165 research outputs found

    Resource Tracking Model Updates and Trade Studies

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    The Resource Tracking Model has been updated to capture system manager and project manager inputs. Both the Trick/General Use Nodal Network Solver Resource Tracking Model (RTM) simulator and the RTM mass balance spreadsheet have been revised to address inputs from system managers and to refine the way mass balance is illustrated. The revisions to the RTM included the addition of a Plasma Pyrolysis Assembly (PPA) to recover hydrogen from Sabatier Reactor methane, which was vented in the prior version of the RTM. The effect of the PPA on the overall balance of resources in an exploration vehicle is illustrated in the increased recycle of vehicle oxygen. Case studies have been run to show the relative effect of performance changes on vehicle resources

    Development of a Water Recovery System Resource Tracking Model

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    A simulation model has been developed to track water resources in an exploration vehicle using regenerative life support (RLS) systems. The model integrates the functions of all the vehicle components that affect the processing and recovery of water during simulated missions. The approach used in developing the model results in the RTM being a part of of a complete vehicle simulation that can be used in real time mission studies. Performance data for the variety of components in the RTM is focused on water processing and has been defined based on the most recent information available for the technology of the component. This paper will describe the process of defining the RLS system to be modeled and then the way the modeling environment was selected and how the model has been implemented. Results showing how the variety of RLS components exchange water are provided in a set of test cases

    Development of a Water Recovery System Resource Tracking Model

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    A simulation model has been developed to track water resources in an exploration vehicle using Regenerative Life Support (RLS) systems. The Resource Tracking Model (RTM) integrates the functions of all the vehicle components that affect the processing and recovery of water during simulated missions. The approach used in developing the RTM enables its use as part of a complete vehicle simulation for real time mission studies. Performance data for the components in the RTM is focused on water processing. The data provided to the model has been based on the most recent information available regarding the technology of the component. This paper will describe the process of defining the RLS system to be modeled, the way the modeling environment was selected, and how the model has been implemented. Results showing how the RLS components exchange water are provided in a set of test cases

    A 'javító' fenntarthatóság, a 'steady-state' fenntarthatóság és a strukturált ökoturizmus

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    Az ökuturizmusnak számos definíciója létezik, de számukra közös nevezőt jelent a környezeti fenntarthatóság fogalma, amit az ökoturizmust kutatók jellemzően két részre szegmentálnak: „javító" a „steady-state'Mel szemben. Az első esetében az ökoturizmus javítja a környezet állapotát, míg a második a környezeti tőkét változatlanul hagyja, mind mennyiségi, mind minőségi tekintetben. A fenntarthatóság egymással versengő meghatározásai az idegenforgalmi piac heterogenitását tükrözik. Az elmúlt évtizedben a kutatók empirikusan is megerősítették a „puha" és „kemény" ökoturizmus típusok létezését. Míg az első a steady-state elveivel egyezik, az utóbbi a javító típusú attitűdökkel azonosítható. Érdekes módon a legújabb kutatások szerint létezik egy „strukturált" ökoturizmus típus is, ami mind „puha", mind „kemény" jellemzőkkel is bír. Számos ok miatt, így részben azért is. mert javító attitűdöt és magatartásformákat is mutatnak a „strukturált" ökoturisták, a kevert meghatározás egy eddig alig vizsgált, mégis fontos piacszegmens létezésére utal. Tanulmányunk a „strukturált" ökoturistatípust vizsgálja az ökoturizmus spektrumában, és javaslatokat tesz a további kutatások irányára

    The Fully Automated and Self-Contained Operations Paradigm of the CSIM Mission

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    The Compact Spectral Irradiance Monitor (CSIM) CubeSat Mission has been collecting solar spectral irradiance (SSI) data for over two years, contributing to 40+ years of multi-mission SSI data collection. CSIM utilizes a fully automated and self-contained operations paradigm developed at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP). LASP efficiently performs the entire operations workflow for CSIM, from planning through data processing, which nominally requires only 15 minutes of staffed operations support per week. Mission operations students at LASP are responsible for the entire planning process. They query for ground station contacts and solar observation times which are input into a suite of software tools to create the onboard stored command table and the weekly uplink plan. An automated ground station script then configures for the upcoming CSIM contacts by querying Space-Track for overflights. Within 2 minutes from the start of a pass, the script commands the UHF or S-Band antenna to point at the spacecraft, brings up the command-and-control software, and performs an initial health-and-safety check upon AOS (acquisition of signal). Automated command scripts then configure the spacecraft and upload the plan using command success logic checks. This ensures that all commands are sent and accepted by the spacecraft in-order, and without overwriting any non-expired scheduling slots. The week\u27s worth of commands is loaded within a few passes, and science collection typically starts soon after. Ground automation will detect major anomalies and notify the flight control team in real-time, allowing the operators to recover the spacecraft on the next contact and prepare a new activity plan for autonomous upload. Additionally, ground automation queries CSIM health and safety data and sends telemetry trends to the operations team for daily, weekly, and monthly health and safety checks. CSIM science data is downlinked during 1 or 2 passes per day via the S-band antenna. This data is processed twice per day via an automated data processing pipeline which requires no regular human intervention. The self-contained and automated nature of the data processing pipeline ensures that LASP scientists can access CSIM data within a few hours of being received on the ground. We discuss how this efficient single-mission, self-contained operations paradigm will be expanded to support multiple missions and external customers in the future

