467 research outputs found

    The Economic, Social and Environmental Benefits Derived From the Redevelopment of Brownfields

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    Brownfields are defined as former industrial or commercial properties that have been abandoned, idled or are no longer in use.  These properties may be compromised with contaminated water and/or toxic materials.  This paper demonstrates that Brownfields may however, be salvaged and redeveloped.  Redeveloping brownfields has many challenges.  Financial barriers and liability concerns are often cited as the main concerns, but this strategy can also have many economic, social and environmental benefits. Some are mentioned as: tax incentives, smart growth and inducement of labor concentrations among many…

    Medical Interpretation in Cache Valley Clinics

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    Interpretation by properly trained employees in a medical setting is an important part of ensuring quality care to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) patients. This study used surveys to assess the effective use of language resources in medical clinics in the Cache Valley area. The survey measured the number of interpreters and bilingual employees and the training that they have received as well as the perceived efforts of each clinic towards certain language service standards. The survey revealed a significant need for improvement and gave insight as to which activities future training efforts should be directed. Improvement in these areas will lead to improving the quality of care that LEP patients receive

    Low Energy Availability with and without a High-Protein Diet Suppresses Bone Formation and Increases Bone Resorption in Men: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

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    Suppression of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and leptin secondary to low energy availability (LEA) may contribute to adverse effects on bone health. Whether a high-protein diet attenuates these effects has not been tested. Seven men completed three five-day conditions operationally defined as LEA (15 kcal kg fat-free mass (FFM)-1 day-1) with low protein (LEA-LP; 0.8 g protein·kg body weight (BW)-1), LEA with high protein (LEA-HP; 1.7 g protein·kg BW-1) and control (CON; 40 kcal·kg FFM-1·day-1, 1.7 g protein·kg BW-1). In all conditions, participants expended 15 kcal·kg FFM-1·day-1 during supervised cycling sessions. Serum samples were analyzed for markers of bone turnover, IGF-1 and leptin. The decrease in leptin during LEA-LP (-65.6 ± 4.3%) and LEA-HP (-54.3 ± 16.7%) was greater than during CON (-25.4 ± 11.4%; p = 0.02). Decreases in P1NP (p = 0.04) and increases in CTX-I (p = 0.04) were greater in LEA than in CON, suggesting that LEA shifted bone turnover in favour of bone resorption. No differences were found between LEA-LP and LEA-HP. Thus, five days of LEA disrupted bone turnover, but these changes were not attenuated by a high-protein diet

    Modelling of multiple impacts for the prediction of distortions and residual stresses induced by ultrasonic shot peening (USP)

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    During a manufacturing process, the ultrasonic shot peening (USP) technique can be used as the final surface treatment. The aim of this operation is to introduce surface compressive residual stresses in order to prevent crack propagation advancement. Although the numerical simulation method is able to predict the level of residual stresses in a peened part, the 3D modelling of the real USP process, in which many successive and shifted impacts take place, is very delicate to perform and costly in terms of computing time and memory space required. In this paper, a two step method based at first on the calculation of the averaged plastic strain tensor in a half-space by using a semi-analytical method and in a second time on the transfer of this plastic strain field to a finite element model is proposed in order to simulate the effects of the USP process in thin structures. The accuracy and advantages of the semi-analytical method are validated by a benchmark with several finite element codes. Experiments, similar to the Almen test, are performed on thin plates of Inconel 600. Numerical results in terms of distortions and residual stresses are compared with the experimental data

    Implantation of subcutaneous heart rate data loggers in southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)

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    Unlike most phocid species (Phocidae), Mirounga leonina (southern elephant seals) experience a catastrophic moult where they not only replace their hair but also their epidermis when ashore for approximately 1 month. Few studies have investigated behavioural and physiological adaptations of southern elephant seals during the moult fast, a particularly energetically costly life cycle’s phase. Recording heart rate is a reliable technique for estimating energy expenditure in the field. For the first time, subcutaneous heart rate data loggers were successfully implanted during the moult in two free-ranging southern elephant seals over 3–6 days. No substantial postoperative complications were encountered and consistent heart rate data were obtained. This promising surgical technique opens new opportunities for monitoring heart rate in phocid seals

    Time Course of C-Reactive Protein Following Vigorous Aerobic Exercise

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    Time Course of C-reactive Protein Following Vigorous Aerobic Exercise Chaise Warr, Student Researcher Dale R. Wagner, PhD, Faculty Mentor Abstract C - reactive protein (CRP) is a protein produced by the liver in response to inflammation in the body. Strenuous exercise results in micro-tears to muscle tissue. These tears cause mild soreness and inflammation. The purpose of the study was to determine if CRP levels increase following vigorous aerobic exercise, and if they do in fact reach a maximum level following vigorous aerobic exercise. Sixteen subjects (5 male, 11 female), ages 32.6 ± 10.6 years were recruited to the study. The participants were asked to abstain from any vigorous activity for 12 hours period prior to their scheduled session. Participants rode a mechanically-braked cycle ergometer as hard as possible for 20 minutes. Blood was drawn from the antecubital vein at baseline (0 time), immediately post-exercise, and 24 hour post-exercise. CRP measures were made employing a bead-based assay (Millipore). A repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if there was a significant mean difference between the three time measures (baseline, immediate post-exercise, and 24 hour post-exercise) for CRP. The three measurements (baseline CRP = 0.43 ± 0.36, immediate post-exercise CRP = 0.44 ± 0.36, 24 hour post-exercise CRP = 0.45 ± 0.41) were not significantly different (F2,30 = 0.209, p = 0.672). It can be concluded from the research that CRP levels in the blood did not experience a significant rise in response to vigorous aerobic exercise

