41 research outputs found

    Removal of Turbidity and Color of Contaminated Drinking Water Sources using Chitosan-Bentonite Composite as Adsorbent

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    The composites of biopolymer chitosan obtained from the swamp fish scale with bentonite as clay minerals has been characterized by the structural, mechanical, surface functional group and composition properties using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis. The morphology structure obtained by SEM for the original chitosan, bentonite, and its composites showed that the particles are relatively well dispersed in the chitosan matrix. The physicochemical properties of the chitosan-bentonite composites depend significantly on the chemistry of the polymer matrices, the nature of bentonite, their modification, and the preparation methods that showed by SEM, TGA, XRF and XRD analysis. The obtained composite of chitosan bentonite was then applied for treating raw water sources of drinking water in Bilu river, South Kalimantan, during the dry season. The raw water sources contained a high value of turbidity (ca. of 370±30 NTU) and color (1300±150 Pt-Co). Batch experiment using the composite of chitosan bentonite for treating raw water sources was significant to reduce the value of turbidity, and the color becomes 24.8±2 NTU and 86.7±5 Pt-Co, respectively. The results then compare to the treatment using the commercial chitosan and bentonite self. Moreover, it found that the raw water treatment using the composite of chitosan-bentonite is more favorable than chitosan and bentonite materials

    Pemisahan Aseton ari Campuran Aseton-Etanol-Air-n-Butanol

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    ". Fermenting molasses using Clostridium Acetobutilycum can produce a mixture of acetone (1)/ethanol (2)/water (3)/ n-butane (4). The fermentation products are then separated and purified in a series of distillation column. This work is primarily concerned with the effect of operating pressure increased from 0.6 atm to atmospheric on the distillation column performance. Distillation column was designed using computer programs written in VISUAL FORTRAN 5.0. A rigorous equilibrium based calculation method due to Wang-Henke that taking into account the effects of non-equal molar overflow and non-ideal vapor-liquid equilibrium was used in study. UNIQUAC, a method of estimating activity coefficient in non-ideal liquid mixtures, was used to model the vaporâliquid equilibrium. The column performance was studied by varying the operating pressure that is constrained by the cooling water temperature in the condenser. The numbers of plates are 50 and feed plate location at 12th plate below the condenser for acetone column. By increasing pressure 0.6 atm to atmospheric for acetone column increased 19.58% reflux ratios, 13.22% condenser and 15% reboiler duty. On atmospheric condition distillation column need supplied energy 653,312 cal/hr. The product was 99.4-wt % acetone and 98% recovery of acetone. Key word : Computer simulation, distilation column, purity of ethanol

    Blended Learning in an Effort to Overcome Learning Materials in Elementary Schools

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    Blended learning is an innovative learning model that integrates relevant technology with learning. This study aims to describe the application of blended learning and its effect on students at the elementary school level as an effort to overcome the risk of falling behind in subject matter after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a case study approach, including qualitative methods. Data collection techniques with interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis technique uses Cresswell analysis. The research results show that the application of blended learning in Sukarno Hatta elementary school is included in several learning models. These models are station rotation models, blog models, online learning, and independent learning. Blended learning can be a valuable alternative for managing student learning at the elementary school level. By utilizing technology and combining various models of approaches, we can overcome the backwardness of learning materials from the effects of changes in the world's education cycle, especially after Covid-19

    Phytoremediation Processes of Sasirangan Textile Industrial Wastewater Treatment using Water Hyacinth

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    The growth of the textile industry, including the Sasirangan textile industry, is increasing yearly, producing large amounts of liquid waste. Generally, this wastewater is discharged into the environment without treatment, becoming a source of environmental pollution. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce these pollutants. Various methods, not only physical and chemical but also biological methods, are available to remediate wastewater. Phytoremediation has provided an economical, environmentally friendly, and aesthetic solution to remediate wastewater. This study aimed to utilize the Water Hyacinth plant as a phytoremediator and determine its effect in reducing Total Suspended Solid and colors in the liquid waste of the Sasirangan textile industry. This research begins by preparing Water Hyacinth plants. Next, the characterization of Water Hyacinth roots using FTIR and SEM. Finaly, the acclimatization of water Hyacinth, followed by a phytoremediation process for 15 days. Based on the results of the characterization of Water Hyacinth roots with FTIR, it shows that Water Hyacinth roots contain functional groups O-H strain, C-H vibrations, C=O strain, C-H deformation, and C-O stretching. Observations with SEM showed that the roots of Water Hyacinth were extremely unstructured and had pores. However, it has cavities which are pores in cellulose. The significant decrease in Total Suspended Solid was at 9 days of phytoremediation, which was 54 mg/L (71.12% removal). The optimum color reduction within 9 days of phytoremediation was 81.5 PtCo (92.26% removal). The presence of these functional groups and pores, strengthened by the analysis of Total Suspended Solid and colors, showed that Water Hyacinth could reduce levels of Total Suspended Solids and colors in the Sasirangan textile wastewater