    D04. Department of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery

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    Corresponding author (Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery): Eman Ashour, [email protected]://egrove.olemiss.edu/pharm_annual_posters/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Advancements in solar spectral irradiance measurements by the TSIS-1 spectral irradiance monitor and its role for long-term data continuity

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    The first implementation of NASA’s Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor (TSIS-1) launched on December 15th, 2017, and was integrated into the International Space Station (ISS) to measure both the total solar irradiance (TSI) and the solar spectral irradiance (SSI). The direct measurement of the SSI is made by the LASP Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) and provides data essential to interpreting how the Earth system responds to solar spectral variability. Extensive advances in TSIS-1 SIM instrument design and new SI-traceable spectral irradiance calibration techniques have resulted in improved absolute accuracy with uncertainties of less than 0.5% over the continuous 200–2400 nm spectral range. Furthermore, improvements in the long-term spectral stability corrections provide lower trend uncertainties in SSI variability measurements. Here we present the early results of the TSIS-1 SIM measurements covering the first 5 years of operations. This time period includes the descending phase of solar cycle 24, the last solar minimum, and the ascending phase of solar cycle 25. The TSIS-1 SIM SSI results are compared to previous measurements both in the absolute scale of the solar spectrum and the time dependence of the SSI variability. The TSIS-1 SIM SSI spectrum shows lower IR irradiance (up to 6% at 2400 nm) and small visible increases (~0.5%) from some previous reference solar spectra. Finally, initial comparisons are made to current NRLSSI2 and SATIRE-S SSI model results and offer opportunities to validate model details both for short-term (solar rotation) spectral variability and, for the first time, the longer-term (near half solar cycle) spectral variability across the solar spectrum from the UV to the IR

    Professional identity in nursing: UK students' explanations for poor standards of care

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    Research concludes that professional socialisation in nursing is deeply problematic because new recruits start out identifying with the profession’s ideals but lose this idealism as they enter and continue to work in the profession. This study set out to examine the topic focussing on the development of professional identity. Six focus groups were held with a total of 49 2nd and 3rd year BSc nursing students studying at a university in London, UK and their transcripts were subject to discourse analysis. Participants’ talk was strongly dualistic and inflected with anxiety. Participants identified with caring as an innate characteristic. They described some qualified nurses as either not possessing this characteristic or as having lost it. They explained strategies for not becoming corrupted in professional practice. Their talk enacted distancing from ‘bad’ qualified nurses and solidarity with other students. Their talk also featured cynicism. Neophyte nurses’ talk of idealism and cynicism can be understood as identity work in the context of anxiety inherent in the work of nurses and in a relatively powerless position in the professional healthcare hierarchy

    Two Generations of CubeSat Missions (CSSWE and CIRBE) to Take on the Challenges of Measuring Relativistic Electrons in the Earth’s Magnetosphere

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    The Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE) CubeSat, carrying the Relativistic Electron and Proton Telescope integrated little experiment (REPTile) to measure 0.5 to \u3e3.8 MeV electrons and 8-40 MeV protons, operated for over two years, 2012-2014, in low Earth orbit (LEO). There have been 25 peer-reviewed publications, including two in Nature, and five Ph.D. dissertations associated with CSSWE. Another 3U CubeSat mission: Colorado Inner Radiation Belt Electron Experiment (CIRBE), has been under development to address an unresolved science question: Where is the break point in terms of electron energy below which electrons can be transported into the inner belt from the outer belt but above which they cannot? This requires clean measurements of energetic electrons with fine energy resolution in an environment where all instruments are subject to the unforgiving penetration from highly energetic protons (tens of MeV to GeV). An advanced version of REPTile has been designed and built, REPTile-2. It has been integrated into the CIRBE bus, which has active attitude control, deployable solar panels, and a S-band radio, provided by Blue Canyon Technologies. CIRBE advances our science capabilities and has significantly improved performance vs. CSSWE and is ready to be launched into a LEO in early 2023