 13, gen F41 u dva i K99 također u dva izolata. Većina izolata STEC, EPEC i ETEC pokazivala je otpornost na više lijekova. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji višestruka otpornost bakterije E. coli izdvojene iz slobodno držanih jakova s proljevom na području West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh. Povrh toga, prisutnost STEC/EPEC može predstavljati rizik za javno zdravstvo za gorštačka plemena koja dolaze u bliski dodir s jakovima

    Prevalencija i otpornost na lijekove šiga-toksigenih (STEC), enteropatogenih (EPEC) i enterotoksigenih (ETEC) izolata bakterije Escherichia coli u slobodno držanih jakova s proljevom i bez proljeva u pokrajini West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Indija.

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    Food producing animals are the major reservoirs of Shiga-toxin producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). The yak (Poephagus grunniens) is a unique multipurpose bovid, reared by highlanders in the Himalayan region. A total of 67 STEC, 5 EPEC and 22 ETEC strains were isolated from 256 rectal swabs of free ranging yaks from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Among the STEC isolates, shiga toxin producing genes stx2 was predominant, followed by stx1. Of all the stx variants, stx1c, stx2d, stx2c, stx2e and stx2f were detected in 23, 11, 2 and 1 isolates, respectively. Further, genes such as eaeA, ehxA, saa, iha and toxB were detected in 16, 35, 28, 10 and 2 isolates, respectively. One of the EPEC isolates possessed a bfpA gene and was categorized as typical EPEC. Among the ETEC isolates, genes such as LT, STa, STb, F41 and K99 were detected in 14, 5, 13, 2 and 2 isolates, respectively. The majority of the STEC, EPEC and ETEC isolates exhibited multi-drug resistance. The study revealed the presence of multi-drug resistant diarrhoea genic E. coli in free ranging yaks from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. Moreover, the presence of STEC/EPEC can be a potential public health risk for tribal highlanders residing in close proximity of the reservoir yaks.Životinje koje služe za proizvodnju hrane mogu biti rezervoar šiga-toksigenih (STEC) i enteropatogenih (EPEC) sojeva bakterije Escherichia coli. Jak (Poephagus grunniens) je jedinstveni multipari bovid kojeg uzgajaju gorštaci na Himalaji. Ukupno je bilo izdvojeno 67 STEC sojeva, 5 EPEC sojeva i 22 ETEC soja iz 256 rektalnih obrisaka slobodno držanih jakova na području West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, Indija. Među izolatima STEC prevladavao je gen stx2 za prizvodnju šiga-toksina, a slijedio ga je gen stx1. Od svih varijanata gena stx, stx1c bio je dokazan u 23 izolata, stx2d u 11 izolata, stx2c u dva izolata, a stx2e i stx2f u jednog izolata. Nadalje gen eaeA dokazan je u 16 izolata, gen ehxA u 35, gen saa u 28, gen iha u 10 te gen toxBu dva izolata. Jedan od izolata EPEC posjedovao je gen bfpA i svrstan je u tipične EPEC izolate. Gen LT dokazan je u 14 ETEC izolata, gen Sta u pet, gen STb u 13, gen F41 u dva i K99 također u dva izolata. Većina izolata STEC, EPEC i ETEC pokazivala je otpornost na više lijekova. Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji višestruka otpornost bakterije E. coli izdvojene iz slobodno držanih jakova s proljevom na području West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh. Povrh toga, prisutnost STEC/EPEC može predstavljati rizik za javno zdravstvo za gorštačka plemena koja dolaze u bliski dodir s jakovima


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    An eight-year-old male Labrador with high fever was brought for treatment in the Veterinary Clinical Complex, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, WBUAFS, Kolkata. Babesia gibsoni was identified in microscopical examination of the blood smear taken from the animal. The dog could not survive despite treatment and the post mortem examination revealed remarkable changes in the liver, lungs, kidneys and spleen. Histopathological examination showed congestion and edema in lungs, liver and spleen along with remarkable necrotic and degenerative changes in the tubular epithelial cell of kidneys

    Seroepidemiology of bluetongue in South Bengal

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    Aim: With the aim of revealing the epidemiological intricacies of bluetongue (BT) in the southern part of West Bengal state, the present study was undertaken to assess seroprevalence of BT along with identification of the vector of the disease, i.e., Culicoides midges available in the region in their breeding season with conducive environmental factors, if any. Materials and Methods: A total of 1509 (sheep-504, goat-1005) samples were collected from three different agroclimatic zones of South Bengal viz. new alluvial, red laterite and coastal saline. To detect anti-BT antibodies in the collected serum samples, indirect-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (i-ELISA) was performed. Culicoides midges were collected from those agro-climatic zones of South Bengal for species identification. The meteorological parameters, viz. temperature (maximum and minimum), rainfall and relative humidity of three agro-climatic zones of South Bengal were analyzed for the months of July to December during 2010-2013. Results: The overall seropositivity was 33.13% and 30.24% in sheep and goat, respectively as assessed by i-ELISA. In South Bengal, the predominant species of Culicoides found were Culicoides schultzei, Culicoides palpifer and Culicoides definitus. Conclusion: Since virus transmitting species of Culicoides midges could be detected in South Bengal, besides high seropositivity in ruminants, the possibility of circulating BT virus in South Bengal is quite imminent

    Seroprevalence of bluetongue in ruminants of Jharkhand

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    Aim: This study was carried out to assess the presence of anti-bluetongue (BT) antibodies in sheep, goat and cattle of different agro-climatic zones of Jharkhand. Materials and Methods: Serum samples were collected from apparently healthy as well as suspected sheep, goat and cattle from different districts of Jharkhand covering different agro-climatic zones. Serum samples were screened by indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (iELISA) for detecting anti-BT antibodies. Results: Out of a total of 480 animal serum samples (sheep-190, goats-210 and cattle-80) screened, 83 (43.68%) of sheep, 91 (43.33%) of goat and 46 (57.50%) of cattle sera were found positive. The % positivity ranged between 41% and 51% in different agro-climatic zones. The results showed slight higher seroprevalence, although not significantly, in cattle than sheep and goats in different agro-climatic zones of Jharkhand. Conclusions: The above data indicate widespread prevalence of BT virus antibodies in studied areas. The incidence of BT is not detected officially, so far. The present seroprevalence status of BT in Jharkhand indicates presence of BT infection in the state for the first time

    Potential antibacterial activity of berberine against multi drug resistant enterovirulent Escherichia coli isolated from yaks (Poephagus grunniens) with haemorrhagic diarrhoea

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of berberine, a plant alkaloid.MethodsFive multi-drug resistant (MDR) STEC/EPEC and five MDR ETEC isolates from yaks with haemorrhagic diarrhoea were selected for the study. Antibacterial activity of berberine was evaluated by broth dilution and disc diffusion methods. The binding kinetics of berberine to DNA and protein was also enumerated.ResultsFor both categories of enterovirulent Escherichia coli (E. coli) isolates, berberine displayed the antibacterial effect in a dose dependent manner. The MIC50 of berberine chloride for STEC/EPEC isolates varied from 2.07 μM to 3.6 μM with a mean of (2.95 ± 0.33) μM where as for ETEC strains it varied from 1.75 to 1.96 μM with a mean of (1.87 ± 0.03) μM. Berberine bind more tightly with double helix DNA with Bmax and Kd of (24.68±2.62) and (357.8±57.8), respectively. Berberine reacted with protein in comparatively loose manner with Bmax and Kd of (18.9±3.83) and (286.2±113.6), respectively.ConclusionsThe results indicate clearly that berberine may serve as a good antibacterial against multi drug resistant E. coli