    On the modelling of impulsive pressures and residual stresses induced by cavitation peening

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    International audienceResidual stresses are those remaining in mechanical parts free of any external loading. They generally come from thermal effects, mechanical loading and/or metallurgical phase transformation during the manufacturing steps. When these stresses are of tensile type, they can have negative consequences on the lifetime of the component by helping cracks initiation and propagation phenomena like Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC). In order to improve the fatigue life and avoid the premature failure of metallic components, surface treatment processes are carried out to introduce residual stresses of compression in materials and to raise the critical value of operating tensile stress. Conventional Shot Peening (SP), Ultrasonic Shot Peening (USP) and Laser Shock Peening (LSP) are some of these surface treatment methods which have been widely studied both experimentally and numerically. Water Cavitation Peening (WCP) is a similar process of surface treatment [1]. During WCP, cavitation bubbles are created by a high-speed submerged water jet directed toward the workpiece surface. The cavitation phenomenon occurs in low static pressure (lower than vapour pressure of water) zones due to the turbulence generated, at a given temperature. The collapse and/or the impact of these bubbles on the treated surface induce high loading pressures and thereby plastic deformation of the superficial layers of the material. Superficial compressive residual stresses are then introduced in the material. This process is known to provide a better surface finish with less roughness than that of the conventional shot peening because there is no solid-solid contact involved [2]. Many experimental studies have proven the efficiency of the present process to introduce compressive residual stresses into relatively high yield strength materials and enhance their fatigue strength [3]. However, the modelling of cavitation peening is very challenging, because of the complex behaviour of cavitation phenomenon. Very few studies concerning the modelling and simulation of WCP have been reported. A mechanical model based on finite element method have been proposed by Han and Hu [4] to predict the residual stress profile obtained after WCP. The authors measured experimentally the affected surface diameter. Then, they supposed a constant spatial distribution and trapezoidal temporal variation, for the loading pressure. As the above-mentioned study, most of the numerical studies about the modelling of cavitation peening employed theoretical values for pressure magnitude and pressure pulse duration with no direct link to the process parameters. The main reason and issue is the difficulty to determine the impulsive pressure distribution of cavitation peening

    Concepção da classificação de vegetais para aplicação no sistema de Avaliação da Qualidade Nutricional e Sensorial - AQNS: Lúcia Chaise Borges ; orientadora, Rosana Pacheco da Costa Proença

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição.O estudo objetivou buscar uma classificação de vegetais utilizados em Unidades Produtoras de Refeições (UPRs) correlacionando, paralelamente as características nutricionais, sensoriais e técnicas de processamento, permitindo a sua aplicabilidade no sistema de Avaliação da Qualidade Nutricional e Sensorial (AQNS). A pesquisa iniciou-se com a identificação das classificações de vegetais disponíveis na literatura científica e sua análise verificando a possível adequação às necessidades do sistema AQNS. Como nenhuma das classificações apresentou as características necessárias, partiu-se para a concepção de uma nova classificação de vegetais, denominada Classificação de Vegetais AQNS. Para tanto, foram sendo realizados vários cruzamentos entre as características identificadas nas classificações, até associar simultaneamente as características desejadas. A nova classificação resultou, então, da associação entre a classificação pela parte botânica comestível e a classificação segundo o teor de carboidratos, considerando-se, também, as técnicas de preparação. Como resultado, foram analisados 99 vegetais e a classificação concebida divide-os em 7 grupos. A apresentação da classificação AQNS contém, para cada vegetal, informações quanto à família e parte botânica, pigmentos, principais componentes nutricionais e compostos bioativos, componentes antinutricionais além das principais aplicações em UPR. Evidencia-se que o controle da interação entre aspectos nutricionais, sensoriais e de técnicas de processamento desde a aquisição até a distribuição do alimento pronto poderá, potencialmente, resultar em refeições mais saudáveis. Destaca-se que, durante essas etapas, os nutrientes podem ser preservados, ter a sua biodisponibilidade acentuada, ou mesmo, minimizadas as suas perdas. Além disso, o controle da qualidade sensorial dos alimentos pode influenciar a escolha e consumo dos alimentos preparados. Salientam-se, ainda, as possibilidades de utilização da classificação de vegetais concebida como instrumento para o nutricionista na classificação de alimentos em inquéritos alimentares, na elaboração de dietas e cardápios, bem como no auxílio ao estabelecimento de procedimentos de Boas Práticas que extrapolem os aspectos higiênicos sanitários. Além disso, pode representar uma ferramenta de fácil manuseio no dia-a-dia dos profissionais da área. Sugere-se que a classificação sirva como estímulo a novas pesquisas, com relação à definição de alimentos fonte de nutrientes, nutrientes não tradicionais, componentes antinutricionais e, principalmente, quanto às características nutricionais e sensoriais dos alimentos vegetais durante as diferentes fases do processamento de refeições