    Kondisi Optimum Pemisahan Aseton Dari Campuran Aseton-Etanol-Air-n–Butanol Dengan Kolom Distilasi Vacuum

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    Fermenting molasses using clostridium acetobutilycum can produce a mixture of acetone (1)/ethanol (2)/water (3)/n-butanol (4). The fermentation products are then separated and purified in a series of distillation column. In this work the products are 99.5-wt % of acetone and 99 % recovery.This work is primarily concerned with the effect of operating pressure on the distillation column performance. Distillation columns were designed using computer programs written in VISUAL FORTRAN 5.0. A rigorous equilibrium based computation method due to Wang-Henke that taking into account the effects of non-equal molar overflow and non-ideal vapor-liquid equilibrium was used in study. UNIQUAC, a method of estimating activity coefficient in non-ideal liquid mixtures, was used to model the vapor–liquid equilibrium. The column performance was studied by varying the operating pressure that is constrained by the cooling water temperature in the condenser. The numbers of plates are 50 and feed plate location at 12th plate below the condenser for acetone column. Variation of pressure 0.7 to 0.6 atm for acetone column will decrease 6.03 % reflux ratios, 4.3% condenser and 4.78% reboiler duty. Optimum condition for acetone column was 0.6 atm


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    Keandalan dan stabilitas suatu sistem tenaga listrik perlu dijaga karena berkaitan erat dengan kelangsungan hidup manusia. Sistem ini terbagi atas tiga, yaitu pembangkit, transmisi, dan distribusi. Kestabilan penyaluran listrik dari pembangkit sampai konsumen di lakukan dengan saling terintegrasi antara ketiga bagian tersebut. Pelaksanaan operasi dalam sistem tenaga listrik haruslah sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Simulasi pada sistem tenaga listrik adalah salah satu cara mengurangi resiko kesalahan operasi agar dapat mengidentifikasi jiaka ada alat atau komponen yang lemah selanjutnya dilakukan antisipasi pencegahan gangguan yang bersifat teknis. Analisis kontingensi dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan aliran daya akibat terjadinya pelepasan salah satu komponen sistem tenaga listrik. Pelepasan tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya gangguan maupun karena akan dilakukannya pemeliharaan berkala sehingga harus dilepasnya salah satu komponen sistem tenaga listrik. Oleh karena itu, analisis kontingensi dapat menjadi sebuah solusi untuk menganalisa suatu sistem tenaga listrik untuk mencegah pemadaman meluas. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara Studi literatur, Observasi, dan Diskusi. Hasilnya adalah pada saat system tenaga listrik sub system Bandung dalam keadaan normal, terdapat under voltage pada bus Cianjur oleh karena itu perlu diantisipasi dengan penambahan Kapasitor, kemudian saat dilakukan simulasi pelepasan IBT-II, hampir semua bus mengalami under voltage sehingga system menjadi tidak stabil dan beberapa trafo mengalami over load. Dan apabila system mengalami overload, perbaikan yang dilakukan bisa dengan cara pengurangan beban, sedangkan apabila terjadi under voltage, dapat diperbaiki dengan menambah kapasitor


