204 research outputs found

    Absence of supersolidity in solid helium in porous Vycor glass

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    In 2004, Kim and Chan (KC) carried out torsional oscillator (TO) measurements of solid helium confined in porous Vycor glass and found an abrupt drop in the resonant period below 200 mK. The period drop was interpreted as probable experimental evidence of nonclassical rotational inertia (NCRI). This experiment sparked considerable activities in the studies of superfluidity in solid helium. More recent ultrasound and TO studies, however, found evidence that shear modulus stiffening is responsible for at least a fraction of the period drop found in bulk solid helium samples. The experimental configuration of KC makes it unavoidable to have a small amount of bulk solid inside the torsion cell containing the Vycor disc. We report here the results of a new helium in Vycor experiment with a design that is completely free from any bulk solid shear modulus stiffening effect. We found no measureable period drop that can be attributed to NCRI

    Observation of Landau level-like quantizations at 77 K along a strained-induced graphene ridge

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    Recent studies show that the electronic structures of graphene can be modified by strain and it was predicted that strain in graphene can induce peaks in the local density of states (LDOS) mimicking Landau levels (LLs) generated in the presence of a large magnetic field. Here we report scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) observation of nine strain-induced peaks in LDOS at 77 K along a graphene ridge created when the graphene layer was cleaved from a sample of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). The energies of these peaks follow the progression of LLs of massless 'Dirac fermions' (DFs) in a magnetic field of 230 T. The results presented here suggest a possible route to realize zero-field quantum Hall-like effects at 77 K

    Unconventional Planar Hall Effect in Exchange-Coupled Topological Insulator-Ferromagnetic Insulator Heterostructures

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    The Dirac electrons occupying the surface states (SSs) of topological insulators (TIs) have been predicted to exhibit many exciting magneto-transport phenomena. Here we report on the first experimental observation of an unconventional planar Hall effect (PHE) and an electrically gate-tunable hysteretic planar magnetoresistance (PMR) in EuS/TI heterostructures, in which EuS is a ferromagnetic insulator (FMI) with an in-plane magnetization. In such exchange-coupled FMI/TI heterostructures, we find a significant (suppressed) PHE when the in-plane magnetic field is parallel (perpendicular) to the electric current. This behavior differs from previous observations of the PHE in ferromagnets and semiconductors. Furthermore, as the thickness of the 3D TI films is reduced into the 2D limit, in which the Dirac SSs develop a hybridization gap, we find a suppression of the PHE around the charge neutral point indicating the vital role of Dirac SSs in this phenomenon. To explain our findings, we outline a symmetry argument that excludes linear-Hall mechanisms and suggest two possible non-linear Hall mechanisms that can account for all the essential qualitative features in our observations.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Zero-field dissipationless chiral edge transport and the nature of dissipation in the quantum anomalous Hall state

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    The quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect is predicted to possess, at zero magnetic field, chiral edge channels that conduct spin polarized current without dissipation. While edge channels have been observed in previous experimental studies of the QAH effect, their dissipationless nature at a zero magnetic field has not been convincingly demonstrated. By a comprehensive experimental study of the gate and temperature dependences of local and nonlocal magnetoresistance, we unambiguously establish the dissipationless edge transport. By studying the onset of dissipation, we also identify the origin of dissipative channels and clarify the surprising observation that the critical temperature of the QAH effect is two orders of magnitude smaller than the Curie temperature of ferromagnetism.Comment: main text+supporting materials. This is the accepted version for PRL. Comments are welcom
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