34 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kualitas Pelayanan Karyawan Room Boy dengan Kepuasan Tamu yang Menginap di Hotel Rocky Plaza Padang

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    The purpose of this study are: (1) Describe the service quality of room boy employess, (2) Describe the customer satisfaction and (3) Analyze the relationship between room boy service quality employee towards customer satisfaction who stay over night Rocky Plaza Hotel Padang. The research is correlational. Research The population of this study are, all the guest who ever stayed at the Rocky Hotel Plaza Padang. A sample of 98 customers are taken incidentally. Data was collected using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability. Furthermore the data were analyzed by descriptive and correlation with the help of computer program SPSS version 16.00.The results showed that: (1) The service quality of the room boy employee positioned the very good category (96%), (2) the guest satisfaction positioned the very good category (95%) and (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between room boy employee service quality and customer satisfaction with the value of r amounted to 0,851 (0,000 sig) and interpreted that these two variables has strong relationshi

    Persepsi Tamu Tentang Kualitas Pelayanan Pada Departement Tata Graha Di Hotel Ibis Padang

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    The research purpose is to know perception about the service quality at the hotel's housekeeping department Ibis Padang. Research type is Quantitative descriptive, this population are visitors at the Hotel Ibis Padang. Population of this research are about 5036 people. The study sample selection teacnique uses incidential sampling with a sample of 100 people. The data collecting are by questioner with likert scale which has proven validistas and realibilitas. This study consists of five indicators of service quality, namely: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles. The study concluded that the general perception about the quality service of a housekeeping department at the Hotel Ibis Padang expressed good with 78% of responden

    Hubungan Kepemimpinan General Manager dengan Perilaku Kerja Karyawan di Hotel Bumiminang Padang

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    This study is aims to: 1) determine leadership of GM, 2) determine behavior employee, 3) analyze relationship between GM leadership with employee's behavior at Hotel Bumiminang Padang. This research with correlational system. Population in this research amounted to 83 people. With samples 83 people with non-probability sampling technique, the sampling using saturated. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive analysis or correlation. The results showed GM's leadership in a good category (78.31%). Behavior of employees in a good category (83.13%). Results of correlation test there is a significant connection between leadership of GM with working behavior with correlation value 0.261 and 0.017 significance and interpretation of weak value

    Tinjauan Kebutuhan Aktualisasi Diri Karyawan Operasional di Hotel Grand Rocky Bukittinggi

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    This research aimed to describe about self actualitation needs operational employees in Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi which in term of three indicators : achievement needs, safety needs and status needs. The type of this research is descriptive with qualitative data. Data collection techniques by using observation, interview and documentation. Based on the reseach about (1) achievement needs to do something better than the competitor, obtaining or passing through a dificult target, to develop the best way to do something already met properly. (2) Security needs include having a job that bring a sense of security, have protection from illness and disability, avoid the task with the risk of failure or error already met properly. (3) Status needs include having a vehicle according to the need already met properly, but stay in the righ medha environment and ncluded in the elite club have not been met properly

    Pelaksanaan Prosedur Kerja Roomboy di Premier Basko Hotel Kota Padang

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    This research beginning from the information that researchers get the guest comment by September-December 2013 occurred guest complaints related to work procedures roomboy, covering room cleanliness, guest supplies completeness, neatness, and roomboy services. While working procedures roomboy can be seen from the standard operational procedure, consisting of grooming and behavior, preperation trolley cart, striping & dusting, making bed, cleaning the bath room, set up a guest supplies and rechecking. This research aims to describe how the implementation of work procedures roomboy Premier Basko Hotel in Padang.This research is a descriptive research with qualitative methods. This research was conducted in the Premier Basko Hotel Padang. Sample data source is roomboy, floor supervisor, and executive housekeeper at Premier Basko Hotel Padang. Data was collected by observation, interviews, and documentation of data subsequently analyzed using Miles and Huberman models by performing three stages: data reduction, data display, and conclusion.The research concluded that in general the implementation of work procedures roomboy namely: 1) There are eleven roomboy 18.1% of the working procedures that do not run well on the implementation of the grooming, 2) There are 72.7 % of the eleven roomboy not work properly implement procedures and right on routine preparation trolley cart, 3) There are 45.4 % of the eleven roomboy striping that does not do well and properly, and in the implementation of dusting all roomboy already doing well and in accordance with procedures, 4) There are 81.8 % of the eleven roomboy who do not perform the procedure making the bed is good and true, 5) 100 % or all roomboy not perform the cleaning procedure with a good bath room and not in accordance with the working procedures, 6) There are 63.6 % of the eleven who did seet up roomboy guest supplies are not in accordance with the working procedures, 7) There are 27.2 % of the eleven roomboy rechecking procedure that does not run well and was not in accordance with the prescribed procedure. The conclusion of this research is still a lack of understanding on the implementation of work procedures roomboy makeup room on the status of vacant dirty rooms at Premier Basko Hotel Padang