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    Kebakaran merupakan salah satu bencana yang cukup mengganggu keamanan masyarakat serta menimbulkan kerugian harta benda dan dapat mengakibatkan hilangnya nyawa seseorang. Banyak hal yang menjadipenyebab timbulnya kebakaran contohnya hubung singkat listrik, kebocoran gas dan faktor kelalaian manusia itu sendiri. Faktor utama penyebab kematian pada saat terjadi kebakaran adalah menghirup gas-gas beracunhasil pembakaran. Untuk saat ini sistem proteksi kebakaran otomatis yang sudah banyak terpasang pada gedung instansi pemerintah, swasta, perkantoran maupun pribadi adalah sistem pemadam api dan alarmpemberitahuan saat terjadi kebakaran, sementara jalur evakuasi ataupun rute petunjuk jalan keluar masih konvensional atau belum otomatis. Berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut, untuk menghindari dan meminimalisir terjadinya korban jiwa, maka diperlukan suatu rancangan instalasi lampu pintar untuk penunjuk jalur fire emergency evacuation berbasis PLC di lingkungan kampus Universitas Ibn Khaldun. Metode yang digunakanobservasi dan perancangan alat. Hasilnya alat berjalan dengan baik sesuai tujuan utam


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    Pelatihan peningkatan kapasitas pelaku IKM Kota Payakumbuh melalui pelatihan kerajinan bambu ini diikuti oleh perwakilan dari Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LPM) dari setiap kecamatan di Kota Payakumbuh. Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19-23 Juni 2023, kegiatan ini sekaligus menjadi pembuka acara menjelang Festival Payakumbuh Batuang (PBF) Tahun 2023. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan IKM dalam memproduksi produk kerajinan bambu, sehingga produk yang dihasilkan mempunyai nilai seni, berorientasi pasar dan berdaya saing global. Kegiatan pelatihan menghasilkan produk-produk kerajinan tangan seperti mug, teko, tumbler, gantungan kunci dan keranjang bambu. Metode pelatihan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, tutorial, praktek dan evaluasi. Awalnya peserta pelatihan diberikan wawasan mengenai pemanfaatan bambu secara umum, filosofi bambu dan contoh produk kerajinan bambu. Kemudian mereka diajak berdiskusi mengenai pemanfaatan bambu di lingkungannya. Setelah itu, peserta dilatih dan dibimbing membuat produk. Pada setiap akhir proses pembuatan produk diadakan evaluasi dari proses pembuatan produk yang telah mereka lakukan, agar mereka termotivasi untuk membuat produk yang terbaik. Pada kegiatan penutup pelatihan, para peserta diberi motivasi untuk mengembangkan usaha di bidang kerajinan bambu, karena peluang kerajinan bambu di pasar lokal maupun global sangat menjanjikan

    Potensi Hayati Serat Purun Tikus (Eleocharis Dulcis) Dalam Proses Adsorpsi Kandungan Logam Berat Merkuri (Hg), Tss Dan Cod Pada Limbah Cair Pertambangan Emas

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    - Activity of gold mining in Kalimantan potentially can give waste that include into “Bahan Beracun Berbahaya (B3)” such as mercury. An effort to make out this contamination is adsorption method. Eleocharis dulcis contain high amount of cellulose, about 40,92% so it can be used as an adsorbent. The purpose of this research are studying the capability of eleocharis dulcis as a natural adsorbent, studying the process of biocomposite making from eleocharis dulcis with iron oxide nanoparticle, and studying the influent of result iron oxide nanoparticle added to biocomposite in order to make a lower amount of heavy metal mercury (Hg), Total Suspended Solid (TSS) dan Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in waste water of gold mining. Eleocharis dulcis (PT) through delignification process use 1% NaOH solution and then the PT-D is made to become biocomposite with iron oxide nanoparticle apply “one-pot solvothermal reaction” method. The biocomposite have two variation: without amina cluster added (PT-M) and with amina cluster added (PT-MA). It's characterization are consist of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Adsorption process is applied for 8 hours with mixing rate is 150 rpm. Analysis after adsorption process including three methods: AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) method for Hg analysis, titrimetric method for COD, and gravimetric method for TSS. The result of adsorption process for mercury (Hg), COD, and TSS are optimally at pH 7 which the value of their effectiveness are 65,04%, 80%, and 81,25%. The maximum amount of Hg adsorption capacity for PT-D, PT-M, and PT-MA respectively are 6,504 mg/g, 6,984 mg/g, and 6,911 mg/g. The addition of iron oxide nanoparticle can increase adsorben capability of eleocharis dulcis